Releases before 2019

Below is the history of Fleio releases from September 29, 2016 to December 19, 2018.

For a full index of Fleio releases see :doc:`changelog</changelog>`.

.. contents:: :local:


Release date: 2018-12-19

v1.3.0 is a stable version.


* Add ability to change an OpenStack pricing plan
* Allow cPanel service server switch
* Add hosting server settings
* Allow getting information about updated and celery worker statuses, also count received messages from updated
* Add support for frontend customization
* Add rotld registrar connector
* Add support for custom field validation and define custom fields for all supported TLDs
* Ticket user interface improvements
* Update journal display
* Show download PDF link for invoices in staff
* Send notification to client if instance resize fails and add customizable notification template for OpenStack errors
* Allow OpenStack pricing plan change for clients
* Add hosting account details to service details
* Add server hosting settings
* Add checkbox in OpenStack settings defaults tab to allow users to change the 'auto allocated topology' setting
* Improve configuration options display and mention that options without cycle match will not be displayed in UI
* Allow filtering with custom input on lookup field, allow filtering instances by their related flavors name
* Update invoice status handling
* Display client name in journal and allow filtering


* Fix #970: Hide region and boot source select on create instance form when launching image and add a note that these
  are already preselected
* Fix #1049: Fix inconsistency in dialogs and some html errors
* Fix #1050, #1051: Fix buttons that should send user to last state or parent state not working on plugins pages
  when entering them directly from URL, fix tinymce editor sometimes not being able to load the textarea
* Fix #1052: Make sure users can still assign OpenStack service to client by searching for a project even if projects
  feature is disabled
* Fix #1054: Add frontend support for custom field validation
* Fix #1055: Show toast with error detail in case user deletion fails
* Fix #1057: Add frontend support for displaying user related tickets on the user details page
* Fix #1059: Let users retry deletion of client if client remains on status 'deleting' instead of being removed
* Fix #1060: Add frontend support for tickets with longer title (generated from long email subjects)
* Fix #1063: Add support for displaying fleio services statuses in frontend
* Fix #1066: Better error handling in frontend when volume fails to detach from instance
* Fix #1068: Show errors in case configurable option association fails, fix layout problems for select inputs on
  conf. options create/edit
* Fix #1069: Add frontend support for plugin component validation
* Fix #1072: Hide Upgrade/Downgrade buttons for unpaid services
* Fix #1085: Add posibility to auto expand category in custom fields

* Fix #1255: Make sure users cannot associate two configurable options using the same internal name to a product
* Fix #1400: Refactor deletion of client's all os security groups celery task to ensure they get deleted after related
  instances are gone from OpenStack
* Fix #1401: Move OpenStack auto allocate topology setting from base_settings file to plugin settings
* Fix #1411: Don't allow endusers to use flavors that are not in their client groups or that have show_in_fleio set to
  false when creating instances
* Fix #1437: Change flavor field on instance model to foreign key
* Fix #1500: Mark email notifications as auto-generated and add ability to mark some email notifications as
  auto-replied, also do not create tickets/replies from email messages that are auto-generated/replied
* Fix #1511: Improve edit client/contact dialogs
* Fix #1525: Do not allow Upgrade/Downgrade for unpaid services
* Fix #1552: Make sure instance backups created from backup.py cron will save the instance snapshots for the related
  enduser based on the instance project_id
* Fix #1553: Validate vat id when editing a domain contact
* Fix #1559: Don't allow creation of superusers in demo mode and restrict profile update
* Fix #1561: Hide domain related products on service edit
* Fix #1564: Use random ID for domains
* Fix #1569: Disable browsable api by default
* Fix #1571: Validate status fields on updating/creating TODOs/tickets and priority field on updating/creating tickets,
  and use goBackOrToState method on cancel button in ticket edit pages
* Fix #1574: Handle AttributeError when trying to get client project_id when it doesn't exist
* Fix #1575: Do not allow staff user to delete himself
* Fix #1577: Add related tickets tables in clients' and users' details page
* Fix #1580: Make sure html loaded by plugins is read using utf-8
* Fix #1581: Merge config from user custom fields with default in order to preserve changes we deliver via the update
* Fix #1582: Add validation for all plugin component fields
* Fix #1584, #1585: Remove nonexistent component TodoEdit from states config. Change some error logs to info
* Fix #1586, #1587: Make sure tickets are generated from emails with longer subjects and add links to avatars on tickets
* Fix #1588 Resellerclub update prices requires GET
* Fix #1589: Make sure a newly created instance image is the actual image that was launched if the launched image was
  a backup
* Fix #1591: Add backend support for allowing users to search os projects for client os service without the projects
  feature enabled
* Fix #1593: Celery instance tasks nova exceptions not handled correctly
* Fix #1597: Fix crash when trying to register a domain
* Fix #1599: Yes/No config option does not work when a product is updated
* Fix #1601: Update contact list when you add a contact
* Fix #1604: Make sure client deletion works even if the client has a domain registered
* Fix #1607: Make sure textarea gets cleared after adding a note in a ticket
* Fix #1608 Auto service creation on order does not work
* Fix #1610: Implement saving of custom fields at client creation
* Fix #1612: Hide service link. Restructure domain list
* Fix #1613: Allow pagination in client's domains and tickets tab and change the request for client's tickets tab to
  return a paginated response
* Fix #1616: Filter options that do not have cycle match with product
* Fix #1618 Allow cPanel product change
* Fix #1620: Fix cPanel terminate not removing the hosting account


Release date: 2018-11-22

v1.2.0 is a stable version.


* Log port creation in activitylog so IPs allocated to new instances are logged
* Refactor osbackup and create and activate the feature
* Allow selection of ipv4 or ipv6 at security groups creation
* Add additional license limits on clients, services and cloud objects
* Allow filtering instances by task state
* Improve journal display
* Instance create options to display available volumes
* Add domain registration/transfer pages for staff
* Move ticket creation and edit forms to a state instead of using dialogs for this
* Link to domain instead of service from order if service si domain
* Add edit client/contact links on domain details
* Allow saving registrar for domain
* Do not use TLD default registrar for domain operations
* Add posibility to generate TODO on invoice payment and a settings to enable/disable this
* Allow domain name editing
* Add possibility to upgrade services
* Rename billing/bin/cron.py to billing/bin/process_clients_cron.py
* Add domain extra options
* Allow editing of whois information for domain
* Add domain contacts and allow use of domain contacts for domain registration
* Allow staff to deactivate images
* Improve security groups display and editing
* Improve security groups display on instances details
* Add headings for tables in list view pages
* Add signature feature for staff users configurable by department
* Add setting for allowing/disallowing end users to change passwords


