Install Fleio with Docker


Docker deployment of Fleio is now the recommended method to install Fleio.

2021.05.1 was the last release to include deb and rpm system packages.

Linux distributions and versions supported by Fleio docker deployment:

  • Ubuntu 22.04

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • Ubuntu 18.04

  • Debian 11

  • CentOS 8 Stream

Fleio docker installation script should work on any Linux that has bash, runs systemd and is supported by docker and docker compose, but we’re actively testing the above distros. We recommend you use one of the supported Linux flavors.

It is recommended to install Fleio on a clean, newly deployed machine that is not running other services. This avoids possible conflicts (e.g. the fleio user created automatically must have UID 625 and the fleio group GID 625).

Update all system packages before proceeding (e.g. apt update && apt upgrade or dnf upgrade).

You also need the following system packages:

  • bash

  • curl

  • sudo

  • bc - command line calculator, used by the fleio backup command

  • bash-completion package is recommended to take advantage of fleio commands autocompletion, but not required.

You will be asked the license ID (a 16 characters string, e.g. yupn5yilio3qiquw) and the license key (e.g. WERPWM24HV7PUADHXYBJOIL2LMJVCYYCXORA2CH0EIX===) during the installation process. You will receive the licensing details after purchasing a license. Note that for every purchased license you are also entitled to an additional license for a non-production environment (staging or development).

Install Fleio in one step

To install Fleio just run the following command:

curl -s -o install && sudo bash install


The install script without any parameters installs the latest stable version.

You can specify the version number, e.g. install 2020.11.1.

Or run install --include-beta (only working with versions post 2021.01.0) to consider the beta versions when determining “latest”. This still installs a stable version, if a stable version is the latest. If a beta version is the latest, it will install it.

The script installs docker and docker compose (if not already installed), creates the fleio local user and group and creates all the configuration files needed to run Fleio via docker compose.

You can inspect the docker compose configuration at /home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.yml, but DO NOT edit this file as it may be overwritten on Fleio upgrades.

You can add customizations in file /home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.override.yml this will not be overwritten by Fleio and it is already included when you run a fleio command or docker compose command (through directive COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.override.yml from file .env).

If you want to know more about what the docker Fleio deployment script does, see Fleio Docker deployment notes.

Limitations of Fleio deployment with docker