============================== Obtaining frontend source code ============================== In a standard Fleio deployment, the Fleio frontend source code is shipped minified and it is included in the ``fleio-frontend-1`` Docker container. Minification is a standard process in the industry by which the TypeScript source code is translated into JavaScript code, made smaller and faster. If you want to perform enhanced frontend customizations, you need the Fleio frontend TypeScript source code. The Fleio frontend source code is available to customers who pay for the Fleio license one year or more in advance. Frontend source code is available for download as a docker image. Image name format is ``hub.fleio.com/frontend_sources-``, where version is encoded as -:. E.g., for the 2023.01.1 Fleio release, the image name is ``hub.fleio.com/frontend_sources-2023-01:1``. To download the Fleio frontend source code, you need to authenticate to ``hub.fleio.com`` using your **license ID** and **license key**. Authenticate using the following command: .. code-block:: bash docker login hub.fleio.com After you are authenticated to ``hub.fleio.com``, you can download the Docker image containing frontend source code. For the following command to work, your license must be marked as having access to frontend source code. E.g.: .. code-block:: bash docker pull hub.fleio.com/frontend_sources-2023-01:1 To extract the source from the image, you need to create a docker container. Below is a list of commands to extract Fleio 2023.01.1 frontend source code from an image. After you execute the commands below, a ``2023.01.1.tar.gz`` archive containing Fleio frontend source should be available in your current host directory. .. code-block:: bash container_id=$(docker create hub.fleio.com/frontend_sources-2023-01:1 true) docker cp $container_id:2023.01.1.tar.gz . docker rm $container_id