================ Billing / Orders ================ Here you can see a list of available orders and a summary about each one. Clicking on any order will redirect you to the orders details page where you can see other details. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/orders/billing-orders.png Order actions ============= When hovering an order, the order action buttons are shown. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/orders/order-actions.png Order actions: * **Accept order** marks order as **COMPLETED**. If an ordered product has **Auto setup** field set to **When pending order is accepted**, **Accept order** will trigger the auto setup. * **Cancel order** marks the order as **Canceled** * **Set as verified** sets the **Verified** status * **Set back to pending** sets the order status to **Pending** * **Set as fraud** sets the **Fraud** status to the order * **Run fraud check** runs the MaxMind fraud check and sets the order status to **Fraud** or **Pending**. * **Delete** deletes the order. The related invoice and services are not deleted. Order details page ================== On the order details page you can see other details like the order's **Total**, **Order date** and **Due date**, the associated **Client** and the **User** who placed the order, the order ID and ordered **Items**. .. image:: /_static/images/staff/billing/orders/order-details.png