Homepage / Dashboard


Dashboard area (2)

Here you can see a grid of widgets with different details about your application.


You can reload data from a widget or hide the widget from the panel using the highlighted buttons from the above image. If you want to add again a widget that you hid you can do so using the button from the top-left side of the panel like the one highlighted in the above image and you will get something like this:

(*) On the App services widget you will see the last date and hour that cron run. If the date is green, it means that the cron has run in the last 24 hours. If it’s red then it means that the cron did not run in the last 24 hours and needs attention.

Available widgets

  • Invoices widget

  • Instances widget

  • Flavors widget

  • Clients widgets

  • App services widget

  • Hypervisors widget

  • Operating systems widget

TODO notification (3)

  • Manage and view TODO notifications

Ticket notifications (4)

  • Manage and view tickets

User (5)

  • Notifications: Enable user related notifications

  • Profile: Edit user profile, such as email address, password, etc.

  • Log out