v2020.04.0 ========== Release date: 2020-04-09 v2020.04.0 is a stable version. For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog`. From the 2019.03.0 release we're following the guidelines in https://keepachangelog.com/. Added ----- * Ensure that the billing starts for synced resources that are not created from notifications * Add permissions for editing/deleting/impersonating users * Add application_idle_timeout setting for frontend * Allow hourly billing for certain metrics that use mean, max and min aggregation * Add feature toggle to hide hypervisor information to end-users. By default hypervisors will be shown in end-user panel * Add setting to remove rebuild action for instances booted from volume * Add setting to allow end-users to resize instances only to the same flavor group * Show if client is on a billing agreement on client details page in staff * Add billing type on products * Add flag for marking a service as free Changed ------- * Billing functionality was reworked * Enhancements on instance create when user selects storage based on selected flavor * Implement show/hide to clients toggle for images created by staff in reseller frontend * Allow one time and recurring cycles on the same product * Allow process clients cron to process only certain clients passed as a parameter * Show owned images tab on instance create whenever owned images are available * Show hypervisor aggregates next to names on migration host selection * Make process clients cron more efficient * Allow multiple values to be specified in ROUTER_PORT_DEVICE_OWNER setting Fixed ----- * Fix #2368: On ssh keys dialog, make sure scrolling to copy keys is not required when generating keys on larger screens * Fix #2797: Make sure metric based pricing rules work with tiered pricing definitions * Fix #2800: Show detailed info about instance storage on instance details * Fix #2833: Make sure end-users terms of service agreement does not interfere with reseller users * Fix #2840: Do not collect usage for non billable services * Fix #2841: Allow end users/staff to add security group rules with protocol 'any' * Fix #2842: Make ports not mandatory for security group rules with protocol set to 'Other' * Fix #2852: Fix API error on billing summary * Fix #2859: Fix volume remaining in attaching state when creating instance from volume * Fix #2862: Make sure right to left support is activated for Dari language * Fix #2864: Fix buttons next to users on users tab in client details page in reseller not working * Fix #2882: Fix not being able to create pricing rule without start and end date in reseller frontend * Fix #2883: Fix billing history not working properly in reseller panel. * Fix #2855: Update fleio_info django command to display information about database (server info, database name, charset, collation, last migration) * Fix #2865: Fix tiered pricing display on openstack plans * Fix #2886: Fix 'Unable to delete' message when editing a flavor * Fix #2889: Mark invoiced periods as paid and subtract from client credit (settle invoiced periods) when paying invoices from external billing module * Fix #2892: Fix deletion of terminated reseller services * Fix #2893: Fix crash when accessing detailed invoices * Fix #2894: Fix automatic termination working even if related setting is deactivated. Show auto terminate date for services in frontend. * Fix #2895: Set error for all failed steps in operations * Fix #2910: Instance list page doesn't work if you delete the image that was used for an instance launch * Fix #2920: Cannot add credit if resulted credit is negative. * Fix #2926: Some snapshots not being charged Unreleased ---------- \- Deprecated ---------- \- Removed ------- * Removed filter and modifier options (cell_name and os_version) in pricing rules for traits that are not used. Security -------- \- Notes ----- \-