.. index:: python docker custom customization .. _change-docker-files: =============================================== Adding or changing files in Fleio Docker images =============================================== .. contents:: :local: General principles ------------------ For a general overview of the Docker deployment, see :ref:`docker_deploy_notes` first. A Fleio customization process should meet the following requirements: 1. Keep in mind that Docker containers are immutable and stateless. The static image of each of the Fleio services is downloaded from hub.fleio.com and this image is not changed at all during runtime. Setting files are placed in Docker volumes, state information is kept in the MariaDB database logs are output by containers to the console. While you can make some quick and TEMPORARY files changes if you are in a development environment, **editing files directly into the container goes completely against the Docker philosophy**. Your changes may be lost or overwritten on a Fleio upgrade. 2. Have a customization process that is upgrade-proof. That is, your changes will not be overwritten on Fleio upgrades. 3. Apply the customizations automatically when you run ``fleio upgrade``. 4. Have a simple process that is self documented and can be copied and run in multiple environments, allowing you to test your customization in a staging environment before applying it in production. **Testing your custom code in a lab environment before upgrading your production environment is highly recommended.** Your Docker deployment contains the Docker Compose configuration files in the ``/home/fleio/compose`` path. The ``/home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.yml`` defines the services that form your Fleio installation. You must not modify this file as it is sometimes overwritten on Fleio upgrades and **your changes will be silently lost**. It is recommended instead that you add your customizations to ``/home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.override.yml``. This is included automatically when you use the ``fleio`` command and when you run ``docker compose`` commands while in the ``/home/fleio/compose`` directory. (The ``.env`` file sets this variable for this: ``COMPOSE_FILE=docker-compose.yml:docker-compose.override.yml``.) .. _docker-custom-frontend: Example: Change favicon, add custom CSS and Google Analytics ------------------------------------------------------------ Let's take an example that: 1. Change the favicon 2. Inserts your Google Analytics code 3. Adds a custom .css file .. warning:: You should create and edit the following files as ``fleio`` user. This ensures that no file permission issue later occurs. If you want to know more about file permissions in a Docker deployment, see :ref:`docker_file_permissions`. You should switch to ``fleio`` user before continuing: .. code-block:: bash sudo -i -u fleio Add this to your ``/home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.override.yml``: .. code-block:: yaml # Add here your Docker Compose customizations # docker-compose.override.yml is not overwritten by Fleio # (while docker-compose.yml may be OVERWRITTEN on Fleio upgrades) version: "3.7" services: frontend: build: context: ./custom/ dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB - FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX image: fleio_frontend_custom pull_policy: never What happens here: * You're partially redefining the ``frontend`` service. Adding a ``build`` section with a specific context path and ``Dockerfile``. (we're creating the file below) * Some arguments, defined in ``.env`` are made available to the build process. * You're setting a new, custom name, for the image we're building, to overwrite the default image used by ``frontend`` in the base ``docker-compose.yml`` file. * ``pull_policy`` is needed to prevent ``docker compose pull`` for attempting to pull the custom image. The base image used in ``Dockerfile`` will be pulled during build. Create two new files to add your customization: * ``/home/fleio/compose/custom/custom.css`` - just add ``/* mine */`` in it if you're just testing things out, or add whatever custom CSS code you want. * ``/home/fleio/compose/custom/Dockerfile`` Copy your favicon in ``/home/fleio/compose/custom/favicon.ico``. And add this code to the Dockerfile: .. code-block:: Dockerfile # define the build arguments that are used below to reference the base Docker frontend image ARG FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB ARG FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX FROM ${FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB}/fleio_frontend${FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX} # we're defining the Fleio installation path in one place and we're using it below ENV INSTALL_PATH="/var/webapps/fleio" # copy the favicon COPY favicon.ico "$INSTALL_PATH/frontend/enduser/favicon.ico" COPY favicon.ico "$INSTALL_PATH/frontend/staff/favicon.ico" # copy the custom css file COPY custom.css "$INSTALL_PATH/frontend/enduser/custom.css" # insert the custom.css reference before the closing tag # note that we're using the "^" character