* Fix #1011: Fix internal server error being raised when trying to delete a currency that's used by other objects
* Fix #1016: Add option to load all client related ports for the cloud resources tab in client details page
* Fix #1017: Make 'create volume' button from enduser dashboard redirect to the correct page
* Fix #1018: Display the flavor in instance list
* Fix #1020: Fix flautofocus directive on minified versions
* Fix #1021: CPU metrics from staff returns HTTP 404
* Fix #1024: Make show more button for ports in client details page on cloud resources tab load all client project
* Fix #1026: Update custom fields to support category grouping
  related ports
* Fix #1031: Fix ticket details scroll on mobile and remove duplicates of the class that hides textareas before loading
* Fix #1045: Hide 'activate' button for services if service was already activated or cannot be activated, also hide
  'resume' button if service is not suspended and 'terminate' button if the service cannot be terminated
* Fix #1046: Fix toast with error popping up 2 times, second time being empty, when trying to deactivate an os image
  that doesn't exist
* Fix #1341: Fix 404 error when getting plugins menu with all plugins disabled
* Fix #1380: Add throttling for django admin
* Fix #1414: Handle ticket attachment deletion from disk
* Fix #1432, #1433: Refactor code for getting the notification templates for frontend and allow handling of the already
  sent notifications only when it is needed and allow choosing from what date to check if a notification was already
* Fix #1438, #1506: Allow opening tickets in new tab, add headings for tickets table, use the special
  hide-tinymce-textarea css class to hide textareas before tinymce loads and remove obsolete  'notifications' directory
  from fleiostaff
* Fix #1447, #1503: Handle custom fields for domain registration. Fix some small issues with registration form.
  Display backend errors on registration form
* Fix #1454: Use tinymce-placeholder for tickets rather than the loader
* Fix #1459: Delete service when deleting domain and prevent domain deletion when suspend instead of terminate is set.
* Fix #1463: Update ticket status management flow: Allow empty internal statuses on tickets and always set internal
  status to done when a ticket is closed if the internal status was empty, also redesign ticket details
* Fix #1464: Remove the provenience of attachment info from the endusers attachments tab in ticket details
* Fix #1472, #1495: Add notification templates for tickets email notifications, use notifier for sending ticket
  notification  and allow <br> tags when sanitizing html
* Fix #1474: Add plugin notifications in enduser frontend panel
* Fix #1475: Backend crashes in associate_security_group_create_options
* Fix #1489: Ticket outgoing messages use department configured address
* Fix #1491: Handle trying to delete currency failing because it's used by other objects
* Fix #1492: Ticket replies from gmail are not handled correctly
* Fix #1494: Ticket replies for non existing e-mail are not sent
* Fix #1493: Fix VAT id validation
* Fix #1496: Ticket field created_by may not exist
* Fix #1498: Do not allow user edit in demo mode
* Fix #1499: Delete domain action errors
* Fix #1516: Fix 500 errors in some cases when checking if domain is available for registration
* Fix #1522: Improve domain details edit from cart
* Fix #1523: Also include unassigned TODOs in TODO notifications count
* Fix #1530: Client with multiple projects is not able to create instances
* Fix #1536: Make sure service status is not changed if an action performed on the service (activate/resume/..) fails
* Fix #1543: Handle tickets without main message(description)
* Fix #1548: Fix raising internal server error when trying to call create_options for a ticket that no longer exists
* Fix #1549: Fix internal server error being raised when trying to delete a currency with duplicate entries for package
* Fix #1551: Handle trying to activate/deactivate an os image when the image doesn't exist


Release date: 2018-10-18

v1.1.0 is a stable version.


* Add domain name registration/management plugin
* Add support for OpenStack Rocky
* Add ability to boot from a new volume with a type set
* Add ability to specify volume source for users
* Add ability to specify a volume size on instance creation
* Add ability to specify a volume source for staff
* Add ability to select the volume type while creating an instance
* Add default domain for new project option
* Add backend support for filtering users not associated in a group
* Add translations for plugins frontend components
* Add message on settings/general currencies tab to clarify what exchange rate means
* Add support for plugin tabs on client details in staff panel
* Add default exchange rate connector option, use existing exchange rate connectors to update rates for currencies that don't have a related connector set up and add cron for automatically updating exchange rates
* Add minim up to date credit setting and prevent invoice payment if the remaining credit after payment is lower than this value
* Allow filtering clients by configuration
* Allow staff users to create new invoices
* Allow end users to select related service for tickets
* Allow adding and editing notifications templates
* Allow adding attachments when you create tickets
* Allow type, size and source selection on create new volume form
* Display related service in staff tickets and set required to false for enduser ticket creation/update
* List all services on client details
* Request old password when changing password
* Refresh plugin notifications every 30s
* Show details for Instance metrics errors in staff
* Update translations


* Fix #943: Fix md-toast with error spawning in an endless loop on the cannot connect page on a remote installation of fleio
* Fix #944: Fix cannotConnect state being sometimes displayed when refreshing any page in the app
* Fix #948: Display maximum allowed file upload size on the upload button
* Fix #950: Filter users not associated with a group when adding users to group from the backend
* Fix #953: Fix top bar being broken at various screen widths because of notifications icons
* Fix #960: Set focus to first field on forms
* Fix #965: Show all buttons on cloud resources tab in client details are not working
* Fix #966: Allow opening cloud resources items in new tab in the 'cloud resources' tab from client details page
* Fix #972: Disable browser password autocomplete in forms after login
* Fix #975: Fix not being able to load any plugin state when trying to access the state right after login
* Fix #976: Refresh total notifications for plugins every 30s
* Fix #977: Fix state conflict for plugins
* Fix #984: Fix changing client credit not updating the right currency
* Fix #983: Display id in breadcrumbs and page title on volume details page if the volume has no name
* Fix #981: Zone list error not being handled in frontend
* Fix #994: Handle total plugin notifications timer teardown only for staff
* Fix #996: Add frontend support for adding custom message when uploading attachment on ticket create and fix fl-upload directive input alignment on mobile
* Fix #998: Fix clients action buttons overflowing their card when up to date credit, out of credit notice and client's configuration are all displayed
* Fix #1005: Fix flickering/disappearing of the fl-subheader on safari mobile when scrolling
* Fix #1013: Fix filtering menu backdrop being too narrow and make sure it spawns full height
* Fix #1176 and #1399: Close obsolete db connections if needed and reconnect when running a celery task and fix security groups that have related instances not being deleted when deleting client with his OpenStack resources
* Fix #1182: Upgrade celery to 4.2.1
* Fix #1332: Fix places where raising validation error does not work
* Fix #1351: Don't allow updating a ticket from email when the sender address is not related in any way to the ticket
* Fix #1359: Fix internal server error when saving a product after changing a module. Complete ComponentDataModelSerializer
* Fix #1362: Don't allow enduser to delete own ticket updates, any attachments and don't display ticket status changes when it is changed by a staff user
* Fix #1363: Send ticket notification emails' body as html
* Fix #1365: Fix ticket description and replies body being encoded as quoted-printable when generated from email messages
* Fix #1367: Parse addresses when updating ticket's CC recipients from email
* Fix #1370: Do not update gateway display name on auto refresh gateways.
* Fix #1375: Correct wrong feature names in urls and add 'core' flag to register routes without active feature in settings, also log when a route is not registered and the reason
* Fix #1384: Send ticket notifications to ticket cc_recipients and update ticket notifications mechanism
* Fix #1389: Service is not automatically created on signup
* Fix #1392: Fix has_project filtering param for clients not being able to filter clients without any OpenStack related service
* Fix #1394: Set the scrollbar width to 8px
* Fix #1397: Image property size increase
* Fix #1398: Handle unordered object_list warning for ticket departments
* Fix #1412: Fix listing OpenStack api users not working anymore if administrator project ID related users are being retrieved
* Fix #1420: Fix new instance CPU metrics error
* Fix #1452: Don't allow cycles for free products

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-09-12

v1.0.0 is a stable version.


No new features were added in v1.0.0


* Fix #968: Fix missing servers/groups menu icon
* Fix #1195: Squash migrations and update version to 1.0.0
* Fix #1343, #1344,#1350,#1352: Associate email-generated ticket with a fleio user and handle showing tickets or ticket replies creators when their emails are not related to a fleio user account
* Fix #1345, #1348: Tickets description and replies text is duplicated when they are email generated
* Fix #1346: Set read permissions when saving attachment to disk
* Fix #1347: Send the reply text instead of ticket description in notifications when the notification is triggered because of a ticket reply
* Fix #1357: Sort plugin menu items

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-09-10

0.9.32 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


* Updated romanian translations.
* Rename Package to Product


* Fix #1324,#1325,#1327,#1338: Don't allow enduser to delete tickets, edit replies or edit ticket status (only close/reopen ticket)
* Fix #1330: Assigned user or user in ticket updates doesn't appear if he has no full name, only the username
* Fix #1335: Improve service operations handling
* Fix #1336: Handle invalid filter query params giving back 500 internal server error
* Fix #1340: Move end user ticket settings to departments. Prevent delete of ticket still assigned to departments
* Fix #1342: Backend crashes with AttributeError: 'SessionStore' object has no attribute '_session_cache'
* Fix #1349: Fix exception raised when generating ticket from email without having cc recipients
* Fix #1331: Handle exception where user attempts to edit an OpenStack project that no longer exists in OpenStack

* Fix #946: URL doesn't update immediately when clicking the 'X' button in the search bar
* Fix #949: Fix port range input tooltip being half-hidden in 'add rule to security group' dialog
* Fix #954: Make decimal filters work with 0 value
* Fix #955 and #962: Remove errors that appear as soon as you get on the reset-password state and correctly handle wrong format password errors
* Fix #961: No error when submitting product without name

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-09-06

0.9.31 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


* Add server list
* Add CPanel shared hosting plugin and module
* Improved tickets attachment handling
* Add button to update exchange rates for currencies
* Display plugin menus top level

