================ Staff login form ================ .. image:: /_static/images/staff/staff-login-form.png An existing staff user logs in with her email address and password. Staff users can not self-sign-up for security reasons, but can be added by other staff users from the staff panel or can be created through the :ref:`django createsuperuser command` in console. To protect against brute force attacks, on multiple failed authentication attempts, the user IP is blacklisted for a temporary period. This can be configured through :ref:`throttle rates settings`. "Remember me" toggle works on login form as follows : * when not checked, a 24 hours session is created. In this case, the user is also automatically logged out on browser/tab close. * when "Remember be" is checked, a 60 days session is created. The session is not closed on browser/tab close. Two minutes before session expiry, a pop-up dialog asks the user if she wants to extend the session. Unless she chooses to extend the session, she will be logged out automatically. You can configure the 24 hours and 60 days time spans by following :ref:`session-seconds-setting`. The "Forgot password" link allows users to self-reset the password by using a temporary link sent to their email address. This requires :ref:`email settings` to be in place.