v2022.02.1 ========== Release date: 2022-02-16 v2022.02.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.02.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.02.1 release, are marked with **bold**. Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at :ref:`release-model`. For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog`. We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure: * :ref:`Safe upgrade procedure for docker installations` Added ----- * [add] *Alpha* - Kubernetes deployment * [add] *Alpha* - Juju deployment * [add] [staff] #1891 Hypervisor list and details * [add] #5024 Show notification line at the top of all Fleio screens * [add] #5064 Conf. options on refunded product on upgrade service invoice * [add] [staff] #5104 Search instance by client's email address * [add] #5127 Retry button for operations * [add] #5169 AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux in image OS distro dropdown * [add] #5186 Invoiced and refunded period on upgrade invoices Changed ------- * [change] #4907 Display emails sent for periodic tasks * [change] #5079 Don't change prices on mouse wheel scroll on pricing rule form's inputs * [change] #5132 Allow superuser to disable 2fa for staff and super users * [change] #5160 Autocomplete from email address on mass email form * [change] #5189 Temporary disallow changing billing period on upgrade service Fixed ----- * [fix] #3001 Port statuses are not being updated * [fix] #4799 Clients not processed for metrics due to resource list check * [fix] #5019 Flavor group - flavor search box is not filtering flavors properly * [fix] [reseller] #5057 Can specify client groups when creating client * [fix] [staff] #5065 Service cycles tab content flickers continuously * [fix] #5101 Domain service remains in pending status * [fix] #5102 Domains recurring payment amount is not correct * [fix] [staff] #5111 Lock instance button is displayed even when the instance is locked * [fix] [staff] #5112 Cannot save compute quotas if volumes are not available on that region * [fix] [staff] #5113 500 internal error when trying to resize an instance if the client is suspended * [fix] #5128 Port does not appear after creating subnet with DHCP enabled * [fix] #5129 Hypervisors sync through celery task * [fix] #5142 Collect traffic data is skipped for whole region when one resource gives error * [fix] #5143 Collect traffic data when port ID is reused * [fix] #5148 Scroll does not show on boot source selection in the instance create form * [fix] #5149 Journal entry is added even if credit was not successfully added * [fix] [staff] #5150 Edit client on domain register form * [fix] #5154 IPs on networking tab are misaligned * [fix] #5159 Some celery tasks are unregistered * [fix] [staff] #5161 Issue date and order date are not shown on the order * [fix] #5166 Traffic data sometimes cannot be retrieved * [fix] #5172 Invoice payment reminder notification is sent earlier * [fix] #5174 Unpaid invoices are using the wrong colors * [fix] #5180 Random log out when impersonating or when logging in from WHMCS * [fix] #5182 Text overflow outside of the upgrade service form * [fix] #5183 Unusual redirect after enabling billing on a service * [fix] [enduser] #5187 Resource UUID in title instead of resource name * **[fix] #5199 Os type in billing may be wrong on sync** * [fix] #5213 Invoice payment reminder logs * **[fix] #5209 Cards vertical alignment across various screens when top bar is missing** * **[fix] #5211 Invoice overdue notification hours placeholders** * **[fix] #5210 Overdue notification is sent earlier than it should** * **[fix] #5228 Not completed check port status operation when port was deleted** Unreleased ---------- \- Deprecated ---------- \- Removed ------- \- Security -------- \- Notes ----- * In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to :ref:`follow our documentation`. * In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to :ref:`follow our documentation`.