* #926: Allow filtering by instances of a model
* #927: Add filtering for activity and task log
* #934: Add configuration option to enable emails for unpaid invoices
* #935: Add filtering by flavor for staff instances
* #937: Add button to update relative prices on currency page
* #1245 Send notification when an unpaid invoice is created
* #1283: Add departments for tickets
* #1284: Allow user to select notifications is will receive from tickets
* #1305: Allow links to be added between tickets
* #1241: Notify users via email on ticket activity


* Fix #907: Use display name for choices in filters display and add linking word between field name and value
* Fix #917: Update license info after refresh license
* Fix #920: Hide add payment form on invoices if no payment method is available
* Fix #922: Fix list pages being scrolled a little when getting on them via state change
* Fix #933, #932: Fix not being able to delete OpenStack service from client tab and add links to service and project service from client OpenStack services tab
* Fix #936: Show applied search value in search bar when changing states
* Fix #940: Fixed race condition in state loading
* Fix #1278: Make sure ticket attachments file size is limited when uploading
* Fix #1282: Do not make 2 requests for plugin notifications
* Fix #1289: Allow plugin UI to be retrieved without authentication
* Fix #1291: Fix tickets not being generated from email if it contains attachments
* Fix #1292: Better handling for 'to' field if it has more addresses/nicknames/etc when receiving email
* Fix #1296: Add backend support for ui-filtering for activity and task log
* Fix #1297: Fix selected file name not being removed after user uploads the ticket attachment
* Fix #1299, #1300: Validate CC recipients field on tickets and align autocomplete fields on ticket edit/create with the rest of the fields

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-08-22

0.9.30 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


* Add plugin support
* Add plugin notifications support
* Add TODOs billing module and TODOs plugin
* Allow other plugins to create TODOs
* Create TODOs when fraudulent order is being detected
* Enable MaxMind insights and check first Client orders
* Add cpanel manage2 module for cpanel licenses
* Add authorization UI and user groups feature
* Add ability to define a package to be created automatically
* Add signup fraud check and auto create order options
* Add basic tickets support
* Add configurable options for packages

* #788 Add reset usage option for client
* #829 Add option to allow auto tax exemption for eu customers
* #842 Add filtering for staff panel states
* #845 Add option to hide projects and api users
* #849 Add superuser label on user list page
* #868 Display region in router card. Add search and order by region support
* #1130 Add capabilities and enable/disable option for regions
* #1187 Add custom filtering and enable filtering for several views


* Fix #593 Highlight out of credit clients
* Fix #786 Added dns zones details loading backdrop for fetching records
* Fix #793 Improve display of image properties
* Fix #795 Improve translation of state word
* Fix #823 Stop using gettext for main_feature value
* Fix #825 Renaming instance results in invalid breadcrumb
* Fix #826 Mark user staff status checkbox as checked when superuser checkbox is checked
* Fix #838 Display search value in URLs
* Fix #841 Moved plugins general settings from configuration to general settings
* Fix #844 User groups descriptions may overflow their cards on list page
* Fix #855 Condition get ptr link by the related features
* Fix #856 Remove the OpenStack configuration tab
* Fix #857 Fix server error when having client filters active and fix removing filters
* Fix #862 Add option to stay on the same page for error dialog
* Fix #863 Add option to check/uncheck/revert permissions checkboxes
* Fix #867 Search bar doesn't get initialized with search param value when it exists
* Fix #877 Handle empty order product page
* Fix #896 Allow add credit button for enduser to work even if invoicing feature is disabled
* Fix #909 Fix not being able to update record if zone has lots of records
* Fix #1137 validate vat id online and set client as tax exempt or not
* Fix #1164 Add support for viewing and editing TODO's
* Fix #1166, #1163 Make group name unique and fix permission sets deletion.
* Fix #1170 Don't allow staff users to edit, delete or create a superuser
* Fix #1171 Disable default destroy functionality in projects view
* Fix #1172 cannot create network and subnet at the same time
* Fix #1185 Remove Configuration OpenStack auto creation tab
* Fix #1186 Add global configuration components for plugin. Improved component support in backend
* Fix #1189 Exception is raised on get_next_due_date for services without cycles
* Fix #1192 Add reset_usage method to ClientOperations
* Fix #1197 Dns zone does not list all records
* Fix #1204 Condition dns viewset by OpenStack.dns
* Fix #1218 Made TODO details text consistent
* Fix #1244 Add backend support for dynamically loading status options for os items status filtering options
* Fix #1250, #1253, #1254 Fix errors when working with packages with plugin data
* Fix #1267 Add 'deleting' status for clients

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-07-25

0.9.29 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


No new features were added for this release.


* Fix #575 Disabled add credit button if invoicing feature is disabled for enduser
* Fix #789 Added space between the last items in table views and the floating add button on mobile as actions were underneath the add button
* Fix #791 Removed notification when pressing the cancel button in add ssh key dialog
* Fix #792 Client vat id appears on client creation only
* Fix #794 Improve error handling of invalid image properties
* Fix #796 Set x-frame-options header to SAMEORIGIN
* Fix #797 Display of credit and OpenStack summary are misaligned
* Fix #802 Made validation message for empty domain name in zones appear
* Fix #803 Fixed wrong redirect of when you click on a newly created zone
* Fix #808 Remove 'Add new key' button from create instance
* Fix #810 Moved zones to OpenStack/zones url path
* Fix #814 Auto redirect to client creation when no client exists
* Fix #1127 Upgrade does not work correctly if OpenStack is not in installed apps
* Fix #1132, #1133 Enable XSS protection and set content type nosniff
* Fix #1142 Internal server error updating image with invalid properties
* Fix #1143 Made description field not required when updating or creating a configuration
* Fix #1144 Improve error handling for disabled projects
* Fix #1149 Improve duplicate zone error message
* Fix #1155 Auto redirect to client creation
* Fix #1157 Allow blank gateway IP

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-06-07

0.9.28 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


* #715 Use warning tooltips for disabled buttons
* #766 Make dns zones records table mobile friendly
* #768 Use a more suitable icon for dns zones
* #769 Add status bars for services and changed old yellow status color to material design yellow
* #771 Show UI notifications about actions performed on SSH keys
* #773 Add security groups tab to instance details in staff
* #782 Disable instance actions based on permissions
* #1003 Squash migrations
* #1123 Add security groups tab to instance details in staff


* Fix #764 Volumes are sometimes missing name on list view
* Fix #765 Fixed image actions inconsistency and added ui notifications for image deletion
* Fix #767 When choosing the payment method the select field shrinks
* Fix #770 Ordering and sorting tax rules doesn't work anymore after you update one
* Fix #774 Custom dialog text always indented even if there is no icon
* Fix #777 Can't go to instance details if in error state
* Fix #779 Staff users error dialog shows missing billing info for any other error than 404
* Fix #781 Security group details does not work when minified
* Fix #1057 Image create error due to comparison of str and bytes
* Fix #1117 If you try to stop impersonation if no user is impersonated internal server error is raised
* Fix #1120 Make DNS and API Users views send 409 error status for no client with OpenStack project found to show notification on frontend

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-06-04

0.9.27 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.


* #739 Add possibility to delete a service
* #741 Instance in 'rescued' mode should display volumes and snapshots tabs in read only mode
* #748 Remove the hardcoded '/staff' redirect from the logo
* #749 Remove widgets from dashboard that have their related features disabled
* #750 Better validation on networks create, update
* #753 Add warning message when deleting a client
* #756 Choose project at subnet pool creation
* #757 Allow values of 0 in frontend forms for image min disk and ram
* #758 Allow api users to be editable
* #759 Allow user to search for country while editing or creating tax rules
* #761 Disable delete instance action if no permission

* #788 Improve backend translations
* #854 Security group is missing from staff
* #1100 Show the instance status besides the display status
* #1110 Choose project at subnet pool creation
* #1112 Implement permission system in backend. Activate permissions for instances
* #1114 Enable bank transfer method by default


* Fix #720 Refreshing the cannot connect page gets you stuck and doesn't redirect. Also reject access to the state while backend is running.
* Fix #725 Infinite scroll kicks in as soon as the notifications page loads (even if no scrolling is done).
* Fix #727 If feature "OpenStack.ports" is disabled, add port button should be disabled
* Fix #730 Make the loading backdrop stay under the menu on list pages
* Fix #732 Handle 404 state when user is logged out
* Fix #733 Change 'resume client' text to 'resume project'
* Fix #735 Form errors message overflowing the form
* Fix #742 Creating OpenStack service with new project without any project in the input makes the form not being able to be sent
* Fix #743 OpenStack project deletion is not working using the 'more' button on mobiles
* Fix #744 Service cancellation not showing form errors
* Fix #747 Notification is displayed twice on associate/dissociate floating ip
* Fix #752 Package long description breaks card layout on order services page. Also created narrow tooltips
* Fix #760 Distance between menu items and icons is too large in comparison with fleio with minified code

