.. _angular-users: =============================== Staff / Clients & Users / Users =============================== .. contents:: :local: Users area ---------- .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-dashboard.png The users dashboard can be displayed in two different types of views: * Card view: .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-dashboard-cardview.png * List view .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-dashboard-listview.png An user can have one of the following statuses: * active (marked with green) * inactive (marked with red) You can filter them by: * Date joined * Last login * Is active * Is staff * Is superuser * User group You can also sort the clients by: * Last login * Sign-up date * Username * Email To perform actions on an user, you just need to mouseover the desired user (both on card view and on list view) To see a detailed page about the user, click on his name. .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/user-mouseover.png Actions ------- .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/user-actions.png Edit user ~~~~~~~~~ Clicking the **Edit user** button (1) will display the following model .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/edit-user.png Impersonate user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clicking the **Impersonate user** button (2) will redirect you to the impersonation page Delete user ~~~~~~~~~~~ Clicking the **Delete user** button (3) will display a dialog where you can confirm the delete action User details page ----------------- When clicking on the user card, you'll get redirected to a page with detailed information about the user .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/user-detail.png * Overview Here you can see the user's details such as first name, last name, username, email address, user ID, last login and join date. .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-overview.png * Clients Here you can see a list of clients associated with this user. Clicking on the assigned client will redirect you to the :ref:`client details`. .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-clients.png * User groups Here you will be able to manage the user's group. You can add the user to a group or to remove the association to the group. .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-add-user-to-group.png * Tickets Here you will be able to see what tickets are associated to the user. Clicking on a ticket will redirect you to the\ desired ticket. .. image:: /_static/images/newstaff/clients&users/users-tickets.png