=============================================== Duplicate entries in activitylog_logclass table =============================================== A couple of clients reported errors related to duplicate entries in the ``activitylog_logclass`` database table during database imports or on upgrades. The error looks similar to: .. code-block:: bash Operations to perform: Apply all migrations: activitylog, admin, auth, authtoken, billing, conf, contenttypes, core, cpanel, google_authenticator, logger, notifications, openstack, osbackup, osbilling, pkm, reports, reseller, servers, service_catalogue, sessions, sites, sms_authenticator, tasklog, todo Running migrations: Applying activitylog.0006_alter_logclass_unique_together...Traceback (most recent call last): File "/var/webapps/fleio/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/db/backends/utils.py", line 89, in _execute return self.cursor.execute(sql, params) File "/var/webapps/fleio/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/django/db/backends/mysql/base.py", line 75, in execute return self.cursor.execute(query, args) File "/var/webapps/fleio/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 206, in execute res = self._query(query) File "/var/webapps/fleio/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/MySQLdb/cursors.py", line 319, in _query db.query(q) File "/var/webapps/fleio/env/lib/python3.10/site-packages/MySQLdb/connections.py", line 254, in query _mysql.connection.query(self, query) MySQLdb.IntegrityError: (1062, "Duplicate entry 'staff_log_in_denied-error-1' for key 'activitylog_logclass_name_type_category_id_1b8d09c9_uniq'") This seems to be a MariaDB bug that we haven't been able to identify as a known MariaDB issue. It might be related to forced server shut downs (like on power loss). Even in this case, MariaDB must be able to enforce the ``UNIQUE`` constraint. But it's not enforcing it, since there are duplicate entries in the ``activitylog_logclass`` table. That is, multiple records with the same ``name`` and ``type`` field values. How to fix duplicate entries in activitylog_logclass table ========================================================== The following steps are confirmed to permanently fix the problem. .. warning:: Note that a downtime occurs, since fleio is stopped and the production database is recreated. It is highly recommended that you test this procedure in a non-production environment before running it on production. 1. Stop fleio Run this if you have version 2022.10.0 or newer: .. code-block:: bash fleio stop for older versions run: .. code-block:: bash sudo -i -u fleio cd ~/compose docker-compose down 2. Start db container and remove duplicate records .. code-block:: bash # if you've not already sudo as fleio user: sudo -i -u fleio cd ~/compose docker-compose up -d db fleio bash . ../env/bin/activate python fleio/utils/scripts/cleanup_duplicate_logclasses.py You should see some duplicate entries reported if you have a problem to fix. Otherwise you'll see *"Found 0 duplicate log classes"* and you can just run ``exit`` to exit the "fleio bash" container, run ``fleio restart`` and abort this procedure. If you have duplicate entries exit the container and continue: .. code-block:: bash exit 3. Export database If you have Fleio version 2022.10.0 or newer, you have the ``fleio backup`` command available: .. code-block:: bash fleio backup now /home/fleio/fleio.sql.gz otherwise use ``fleio mysqldump``: .. code-block:: bash fleio mysqldump | gzip > fleio.sql.gz 4. Drop and recreate database .. warning:::: The following code section will delete your database. Make sure you have backed up before. .. code-block:: bash fleio mysql DROP DATABASE fleio; CREATE DATABASE fleio CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci; exit 5. Import database Import the Fleio database that was exported on step 3: .. code-block:: bash # make sure you're already under the "fleio" user or run sudo -i -u fleio otherwise db_pass=$(cat /home/fleio/compose/secrets/.db_password) cd /home/fleio/compose gunzip -c /home/fleio/fleio.sql.gz | docker-compose exec -T db mysql fleio -u fleio -p"$db_pass" 6. Start Fleio .. code-block:: bash fleio restart This should permanently fix the problem. To confirm this, you can later run: .. code-block:: bash fleio bash . ../env/bin/activate python fleio/utils/scripts/cleanup_duplicate_logclasses.py It should say *"Found 0 duplicate log classes"*.