* Fix #1078 Task retry got an unexpected keyword argument resource_type
* Fix #1092 Pay from credit balance only unpaid invoices
* Fix #1093 Sorting the task log by state is not working
* Fix #1094 Fix log for send notification
* Fix #1096 Allow editing client in admin interface without specifying out of credit datetime
* Fix #1098 Return only services that have an OpenStack project for client
* Fix #1103 Task logs with no description
* Fix #1107 Subnetpools invalid CIDR
* Fix #1111 Subnet pool can be created with prefix length larger than max_prefix or smaller than min_prefix
* Fix #1113 Password not set correctly on signup
* Fix #1116 Api users description cannot be removed once set

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-05-22

0.9.26 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* #598, #965 Designate add support for managing domains for staff
* #657, #1080 Implement search and sort for end user dns zones
* #690, #1071 Display ssh-keys owner for staff
* #693 Add 'Copy text to clipboard' button for ssh keys
* #709, #1065 Allows IP specification on router add interface
* #710, #1052 Move Billing history to Billing menu
* #713, #1063 Refactor and cleanup feature names
* #726, #1050 Display user in Billing/Journal view on staff panel
* #738 Implement search and sort for staff dns zones
* Various translation improvements
* #908 Review pricing rules and add more
* #1049 Add 'external' journal source

* Fix #647 Network select on create instance remains open even if there is only one element to select
* Fix #691 Menu category is not removed if all its features are disabled but the backend doesn't send info about one item
* Fix #696 Router long description makes action buttons overflow the card
* Fix #697 Don't allow access to signup page if the user is logged in
* Fix #701 hide change configuration button when there are no other configurations available and made the dialog more intuitive when selecting another configuration
* Fix #702 Empty list of subnet pool is displayed at network subnet create
* Fix #704 Add service cancellation actions on services when using listview Also added warning tooltips and used them for the disabled services action buttons
* Fix #705 Add UI notification after an user deletes a floating IP
* Fix #711 Remove random preselection of a project if you create a new service for a client. Now it preselects the client's already existing project if it exists
* Fix #712 Fix delete project in table view
* Fix #714 Menu is missing after reconnecting to backend
* Fix #717 Missing billing info error showed instead of real error
* Fix #723 My profile button is not showing in the current user dropdown
* Fix #724 Enduser services infinite scroll kicks the user back to top when loading more items
* Fix #737 Tasklog and Activitylog notifications handling
* Fix refund error when transaction index is null
* Fix #1044 Make project id optional for service creation
* Fix #1048 Fix new customers without credit receive out of credit email
* Fix #1055 Get current cores doesn't count all regions
* Fix #1058 handle package deletion when assigned to free service
* Fix #1060 Return specific error on duplicate api user
* Fix #1061 Cannot request cancellation of service after service was canceled and reactivated
* Fix #1062 Create a new refund transaction for stripe
* Fix #1064 User and IP are not displayed for assigning/removing ip to instance at activity log
* Fix #1066 Preserve currency rates when changing default currency
* Fix #1067 Show more detailed error if Celery cannot connect to redis
* Fix #1074 Update dns viewset use auth cache for OpenStack
* Fix #1077 Change suspend override check to take time into account also
* Fix #1079 Use keystoneauth cache from session where possible
* Fix #1082 Fleio crashes on password reset
* Fix #1087 User should not be able create or update notifications
* Fix #1088 Hide error when sync handler is called without data
* Fix #1089 Do not check billing permissions for ssh keys

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-05-09

0.9.25 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* #612 Redesign instance rebuild
* #686 Make refresh license button always overwrite the current license (staff panel)
* #938 Add possibility to delete an order (staff panel)
* #1035 Check and resume client on add credit or suspend client on withdraw credit

* Fix #611 Compute usage even when client is suspended
* Fix #633 On volumes page action buttons overflow container in some cases
* Fix #639 Login page is missing title when getting to it from an auth-required page
* Fix #643 Form submit loader overflows body when adding client and creates horizontal scrolling
* Fix #645 Prevent action buttons overflowing card on volumes page for enduser
* Fix #656 Add new logos for distros
* Fix #664 Text getting concatenated because of spaces near translate tags
* Fix #665 Make create flavor page responsive on mobile
* Fix #667 Fix instance create form layout
* Fix #669 Fix word break on notifications body
* Fix #670, #671 Fix refund for add credit invoices (staff panel)
* Fix #672 Text getting concatenated on delete project dialog
* Fix #673 Empty change configuration dialog (staff panel)
* Fix #676 Added infinite scroll for journal items (staff panel)
* Fix #678 Notify user after change to project and fix description update (staff panel)
* Fix #679 When code is minified menu items are not removed when features are disabled
* Fix #683 Make notifications page responsive and fix infinite scroll
* Fix #689 When pressing image properties tab second time empty properties appear
* Fix #915 Adding payment doesn't work (staff panel)
* Fix #917 Cinder Pike doesn't return the correct volume type
* Fix #977 Make billable settings configurable (staff panel)
* Fix #998 Display add credit entries on client details journal tab (staff panel)
* Fix #999 Fix shopping cart not working if a package already in cart is deleted or made private
* Fix #1002 If OpenStack configuration is not set license displays no info (staff panel)
* Fix #1007, #1018 Made OpenStack billing module partially work even if license is invalid
* Fix #1010 Prevent deletion of project and api users from staff panel when in demo mode (staff panel)
* Fix #1013 Allow sync to continue even if exceptions are raised
* Fix #1014 Fix error when accessing subnet pools (staff panel)
* Fix #1022 Invoice every cycle until current date when creating invoices
* Fix #1032 Add credit journal entries do not appear as refund
* Fix #1034 Add add credit url to suspend notification
* Fix #1040 Staff router details missing ports (staff panel)
* Fix #1041 Fix network graphs for overlapping metrics
* Various fixes to payment gateways

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-04-25

0.9.24 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* Fleio can now be used just for billing, without OpenStack configured.
* #994 Add support for OpenStack Queens
* #952 Add OpenStack projects create/update/delete feature (staff panel)
* #984 Made feature toggle work with True and False values only, instead of old True/False/None odd logic
* #976, #990 Fix deletion of services without projects and added confirmation for delete project when deleting
  services (staff panel)
* #922 Log for user deleting OpenStack objects
* #988 Improve billing cron logging
* Allow staff image update and delete while queued (staff panel)
* #625 Change security group and floating IPs icons
* Hide passwords typed when running bootstrap.sh

* Fix #936 Block URLs for disabled features
* Fix #974 Add support for impersonated user getting logged out
* Fix #986 Designate reverse DNS perform operations as admin project
* Fix #987 Fix auto settlement issue when service date is much older than current date
* Fix #967 Force order by id when using ordering in clients in order to preserve result order (staff panel)
* Fix #970 Fix error when user attempts to expand instance history log for an action that is still in progress
* Fix #993 Sync throws exception not finding services in region
* Fix Pika library not installing
* Fix #610 Tax rule creation date fields look cluttered on mobile (staff panel)
* Fix #609 Tax rules table still appears after deletion of all items (staff panel)
* Fix idle detection to actually stop the refresh functions
* Fix #606 Make OpenStack menu icon smaller (staff panel)
* Fix #616, #635 Fix buttons, links, colors, texts capital letters as per material design guidelines
* Fix #615 Error is showing when creating network and there are no subnet pools (staff panel)
* Fix #621 Fix input validation messages' invalid element warnings in browser console
* Fix #614 and #613 Allow menu groups to be conditioned by feature toggles
* Fix #623 Infinite scroll not working when viewing items as a list on some pages
* Fix #620 Some dialogs cancel button was leading to dashboard instead of previous page
* Fix #624 When pressing cancel on dialogs an error shows up in the console
* Fix refresh timer
* Fix #633 Dashboard cards padding on mobile (end user)
* Fix #899 OpenStack project is not created for ordered service
* Fix #636 Buttons overflow card on instance with IPv6
* Fix #640 Version is showed on mobile though license is white-label