as delimiter for sed utility RUN sed -i \ 's^^^' \ "$INSTALL_PATH/frontend/enduser/index.html" # add your Google analytics code RUN sed -i \ 's^^ \ \ ^' \ "$INSTALL_PATH/frontend/enduser/index.html" Just build and apply your customizations to the already running Fleio instance: .. code-block:: Dockerfile # make sure you're in the directory where Docker Compose files are cd /home/fleio/compose # build your image docker compose build # apply your changes to the running frontend docker compose up -d Now you should be able to see your changes in the http://fleio-url/ (in the HTML source) and you should be able to see your CSS customization at http://fleio-url/custom.css. .. _docker-custom-backend: Example: add Python files ------------------------- Let's take an example and see how you can add some files to the standard Fleio image and also make sure that your files are not lost on Fleio upgrades. We'll create a Django command that outputs the number of active clients in your Fleio database. For this, we're customizing the ``backend`` image and Docker Compose service. .. warning:: You should create and edit the following files as ``fleio`` user. This ensures that no file permission issue later occurs. If you want to know more about file permissions in a Docker deployment, see :ref:`docker_file_permissions`. You should switch to ``fleio`` user before continuing: .. code-block:: bash sudo -i -u fleio Add this to your ``/home/fleio/compose/docker-compose.override.yml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml # Add here your Docker compose customizations # docker-compose.override.yml is not overwritten by Fleio # (while docker-compose.yml may be OVERWRITTEN on Fleio upgrades) version: "3.7" services: backend: build: context: ./custombackend/ dockerfile: Dockerfile args: - FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB - FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX image: fleio_custom_backend pull_policy: never The ``docker-compose.override.yml`` file overrides directives from ``docker-compose.yml`` (which you should never change as it is overwritten on Fleio upgrade). The ``backend`` service now has a ``build`` directive which uses the files ``./custombackend/`` on build and the image build is defined in ``./custombackend/Dockerfile``. ``pull_policy`` is needed to prevent ``docker compose pull`` for attempting to pull the custom image. The base image used in ``Dockerfile`` will be pulled during build. Create directory ``/home/fleio/compose/custombackend`` (don't forget to create this and the following files as user ``fleio``). Add this to ``/home/fleio/compose/custombackend/Dockerfile`` .. code-block:: dockerfile # define the build arguments that are used below to reference the base Docker frontend image ARG FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB ARG FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX FROM ${FLEIO_DOCKER_HUB}/fleio_backend${FLEIO_RELEASE_SUFFIX} # we're defining the Fleio installation path in one place and we're using it below ENV INSTALL_PATH="/var/webapps/fleio" COPY --chown=fleio:fleio clientcnt.py "$INSTALL_PATH/project/fleio/core/management/commands/clientcnt.py" COPY --chown=fleio:fleio clientcnt "$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/clientcnt" RUN chmod +x "$INSTALL_PATH/scripts/clientcnt" Create ``/home/fleio/compose/custombackend/clientcnt.py`` with content: .. code-block:: python from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand from fleio.core.models import Client class Command(BaseCommand): help = 'Shows number of active clients' def handle(self, *args, **options): print(Client.objects.filter(status='active').count()) # noqa Create ``/home/fleio/compose/custombackend/clientcnt`` with content: .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash source /var/webapps/fleio/env/bin/activate cd /var/webapps/fleio/project django clientcnt Build your new image and make sure the running ``backend`` container reloads: .. code-block:: bash cd /home/fleio/compose docker compose build && docker compose up -d Now you can run your new script inside the already running ``backend`` service: .. code-block:: bash docker exec -it fleio-backend-1 /var/webapps/fleio/scripts/clientcnt And you get the number of active clients in your database, e.g. .. code-block:: bash 9341 .. note:: In this example we're adding files, but you can also change existing files. See :ref:`docker-custom-frontend` Obviously you can run a simple SQL query on the Fleio database to get the number of active clients. We're just using this as an example. But here's how you'd do it with a simple SQL query ran in the database container: 1. Get the MariaDB password by running: .. code-block:: bash sudo cat /home/fleio/compose/secrets/.db_password 2. Copy the password and use it in this command: .. code-block:: bash docker exec -it fleio-db-1 mysql -ufleio -p"<>" fleio -e "SELECT COUNT(id) FROM core_client WHERE status='active';" It will output something similar to: .. code-block:: bash +-----------+ | COUNT(id) | +-----------+ | 9341 | +-----------+ How to customize web config --------------------------- See :ref:`web-conf`.