======================= Fleio backend (and API) ======================= .. index:: backend, api, python, django, drf, rest .. _see-api-requests: The Fleio API is not yet documented, but you can see :ref:`here some API request samples made with curl `. To see what HTTP requests the Fleio frontend is making to the backend and what JSON responses are returned open your Fleio installation in the Google Chrome browser and use the `Chrome Developer Tools `_ feature. Other browsers have similar developer tools: `Firefox `_ or `Edge `_. Here's how this looks in Chrome: .. image:: /_static/images/developer/fleio-chrome-dev-tools.png Django REST framework (DRF) offers a browsable API, where you can see a list of available URLs, list of objects in JSON format and also simulate a few create/update operations. To enable the DRF browsable API add this line the end of to your :ref:`settings.py file` file: .. code-block:: python REST_FRAMEWORK['DEFAULT_RENDERER_CLASSES'] += ('rest_framework.renderers.BrowsableAPIRenderer', ) Don't forget to reload the code in the uwsgi server every time you add or modify Python files. Run this command in your server's console to reload the code: .. code-block:: bash sudo systemctl reload uwsgi Make sure you are authenticated as a staff user and you should be able to see a page like this one at URL ``http://mydomain/backed/staffapi/clients``: .. image:: /_static/images/developer/staff-api-client.png See how you can :ref:`query the Fleio API by using curl `.