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-04-05

0.9.23 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* Redesign new instance form and add "boot from volume" option
* OpenStack projects are now suspended automatically when below credit limit
* Credit limit now allows negative values
* Allow project name and description customization (staff panel)
* #966: Order clients by configuration name (staff panel)
* #934: Add option to delay automatic suspension by credit (staff panel)
* #932: Activate services on auto-pay for invoices with total zero
* #929: Add delete invoice support (staff panel)
* #945: Add support for saving image properties at update image (staff panel)
* #941: Add summary logs in billing cron. Set default cron log level to WARNING
* #959: Add support for update client usage (staff panel)
* #954: Add support for service editing (staff panel)
* #589: Add payment improvements: pre-fill pending amount, pre-full zero fee
* #601: Add new icon to OpenStack settings (staff panel)

* Fix terminate service
* Fix client journal filter by client (staff panel)
* Fix #889: Update client credit calculations to use unpaid usage
* Fix sync doesn't synchronize flavor and region on instances while using Pike
* Fix sync doesn't get private flavors
* Fix #897: Use fixed service price too when calculating usage
* Fix #939 and #724: several issues with billing cron. Set next due date for automatically created services
* Fix #950: Allow empty transaction when adding payment to invoice
* Fix #946: Allow notification sender email to be empty
* Fix #947: Raise ServiceUnavailable exception with message 'Could not connect to OpenStack' when a connection error
* #937: Fix hang in cron, do not resume manual suspended clients, fix invoice count in summary
* Fix #958: Prevent creation of new cloud resources if uptodate credit is less than required credit, cache uptodate
  credit in client table
* #951: Fix error when ordering a package with no description
* #573: Fix notifications now showing new line character
* Fix #579: strong HTML tag has not effect in Firefox
* Fix #576: Show list items as cards by default (if no setting is set in constants.js)
* Fix #565: Fix client details page - journal table on mobile (staff panel)
* Fix #578: Update client credit calculations to use unpaid usage
* Fix staff dashboard menu definition
* Fix #580: Fix journal table on invoicing details page on mobile
* Fix #562: Make billing/journal page table responsive (staff panel)
* Fix #585: Edit configuration details page content crowded on mobile (staff panel)
* Fix #588: Services do not refresh after updating one
* Fix #129: md-tab md-content being over the top toolbar shadow
* Fix #552: Edit package should return to previous page
* Fix #595: 'null saved to cart' message when ordering a package with no description
* Fix #591: wrong sort order when navigating back to a items list
* Fix #971: Check suspend instead of terminate flag before terminating services
* Fix floating IP details not working
* Fix #603: Launch image does not preselect the image from staff
* Fix license issue and other issues with the docker image

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-03-15

0.9.22 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* Add configurations: auto pay invoice and pay even if not enough credit
* Sequential paid invoice numbering and formatting
* Add journal entries for automatic settlements
* Nice and comprehensive PDF invoice
* Change button text on add/subtract credit (staff panel)
* Add constants.js global setting to select default display mode card or table
* Add link to signup on license dialog (staff panel)
* Add colored status bars to invoice (staff panel, end-user panel)
* #872: add note that on rebuild SSH key is deployed (staff panel, end-user panel)
* Display cards for services, orders, gateways (staff panel)
* Replace all tooltips from angular material to pure-CSS to fix second time display issue and reduce CPU load on client
  browser (staff panel, end-user panel)
* Improve cart user interface
* #568: Make orders page table rows open details page on click
* Log staff operations: deleting instance, volume, flavor, image, network, client, user (staff panel)

* White label license shows label after login for a few seconds (staff panel, end-user panel)
* Fix how number of compute nodes CPU cores ar retrieved from Nova v2.25
* Fix deleting instance, volume, network fails if Fleio is out of sync: object present in Fleio, but already deleted
  in OpenStack
* Enforce uniqueness at db level for activity log app
* Fix several issues on terminate client
* Remove decimal precision from credit hours left
* Do not allow a credit invoice to be paid using credit
* Catching all exceptions in gateway actions and callback is not safe
* Fix on instance delete network ports are not deleted
* Fix perform_destroy issues when celery runs out of process. Remove unused OpenStack task
* Mark invoices with total zero as paid
* update_license.py sometimes gets stuck for a long period of time
* Remove instances.osbackup bogus feature toggle; does nothing
* Old license files gives 500 error (staff panel)
* Fix disabled button for client deletion being shown (staff panel)
* Show license key as multi line, instead of truncating (staff panel)
* Show username if full name is missing when associating clients with users (staff panel)
* Refresh invoice after credit pay
* Show credit balance payment method even when no gateway if visible
* Notifications reminder appear on close impersonation icon
* Current user keeps refreshing when application is idle
* Add port doesn't take in consideration the subnet selected
* #553: 404 error on user profile when clients disabled
* Fix text overflow on cards (staff panel, end-user panel)
* Fix items display mode loading from browser local storage (staff panel, end-user panel)
* Handle missing license info
* Remove upload image button from dashboard; it does nothing
* #566: make volume page table rows open details page and fix actions placement
* #564: Fix subnets table display on small screen sizes in network details page
* #567: Fix add payment tab on invoice details page
* #563: Fix buttons on cloud/instances/networks
* #569: Fix packages page on mobile screens

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-02-28

0.9.21 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

Upgrade notes
Upgrading from a previous version implies the following:

* If you upgrade from the previous ``0.9.20`` the process is the same
* If you upgrade from a version before ``0.9.20`` you must:

  + First upgrade to ``0.9.20`` and then follow up with an upgrade to ``0.9.21``

* As a consequence of the aforementioned, if you want to upgrade, say, from ``0.9.17`` to ``0.9.21`` then you would first have to:

  1. Upgrade from ``0.9.17`` to ``0.9.20``
  2. Upgrade from ``0.9.20`` to ``0.9.21``

* Squash migrations
* Implement white label in licensing
* Add stripe and romcard gateway fees

* Fix date time display when expanding history log entry in instance details
* Update license script

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-02-23

0.9.20 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-827, FL-485 Add tax rules support (staff panel)
* Edit client credit (staff panel)
* Add PayPal gateway fee to transaction when a payment is made
* Add change client credit (staff panel)
* Add designate service to discovered services (staff panel)
* Add/edit/delete Package group (staff panel)
* Add/remove router interface for staff (staff panel)
* Add/remove router interface for end-user
* Add configurable message to instance shut down dialog to warn users when charging continues even when instance is
* Add search in select project drop-down on create instance page (staff panel)
* Make package edit page mobile friendly (staff panel)
* Add link to users from client details page (staff panel)
* FL-847 In demo mode do not allow user, client, image, flavor deletion or client-user dissociation (staff panel)

* Get PTR gives back error if designate service is missing
* Fix redirect issue for PayPal when missing trailing slash in config
* Fix redirects for stripe and Romcard when missing trailing slash in config
* "Configurations" missing in breadcrumb on edit configuration page

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-02-09

0.9.19 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

Upgrade notes

Upgrading from a previous version requires that you manually edit file
``/var/webapps/fleio/frontend/site/constants.js`` because its structure has changed.

Copy content of file ``/var/webapps/fleio/frontend/site/template_constants.js`` at the end of
Replace with local values in the newly copied and then delete the original lines at the top of  ``constants.js``.

