v2020.10.1 ========== Release date: 2020-10-13 v2020.10.1 is a stable version and also includes all the items noted in 2020.10.0 changelog For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog`. Added ----- * Add logs for pricing rules actions. Log edited fields, filters, modifiers values. * Add configurable password strength * Add setting to configure default items display mode (cards or list) in new Angular frontend * Add support for icon next to details card title in new angular frontend * Add `hidden` field option to Magnum cluster templates and take it into account * Add feature toggle for end user client profile country change Changed ------- * Use operations for creating instance from image, from existing volume or from volume snapshot * Make Magnum clusters work with Openstack notifications * Allow filtering invoices by client * Show if a DNS recordset is in status ERROR. Make the row's text and input fields red and display status. * Check "Auto delete volume when instance is terminated" by default * Log all suspend/resume client operations * Allow using quotes in search. A quoted string will be treated as a word * Allow searching operations by id in django admin * Ensure auto payment is not triggered for zero credit invoices * Reorganize General settings Authentication and TOS tabs * Implement auto setup on order for all types of products * Prevent creation of two pricing plans with the same name * Add specific deletion success or failure messages for every object delete action (instances, volumes, images, etc). * Set create instance activity log entries as failed if create instance fails * Change description for billing cycle as calendar month configuration option * Change label for when order is placed box * Show access ip and actions on smaller screens on instances list page in angular new staff panel * Remove the need to hover for action buttons to appear on smaller screens * Use regions from Fleio db when processing clients metrics and remove some unnecessary requests. Add can_process_metrics field for regions. * Use html editor on terms of service's content input in new staff panel * Remove 'Instance' text prefix from instance card details title in new staff panel * Allow filtering networks by region when creating floating IPs. Remove required constraint from description field * Display only images matching instance's flavor requirements on boot from iso and rescue pages * Show actual error message when trying to associate IP to instance and no free ports/floating ips are available * Add client details to images in angular frontend * **\*Notify user using a toast when an operation is failed** * **\*Make sure to not process backup schedules for instances that are not related to an active service** Fixed ----- * Fix #3494: Delete queued image on http error when uploading image from url * Fix #3505: Fix client status not being refreshed on client details properly * Fix #3506: Create flavor form does not close after create * Fix #3507: Fix no error displayed when attempting to delete a flavor group with assigned flavor * Fix #3518: Fix infinite scroll not working when missing scrollbar (on large screen resolutions) by adding a button to load more entries * Fix #3523: Fix fedora-coreos icon on reseller * Fix #3528: Entering a zone details with a lot of DNS recordsets takes a lot of time * Fix #3533: Fix errors from browser console on new staff panel dashboard when no Openstack settings are saved and feature is used. * Fix #3538: Fix tab content not being refreshed periodically in certain situations * Fix #3540: Fix :ref:`hideVolumeSelectionForFlavorsWithDisk ` setting not working at first selection in new angular panels. Show flavor group description in flavors as cards. * Fix #3541, #3441, #3548: Fix image launch when not using flavors as cards & fix out of stock flavors not being disabled on flavors as cards in new staff panel. Filter flavors on image launch * Fix #3549: Fix price rule deletion * Fix #3551: Instance snapshots status is not being updated * **\*Fix #3576: Ensure delete volume on termination is set to false when a volume or volume snapshot is selected as the boot source** * Fix #3565: Align instance actions (start, stop, reboot, etc.) * Fix #3567: Flavor group is not correctly displayed on flavors card view in Angular * Fix #3569: Fix create subnet when a DNS is specified * Fix #3591: Remove CPU MB unit on flavor details * **\*Fix #3604: Fix kubernetes icon for end user** * **\*Fix #3608: Fix some in progress statuses for clusters not appearing in fleio after using event notifications** * **\*Fix #3609: Fix clusters being duplicated at create when keypair was already generated in openstack before** Unreleased ---------- * Docker installation Deprecated ---------- \- Removed ------- * **\*Removed help text from edit port screen** Security -------- \- Notes ----- \-