=================================================== Reseller workflow from cloud provider point of view =================================================== We define the cloud provider as the entity that will sell the reseller packages. As a cloud provider you will have the responsibility to configure and setup Fleio and the Reseller frontend. Bellow you will find the steps you must perform in order to sell "reseller products". First of all, you will need to enable the reseller feature by following this guide :doc:`/reseller/enable_reseller` The next step would be to configure Fleio. Please see :doc:`/reseller/cloud_operator` After configuring Fleio you will have to create the reseller pricing rules. You can use the default configuration and add pricing rules in that one by following this guide (see :doc:`/staff/settings-openstack-plans`) but we recommend to create different openstack plans to differentiate the reseller rules and the normal rules. This remains on the cloud provider's choice. The next step would be to create the reseller client. Please see :doc:`/reseller/how_to_create_a_reseller_client` After you create the reseller, you need to go to the ``Reseller service`` and change his pricing plan to the one that you created earlier, and you will have to configure the ``End user panel url``. This will have to be a FQDN (fully qualified domain name) and it will be the URL that the reseller's clients will use to sign up and login. After you have changed the pricing plan and the end user panel url you will have to configure the reseller's frontend. For this, please follow :ref:`configure-fleio-reseller` The last step is to :ref:`user-to-reseller`. By doing this, all the clients that sign up on the reseller's URL will be registered under that reseller. ======================================== Workflow from the reseller point of view ======================================== We define the reseller as the cloud provider's client who ordered a reseller product and sells cloud services trough the cloud provider's infrastructure. As a reseller, in order to sell cloud services, you need to have a reseller product / frontend configured by the cloud provider. As soon as you have that setup for you, you should be able to login in the reseller's dashboard (usually is the cloud-provider-domain.tld/reseller). The first things to do as a reseller is to configure the openstack plan (pricing rules) and the configuration. In order to configure the pricing rules, please see :doc:`/staff/settings-openstack-plans` In order to adapt the configuration on your (reseller) needs, you need to go to settings -> Configurations. As soon as you configured the pricing rules and the configuration options you can sell cloud services. Your clients will be able to register and login at the ``End user panel url`` that the cloud provider has set for you.