* Add payment gateways management and settings (staff panel)
* Payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe, Romcard, Bank/offline payment
* Add billing journal (staff panel)
* Replace the Client transactions tab with Journal entries (staff panel)
* Download invoice as PDF
* Show journal on invoice (staff panel)
* Add OpenStack API User CRUD (staff panel)
* FL-811 Implement instance IP PTR record editing (reverse-DNS)
* Show quota exceeded error for security groups and rules
* Order clients by credit balance (staff panel)
* Add up to date credit in staff at client details (staff panel)
* Add search and sort for user services (staff panel)
* Allow cards links to open in new page/tab

* Fix error when accessing Client/OpenStack services with a terminated service
* Fix for 500 error in case project does not exists in db or OpenStack
* Forbid API Users to be created/modified when project is suspended
* Fix OpenStack service destroy task
* Fix delete client (staff panel)
* Fix add credit to client
* Fix refresh when adding new API user
* Fix the time shown on Instance Details -> History Log is 2 hour behind
* Format dates for network created at, updated at
* FL-474 Fix when pressing add button on SSH key page the edit dialog is displayed
* Fl-467 Fix staff users list view does not show the delete action correctly

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2018-01-25

0.9.18 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-871 Staff image edit doesn't support properties (staff panel)
* FL-724 OpenStack security groups
* FL-708 End-users can add OpenStack API users by themselves
* FL-831 Integrate subnet creation with network creation
* Upgrade to Django 2.0
* FL-111 dbbackup django command
* FL-754 Live migration hosts from another region (staff panel)
* Add image metadata catalog to create options (staff panel)
* FL-759 Search bar: Filter by host id (staff panel)
* FL-763 Fleio compatibility with OpenStack Pike
* Upgrade third party libraries

* Fix missing impersonated log (staff panel)
* Fix port delete "updated" daemon error
* FL-755 Remove migrate action from when instance is in Resize verify status (staff panel)
* FL-756 Remove migrate action from when instance is in rescue mode (staff panel)
* Fix client credit display
* Fix not auto-selecting ip version (staff panel)
* Fix get subnetpools if there is only one region
* Fix instance and image card lack of space between text (staff panel)
* Hypervisor is not updated after a migration on instance details card
* Fix Space missing on multiple object types

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-11-27

0.9.17 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-1204 Allow users to edit their client details
* FL-1084 Store OpenStack notifications URL password encrypted (staff panel)
* FL-163 Fleio user impersonation (staff panel)
* FL-1128 Show hypervisor ID in instance details (staff panel)
* Improve tasks log
* FL-1171 Log IP assignment to instance (staff panel)
* Search instance by UUID (staff panel)
* Upgrade third party libraries

* Fix collector raising exception if client has no usage
* FL-1195 Client termination from staff does not remove networking resources (staff panel)
* FL-1194 Fix behavior and error messages when license is missing
* FL-1215 Invalid certificate error more verbose (staff panel)
* FL-1220 Django admin error on search
* Fix 500 crash if request id is missing on instance action details (staff panel)
* FL-1216 OpenStack RabbitMQ notifications wrongly configured goes unnoticed (staff panel)
* FL-1221 Project ID spans ugly over two lines in staff/billing/services (staff panel)
* FL-1223 Overlapping text in staff/billing/orders (staff panel)

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-11-01

0.9.16 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

WARNING: If you are upgrading from 0.9.15 to 0.9.16 you will be required to enter your licensing key again.
This is required because we are upgrading Fleio from Python 2 to Python 3. You can get your license key from your
`customer account <https://fleio.com/login>`_ or email us if you need assistance.

* FL-1008 Add users activity log (staff panel)
* Staff users can upload VM images (staff panel)
* FL-1068 Show global and per region memory usage on dashboard (staff panel)
* FL-1113 Switch clients from directly owning an OpenStack project to owning a service that points to OpenStack
* Drop Ubuntu 14 support
* FL-1081 Autocomplete drop down for currencies selection (staff panel)
* FL-1138 Show currently used cores on the license page (staff panel)
* FL-1140 Display information on Settings/Configuration cards (staff panel)
* FL-1161 Prepare for Django 2.0 compatibility
* Add status field in client and implement client suspend. Suspend service and project on client suspend.
* Add billing menu (staff panel)
* FL-1164 Move General Configurations actions to Configurations as actions
* FL-1179 Update all table views to use box shadows and our new table class
* FL-1196 Add status bar to users (staff panel)
* FL-1199 Dynamic width for table cells
* FL-1183 Redesign the user profile
* Update Romanian translation
* Upgrade third party Python libraries
* Upgrade Fleio installer and code base from Python 2 to Python 3

* Use UTC timezone in updated.py
* FL-1132 Deleting an assigned Configuration throws 500 (staff panel)
* FL-1139 Dashboard throws 500 error if it can't connect to OpenStack (staff panel)
* FL-1141 Network delete not handled correctly if network is missing (staff panel)
* List subnets from shared networks too
* FL-1122 Do not offer the option to delete a subnet if it's not possible anyway
* Fix client creation 500 error on second client
* Set the default configuration for new clients
* FL-1130 Fix duplicate error in sync.py ('OpenStack_OpenStackinstanceflavor_name_region_id_a30d4c21_uniq')
* FL-1150 Fix image editing (staff panel)
* FL-910 Fix crash in "suspend project" Celery task
* FL-1176 Fix user licensing error message (staff panel)
* FL-1177 License info error when region not found (staff panel)
* Allow user to log out if license is missing (staff panel)
* FL-1135 Add IP automatically request sent to wrong region (staff panel)
* Display loading backdrop until license info is loaded (staff panel)
* Cannot connect page should appear when backend is not working
* FL-1157 Fix configurations list display headers
* FL-1162 Billing packages don't fit in window if there is too much text
* FL-1169 Language does not appear when editing the user profile
* FL-1178 Refresh license now working as expected on error
* FL-1185 Configuration details tabs misplaced

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-10-05

0.9.15 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-423 Instance live and offline migration (staff panel)
* FL-1071 Add ssh key validation for all 4 types (dsa, rsa, ecdsa, ed25519)
* FL-1074 Add/edit/remove currencies (staff panel)
* Improve cron logging
* New configuration sets system and migrate billing settings to configurations (staff panel)
* Task log: view tasks, retry task (staff panel)
* Add settings.py option to automatically create an OpenStack project or not
* FL-1099 Easily add many extra IPs (egg. just fill in 30) (staff panel)
* Custom client fields
* FL-1067 Instance info 3 equal columns
* Improve volume size increments settings
* Update Romanian translation
* Update third party libraries

* FL-690 Check project quota before trying to deploy and return a friendly error
* Fix collectorlib not working with license
* Validate that only one unpaid credit invoice exists
* FL-1092 Fix backend crashes when it cannot connect to gnocchi endpoint
* FL-1093: do not show shared networks on client cloud resources tab  (staff panel)
* Fix uwsgi reloading after license set
* Clean CSS code
* Fix instances info display on xs screen
* FL-1070 Update flavor information after resize on instance details card
* Fix refresh license UI result
* FL-787 Fix creating an image will not trigger any alert when fields are empty
* FL-1049 Fix scroll overlapping items from more button (instance details)
* FL-1094 Fix sidenav backdrop visible only after animation completes
* FL-1075 Fix license expired in - negative days
* FL-1069 Fix wrong label format on single chart point
* FL-799 Fix changing theme from staff will change it to end user interface too
* FL-1118 Fix submit instance loader not showing when page is scrolled

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-07-19

0.9.14 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-527 Search instance by UUID
* FL-932 Project enable / disable (staff panel)
* FL-737 Change client's billing settings (staff panel)
* FL-1051 In demo mode do not allow changes to OpenStack settings
* FL-890 Separate end-user/staff feature toggles from settings.py
* FL-1061 Add "Cloud resources" tab on client details page (staff panel)
* FL-1060 Add "Network" tab on instance details page (staff panel)
* FL-1062 Make collector.py verbose
* FL-921 Visually mark protected images
* FL-719 New tab "Discovered services" on OpenStack settings page (staff panel)
* FL-790 Keep tiered values from pricing rule when switching to flat pricing and back (staff panel)
* FL-907 Update frontend Romanian translation

* FL-1047 Suggest Gnocchi configuration check when graphs data is not available
* FL-1014 Round credit in WHMCS to two decimals
* FL-1055 Fix new clients receive out of credit notifications
* FL-1065 Fix sync.py doesn't always get the networks
* FL-1066 Fix cloud resources not resumed after payment in WHMCS
* Fix 500 error if gnocchi isn't installed
* Fix can not add ed25519 SSH keys
* FL-1050 Metric network graph no longer converts values to human readable (KB, MB etc.)
* FL-781 Fix unable to create instance if no network is selected
* FL-870 Fix images are sorted random on new instance form
* FL-1056 Fix wrong browser tab title for instance page when user is no longer logged in
* FL-1022 Allow instance delete action on instance list page when instance is in error state
* FL-1059 Fix add credit for error "amount field has errors"
* Fix 404 errors on instance details page, when some features were turned off (and corresponding tabs were missing)
* FL-1036 Fix current submenu option is not expanded on first page load on mobile
* FL-340 Reorder instance cards after instance rename
* FL-791 Error when saving price rule without a price tier
* FL-795 Fix calendar last column padding (on Price rule page -> filter)
* Fix routers list view
* FL-1072 Fix instance/client details JavaScript errors when some features are disabled

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-06-26

0.9.13 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-1005 Add routers create/edit/delete functionality (end-user and staff panel)
* FL-1045 Search instance by IP address
* Upgrade Django to 1.11.2 and other libraries
* FL-1041 Dashboard stats: match dashboard flavors, images by name, instead of UUID (end-user and staff panel). This
  means that flavors and images with the same name, from different regions will be considered the same
* Allow ECDSA on add SSH key validation check
* Update Romanian translation in frontend
* FL-973 Add option to select subnet on add port
* FL-1024 Use chart.js instead of amCharts. Remove amCharts.

