================== Billing / Products ================== The products page displays a list of products and groups and has a set of actions that let you manage them. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/products-groups.png To create a new product or group mouse over the button from the bottom-right side of the page and select your option. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/products-groups-menu.png Product creation ================ Upon clicking the ``Create Product`` button the following page will display where you can set your product details. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/product-create.png The following fields are available in the product create form: * ``Name`` - the name of the product * ``Product internal code`` - internal code of the product * ``Description`` - an optional description of the product * ``Group`` - the group this product will be a member of * ``Module`` - the billing module used with this product * ``Product type`` - the product type. Available options are: generic, openstack, shared hosting, domain and reseller * ``Status`` - the product status. Available options are: public, private and retired * ``Price model`` - The price model for the product free / fixed plus dynamic / dynamic but at least fixed * ``Auto setup`` - auto setup options for this product. Available options are: 'free', 'fixed plus dynamic' and 'dynamic but at least fixed' * ``Apply taxes to this product`` - check if the product is taxable * ``This product requires a domain`` - check this if the user must also order a domain when ordering this product * ``Hide services for this product in enduser panel`` - check if you want to hide services ordered for this product in enduser panel For more details regarding product options see :doc:`Fleio billing concepts `. When clicking the edit button for a product a similar page like the above will be displayed where you can edit the same fields. When clicking the delete button, a modal window will popup to confirm the deletion of the product. Group creation ============== Upon clicking the ``Create Group`` button the following modal will popup where you can set the group details. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/product-group-create.png Product details page ==================== Upon clicking on a product you'll get redirected to the product details page. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/product-dynamic-but-at-least-fixed.png Here you will see detailed information about the product and you can do the same actions described above ( edit / delete ) and can also manage billing cycles. Note that free products(Price model set to 'free') do not allow billing cycles. The add/edit billing cycle dialog options depends on product price model and cycle. The ``One time`` billing cycle dialogs looks the same regardless of the selected product price model .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/add-one-time-cycle.png and has the following fields: * ``Cycle`` - allows you to select the cycle. Available options are: ``One time``, ``Day``, ``Month``, ``Year`` * ``Price`` - the price of the product * ``Currency`` - the currency for the price * ``Auto calculate price`` - if the currency is not the default currency the price will be calculated relative to the default currency using the configured exchange rate * ``Status`` - the status of this cycle. Available options are: public, private and retired The recurring cycle dialog(for day, year and month cycles differs a little between products with fixed plus dynamic price model .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/add-month-cycle-to-fixed-plus-dynamic.png and products with dynamic but at least fixed price model .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/products/add-month-cycle-to-dynamic-but-at-least-fixed.png The following fields are new in these dialogs: * ``Cycle multiplier`` - the multiplier for the current cycle period(e.g. a day cycle with multiplier 7 will charge the user once per week) * ``Setup fee`` - the setup fee for the cycle - if the user orders a product with this cycle (s)he will be charged this fee at first payment Note that ``Price`` field also changes, becoming ``Minimum price`` for dynamic but at least fixed products and ``Fixed price`` for fixed plus dynamic products.