v2019.10.0 ========== Release date: 2019-10-10 v2019.10.0 is a stable version. For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog`. From the 2019.03.0 release we're following the guidelines in https://keepachangelog.com/. Added ----- * Add terms of service system feature * Add checkbox to configure automatic payments, remove button. Allow defining terms and conditions text regarding auto-pay for each gateway. * Add option to product to hide services in end-user panel * Add support for recurrent payments using PayURO * Add support for recurring payments using Stripe. Improve refunds flow when using stripe * Add configuration option to have only calendar months as billing cycles * Add setting to force config drive for any instance create * Improve support for fiscal invoices Changed ------- * Change 'Error when converting attribute' error to warning since it is handled * Moved notification templates help text to fleio.notification.formatting in order to be importable from settings.py * Added region name on flavor card * Allow search in activity log by more keywords, allow filtering in activity log based on action and category * Added a ``verify_resize_message`` setting in ``constants.js`` that will be automatically appended to verify resize message Fixed ----- * Fix #2302: Fix item description in pdf invoice when using long words. Fix invoice details when using long words in item description * Fix #2313: Add taxes to items on manually issued invoices * Fix #2315: Allow changing volume bootable flag * Fix #2319: Add address on PDF invoice * Fix #2321: Error when collecting traffic data * Fix #2322: Fleio upgrade fails if mariadb was upgraded just before fleio * Fix #2325: Change trash bin to x when revenue reporting generation is not completed * Fix #2327: Do not display stack trace on payment exception when setting invoices from credit * Fix #2330: Do not start instances stopped by client on client resume * Fix #2331: Be more specific on number input field error messages (specify min/max/step value) * Fix #2337: Custom ICMP rule type and code cannot be 0 * Fix #2338: Do not allow re-activating a terminated service of type Openstack * Fix #2342: Fix error when retrieving notification setting without display name * Fix #2347: Change opened by with client name for tickets cards form * Fix #2350: Fixed some parameters in activity logs * Fix #2351: Encrypt PayURO recurrent payments details in db * Fix #2356: Typos on configuration page * Fix #2357: Make sure process clients cron won't overlap * Fix #2366: Make sure client's images are deleted on termination even if they are protected * Fix #2373: Hide incompatible flavors on launch image * Fix #2376: Instance disk is raw even if format is set to qcow2 * Fix #2384: Fix traffic rules when no other rule exists. Fix traffic rule applied several times on instance * Fix #2391: Fix collect usage when tiered rules are used * Fix #2396: Fix user configured recurring payment options not being correctly ordered by preference Unreleased ---------- \- Deprecated ---------- \- Removed ------- \- Security -------- \- Notes ----- * For #2376, qemu-img executable should be available on the machine that has Fleio backend installed.