* FL-1023 Fix hypervisor dashboard graphic disk data calculation (staff panel)
* FL-1030 Fix collector crash
* FL-1010 Fix sync crash when Neutron isn't configured with routers
* Fix can't create port if instance's project does not exist in fleio
* FL-1032 Fix crash if snapshots feature is disabled
* FL-1026 Sync script: Display nice error instead of crash on invalid Keystone SSL certificate
* FL-1046 Fix Sync exception on invalid API (non-JSON) response for a particular service
* Exclude flavors of deleted instances from dashboard stats (staff panel)
* FL-1026 Sync even if the SSL certificate is invalid, if "Verify API SSL certificates" is unchecked in settings
* FL-1025 Disable drag on dashboard for touch devices
* FL-1000 Improve small list views that were too crowded
* Fix card title (for instances, volumes etc.) was cut too short, even though there was enough space
* Fix "Back to login" button on reset form
* FL-990 Circular progress animation on list view and linear progress on cards should have the same color when snapshot
  is created
* FL-991 Remove false "pending" status when volume is deleting
* FL-1033 Sidenav menu opens invisible and causes clicks and taps to not work
* FL-1035 Fix list of cards not showing properly on iPhone
* FL-989 Fix iPhone truncates instance details
* FL-1034 Fix web console doesn't work anymore
* FL-1029 Fix removing IP uses the wrong neutron region
* FL-1037 Fix card actions should stay at the bottom of the card
* FL-987 Fix clicking on the current page's option in menu does nothing (on phones and small screens)
* FL-1048 Fix edit profile form successfully saved, but form still shows errors
* FL-1043 Don't show refresh and set-license buttons in demo mode
* FL-948 If license is expired/doesn't match give back specific message
* Fix license key is too long: split to multiple lines

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-06-14

0.9.12 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-997 Use real name of hypervisor on dashboard (staff panel)
* FL-985 Identify the common supported OpenStack API-s version from all regions and use it
* FL-993 Add/remove IP on existing port (staff panel)
* Upgrade to Angular 1.6.4, Angular Material 1.1.4 and other third party libraries
* FL-874 On form errors scroll at the top of the screen and show general error message. This way errors on fields
  won't go unnoticed.
* FL-995 Add action buttons on client list view (staff panel)
* Optimize networks list refresh
* Add note on OpenStack config form that Notifications must be configured


* Fix: delete OpenStack objects (instances, volumes etc.) that correspond to regions that are no longer in the database
* Fix sync error: Only shared images have members
* FL-960 Configure auto create networks from frontend staff not working as expected
* FL-894 Cannot create instance when more networks are available
* FL-963 Delete subnets when network is deleted
* Fix create auto allocate network creates a second router
* FL-913 Fix collector crash: cannot convert None to decimal
* FL-1020 Fix: cannot save OpenStack settings with verify SSL unchecked when SSL is expired (staff panel)
* FL-959 Fix: staff clients detect idle timer in frontend never stops (staff panel)
* Fix error message doesn't disappear when you delete last character
* FL-869 Fix: instance/image/etc. name on details page truncated, though there's enough space
* FL-996, FL-999 Fix: instance/image/etc. name in list views truncated, though there's enough space
* FL-1002 Fix: card view names should be truncated only when they exceed the allocated space
* FL-1001 Fix: network name exceeds card if is too long
* FL-893 Fix: on page not found error previous URL in address bar is not changed and 404 message is shown. Now only 404
  error is shown in toast message and page content remains as is.
* FL-1003 Show success message when saving billing settings
* FL-1004 Show setting name on delete setting dialog
* FL-1006 Fix: action buttons are out from card when client name is too large
* FL-1012 Fix: error not showed properly on billing settings create

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-05-18

0.9.11 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* FL-792 Password reset for end-user and staff
* FL-920 Add pie usage charts for each hypervisor (staff panel)
* Upgrade third party Python libraries
* On sync delete regions (and corresponding flavors) missing in OpenStack
* FL-939 Show if client is suspended in clients list
* FL-896 Associate users to client
* FL-834 On instance create form preselect if there's single network and hide network selection
* FL-941 Change network and subnet pools icons
* FL-962 Hide SSH key and password field on Windows image select
* FL-937 Add port should not require IP field, make it optionally
* FL-921 Mark an image as protected in frontend

* Fix snapshot URL filter
* Fix collector imports
* FL-905 'Email not available' message when email already exists in the database
* FL-924 Do not allow staff user to delete himself
* FL-927 New instance flavor card wrong unit on ram
* FL-926 Add volume doesn't take in consideration default region
* FL-933 Show specific error message when project/user is disabled
* Fix some sync issues when deleting missing objects
* FL-938 Ports added are always down and not attached in the instance
* Use instance's project id for port creation
* Fix error on creating vlan network
* Fix staff dashboard charts on mobile
* FL-955 Ask confirmation before deleting a pricing rule
* FL-957 Clearing search box doesn't work while clicking on X
* FL-884 Show SSH Keys from all users of current user's client in SSH Keys list

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-04-24

0.9.10 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* Remove custom frontend code injection (staff panel)
* FL-844 Staff dashboard prototype
* FL-897 Implement suspend, resume for Client
* Prepare code for Python 3.6 compatibility, stage 1
* FL-769 Add possibility to edit or delete a payment from invoice (staff panel)
* Refresh license on Fleio update
* FL-786 Display region on instance details
* FL-886 Add loader on add client form submit
* FL-731 Make filters human readable on pricing rules list
* Hide usage info on dashboard when "add credit" feature is disabled
* Notifications sender and company info moved to billing settings

* FL-904 Fix errors on adding port/IP
* FL-911 Add port shouldn't list networks for all regions to select
* Fix: Change currency in PayPal based on invoice
* Replace the raw SQL usage to be compatible with any database backend
* FL-923 Add port from a non-default region, not working
* Fix client validation when adding a credit invoice
* FL-916 Fix: Some actions on OpenStack objects were not possible if project was suspended (staff panel)
* FL-906 Fix client name length limit on card

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-04-05

0.9.9 is an alpha version and we do not recommend it for production.

* New billing settings
* FL-850 Add support for detailed subnet creation
* FL-188 Add/remove/replace instance IP addresses
* FL-794 Add client delete operation (staff panel)
* FL-858 Show progress bar for add subnet on networks
* FL-885 Add proxy settings for licensing check
* Update third party libraries (Django, Django Rest Framework, python-cinderclient etc.)
* FL-854 Change set license edit box to text area
* Redesign flavor create and remove sliders

* FL-895 Fix edit client crash (staff panel)
* Fix phone value not displayed in edit for frontend.
* Fix: client serialization allows changing credit field value
* FL-864 Fix: can't create flavor with RAM more than 32GB
* FL-867 Fix: build numbers do not appear in footer
* FL-868 Fix: Status bar is animated for deactivated staff images
* FL-865: Fix Error '404: Not found' on instance details every 5 seconds
* Fix project not displayed if there is only one
* FL-765 Reword 'No flavors available IN THIS REGION'
* Fix menu opening only on second tap on mobile
* Fix vertical scroll not working on Android
* FL-909 Fix: subnet creation should only be allowed for user's project

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-03-13

0.9.8 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.

* Add instance history log for staff. Includes error call stack trace
* FL-827 Add volume size increments
* FL-762 Allow configuration or a default network, subnet pool for "get me a network"
* FL-693 Add frontend URL setting and remove PayPal module dependence in referrer URL
* FL-849 Allow users to create subnets for their own networks
* FL-853 Add additional parameters to network creation from staff
* Upgrade angular libraries to 1.5.11
* Add sample logo configuration to template_constants.js files

* Fix client creation with group specified
* Fix volume - project database association on updated/sync event arrivals
* Fix PayPal button not appearing on invoice details
* Fix OpenStack settings edit link

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-03-01

0.9.7 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.


