v2020.08.1 ========== Release date: 2020-08-12 v2020.08.1 is a stable version and also includes all the items noted in 2020.08.0 changelog For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog`. Added ----- * Add minimum volume size * Notification for enduser when instance backup fails * Add setting DNS_ENDUSER_MIN_TTL used to configure minimum TTL value for enduser * Add missing themes for new Angular frontend * Implement second factor authentication in Angular frontend * Implement invoices in Angular frontend * Implement users in Angular frontend * Add clients page, client mass email, custom fields, in Angular frontend * Implement forgot password page for angular UI (Angular frontend and reseller panel) * Implement all widgets and finish dashboard in Angular frontend * Implement domains frontend in Angular frontend * Implement servers and server groups in Angular frontend * Implement journal in Angular frontend * Implement services in Angular frontend * Add domains configuration in Angular frontend Changed ------- * Use volume type name on pricing rule filter * Set granularity to 3600 for metric billing resources on new fleio installations * Change links from angular panel to new frontend where possible * Hide detach volume option if the instance was booted from the volume * On reset usage delete old billing history instead of just setting cost to 0 * Add external-billing api endpoint and move credit auto invoicing APIs related to external billing here Fixed ----- * Fix #3048: Adjust fixed price of services when using billing_cycle_as_calendar_month setting * Fix #3282: Optimize process clients cron * Fix #3295: Fix refresh timer performance issues in Angular frontend * Fix #3301: Fix card title area being broken when card title is too long * Fix #3314: Fix menu not being expanded when landing on a details page. Fix double menu highlight in some cases * Fix #3319: Fix horizontal scrolling when filtering menu is too big, fix TODO notification dropdown menu item and plugin notifications related links * Fix #3324: Allow router link actions to be opened in new tab * Fix #3330: Resize tickets table columns to leave more space for title * Fix #3331: Ensure openstack.instance.snapshots feature is disabled if openstack.images feature is disabled * Fix #3335: Allow clients under credit limit to configure auto invoicing * Fix #3339: Notification emails are not sent for all notifications * Fix #3341: Display info on volume snapshots * Fix #3342: Fix error being logged in browser console when accessing services tab on client details in Angular frontend * Fix #3343: Fix default ordering on activity log * Fix #3346: Verify the minimum disk size requirements when creating a volume from image * Fix #3348: Fix internal server error when deleting a server group associated with servers * Fix #3351: Fix activity log table alignment * Fix #3357: Refresh volume backup details once backup is completed * Fix #3374: Fix missing space between openstack settings input fields and help text. * **\* Fix #3412: IPs are ellipsed on activity log** * **\* Fix #3416: Service details does not show the notes** * **\* Fix #3418: Redirect to apropriate page after creating an instance, volume or image** Unreleased ---------- * Docker installation Deprecated ---------- \- Removed ------- \- Security -------- \- Notes ----- \-