* Sync security groups to Fleio database
* FL-763 create/delete network subnets
* Implement region retrieval from access info
* Gather gnocchi metrics from all regions in osbilling
* Add default email templates, template variables
* FL-833 Add dynamic field support to int and decimal
* FL-832 Limit network operations and visibility based on RBAC
* FL-835 Show info on associated floating IP
* Add Celery and test-pilot jobs
* Remove the whmcs app from Fleio. Now the fleio-whmcs module works without special app in Fleio.
* Add an option to enable auto suspension globally
* Allow automatic suspension of clients based on usage
* FL-837, FL-838 Add subnet pools create, list, update, delete operations in staff panel
* Allow CSRF token and header customizations
* FL-830 Organize staff menu options in categories
* FL-835 Display the floating IPs on instance details and the instance on floating IP details
* FL-836 Add new menu options icons
* FL-770 Show error on resize instance page when no available flavors
* Add billing model options
* New billing settings interface
* FL-840 Update frontend Romanian translation

* Fix models charfield max length to 255
* FL-789 Don't allow to remove 'default' setting from default billing plan
* Round on usage data collection interval to milliseconds
* FL-828 Billing settings do not show when editing
* FL-825 Do not allow public network deletion by a normal Fleio user
* Fix staff network update project missing bug
* FL-804 Hidden flavors for users are hidden for staff as well
* FL-843 Resize instance with bogus Region will result in 500 error
* Fix prefixlen adding to subnetpools
* FL-819 Objects list - ordering from URL parameter not working
* FL-739 Fix billing settings error messages and dynamic fields
* FL-783 Get frontend build number from constants.js
* FL-813 Stop requesting the current user after logout
* FL-774 Add theme color to autocomplete 'X' button
* FL-807 Fix overlapping content on profile page
* FL-789 Select other default plan when removing 'default' property
* Fix instance creation networking selection after region change
* FL-767 Instance shows error 'Flavor does not exist in region' when switching regions on creation

Other smaller fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-02-01

0.9.6 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.


* FL-793 staff panel: add/edit/delete users
* FL-761, FL-801 staff panel: add/edit/delete networks
* FL-624 staff panel: add client
* One-click network creation
* Staff panel: instance creation displays the exception message directly from OpenStack
* FL-734 Invoicing doesn't filter for status and due date
* FL-777 add region field and improve performance on add volume form
* FL-810 RabbitMQ Add option to connect on SSL for notifications
* FL-776 Show volume UUID when name is empty
* FL-808 Add support to search for location and other strings that are available in flavors
* Sync messages from RabbitMQ in parallel
* Use a simple token caching mechanism for sync
* Add 'add credit' feature toggle in settings.py
* FL-818 Add instance snapshots feature toggle in settings.py
* Include last usage price in client usage summary
* FL-704 Launch from image will automatically select the first region
* FL-815 Make card / list display preference per user and per page


* FL-734 Invoicing doesn't filter for status and due date
* FL-771 Unable to resize instance
* FL-809 Network region update should not be allowed
* FL-701 Fix instance creation race condition
* Fix Staff Image multi region support
* Handle exception for conversion of osbilling low funds remaining hours
* FL-730 SSH key generate button shouldn't clear key name text
* Fix license check crash on /staff/cannot-connect
* Fix dynamic fields not rendering default field value
* Fix client selection in staff instances and volumes create
* FL-695 Page title and breadcrumb doesn't change when you change the language
* FL-785 Set default language for new users
* FL-760 ID not specified on info popup alert after image update from staff
* FL-802 staff panel: Delete instance should appear in only one place
* FL-784 staff panel: billing plan page should be refreshed after a plan is deleted
* FL-667 On image list, image size spans on two lines
* FL-780 Sometimes server fails to respond on Logout/Login
* Fix redirections on 404 and error handling and not found page title
* FL-548 "Show all" picture is missing from metrics graphic when zoomed in
* FL-668 Show success message when license is set
* FL-345 Automatic page changing should be canceled if the page was already changed
* FL-811 User list not updated after editing a user
* FL-798 Save ordering per state, per user
* Fix notification 'Mark as read' button label not showing
* Fix client details issue when invoicing is disabled

Other minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2017-01-05

0.9.5 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.


* FL-698 Add region selection on flavor create
* FL-726 Assign OpenStack project to client from staff panel
* Add Client groups and flavor filtering by client groups
* Move settings directory to settings.py file and clean up settings
* WHMCS integration improvements
* FL-703 Sync volume types from notifications
* Remove the billing model setting (billing model can be defined from Billing settings)
* Allow destroy and start when credit is low
* FL-755, FL-756 Fix OpenStack password decryption issues (incorrect padding/cipher/string length, etc.)
* On sync set the default flavor description to the flavor name
* Refactor the way we retrieve network metrics
* FL-751 Execute sync script and reload fleio service on OpenStack settings save
* FL-754 Show client name on image in staff panel
* FL-749 Show My images option and 'you have no images' on instance create
* Prepare OpenStack network features: sync Neutron routers, network auto-allocation (not visible in this release)
* Internal refactoring


* FL-742 Allow deletion of queued images
* FL-753 Staff: client missing on volume details
* Fix instance creation client selection validation
* Fix client suspend and resume operations
* Fix sync crash on bad configuration
* Fix gnocchi instance network metrics
* FL-772 Round flavors RAM field to two decimals (i.e. 0.98 GB)
* FL-732 Billing plans->add pricing rule->edit filter->all fields are greyed out
* Fix: sign up page has null title

Other minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2016-12-08

0.9.4 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.


* Ability to specify multiple messaging broker URLs to sync with
* Validation of OpenStack notifications URLs
* Ability to enable or disable floating IPs functionality


* OpenStack default settings validation now uses the encrypted password
* Only show floating IPs actions on instances if the feature is enabled
* Instance metrics multi region support
* Fix display of billing pricing rules for tiered pricing
* Fix the updated service retrying on SQL connection idle timeout

Other minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2016-11-22

See `here <https://fleio.com/docs/upgrading.html>`_ special steps needed to upgrade from 0.9.2 to 0.9.3.

0.9.3 is an alpha version not recommended for production.

This version changes the backend models and the way syncing with OpenStack is done.
After upgrading from 0.9.2, a sync is required by running: */var/webapps/fleio/scripts/sync*
Multiple bugs were fixed and we optimized the frontend performance.


* Multi region support
* Floating IPs
* New OpenStack settings interface
* Ability to select network when booting an instance
* Internationalization i18n
* Use OpenStack clients public API-s (stop using admin API-s)
* Prepare for volume boot
* Improve OpenStack sync and notifications handling

* Do not allow reboot when instance is in error state
* Fix staff image create 500 error
* Set notifications settings default values for Fleio without fleio-collector
* Fix instance volume attachment to only show volumes in selected region
* Only show allowed flavors on resize
* Filter instance creation networks by region
* Fix license page crash in staff panel
* Get current language from client browser
* Mark all(most all) strings for translation
* Fix crash on invoice when company info not defined
* Fix crash when user adds credit
* Do not hide flavors with attribute show_in_fleio=False from staff instance create

Other minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2016-10-05

0.9.2 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.


* FL-673 Allow instance deletion when in error state
* FL-671 "Show/hide in Fleio" flavors checkbox. You can choose the flavors that show up in Fleio (create instance form)
* FL-644 Add "day" pricing time unit (besides second, minute, hour and billing cycle)
* FL-652 Manually add payment to invoice
* On invoice view show transactions assigned to it
* Allow empty NICs in staff instance create
* FL-680, FL-606 Instance, volume and image traits to meter and charge on are no longer hardcoded and now retrieved from
  the database. This allows you to configure any OpenStack trait.
* FL-672 Limit available networks listed on create instance page to only the networks a tenant has access to
* FL-669 UI: Highlight default billing plan with a tag
* FL-674 UI: Change instance details circular progress to a linear one, also showing status


* Fixed crash caused by zip code too long on add client form, after signup (related: FL-670)
* FL-683 Create instance snapshot from staff with the appropriate owner
* FL-673 Allow instance deletion when in error state
* FL-685 Fix launch instance from image in staff panel

Other minor fixes and improvements.


Release date: 2016-09-29

0.9.1 is an alpha version and is not recommended for production.

This is the initial public Fleio release.