Fleio 2025.02.0 beta is now available

Beta version is not recommended for production environment. For production we recommend Fleio 2025.01.1.

The Fleio OpenStack Edition - billing system and self-service portal software - enables service providers to sell public cloud services.

The Fleio Hosting Billing Edition helps web hosting company automate service life cycle.

Online demo

Fleio OpenStack Edition

Fleio OpenStack Edition provides full billing and control panel functionality that enables service providers to offer public cloud services. End-users can sign up, add credit (or post-pay), create and manage OpenStack cloud resources. The powerful pricing rules enable the service providers to charge services on the cloud billing model (e.g., price pe GB / hour for storage, price per vCPU / minute etc.).

See Fleio editions comparison.

The Fleio OpenStack Edition includes the common features listed below.

  • OpenStack compute instances

    End-users can create OpenStack compute instances up to the quota defined in OpenStack. For each end-user, a new OpenStack project is created. Compute instances actions available to staff and end-users: create, reboot, shutdown, rescue, rebuild, rename, resize, change root password, add/remove IP, add/delete security group, access web console, delete, see console log, see CPU and network metrics, create snapshots, attach volumes. When creating an instance end-users can choose local storage, existing volume or create new volume and choose volume type.

  • OpenStack Swift object storage

    Fleio offers support for pricing rules based on swift object storage. All Swift pricing rules can be defined linear or tiered.

  • OpenStack Magnum Kubernetes support

    End users can automate application deployment using Kubernetes container orchestration system.

  • OpenStack networks

    End-users and staff users can create networks and add IPv4 and IPv6 subnets.

  • OpenStack routers

    End-users and staff users can create routers and assign networks to them.

  • OpenStack security groups

    End-users can define security groups and assign them to compute instances.

  • OpenStack DNS zones

    End-users can add and edit DNS zones. This feature uses OpenStack Designate API version 2.

    End-users can also configure reverse DNS for both IPv4 and IPv6.

  • OpenStack floating IPs

    End-user can deploy floating IP addresses and assign them to instances.

  • Community images

    End-users can upload their own images.

  • LXC console support

  • OpenStack resource usage and pricing

    Fleio measures the OpenStack compute and storage resource your customers are using with a granularity of seconds, hours, minutes or days. Your customers can see a summary of the current or previous billing cycles, as well as detailed usage information. You can set pricing on the following parameters: instance flavor, instance state, instance type, instance operating system, vCPU count, RAM, local storage space or network volume storage, availability zone, cell; image: storage, availability zone, state etc.; volume size, availability zone, type etc.; flat network bandwidth pricing or tiered pricing.

    Resource usage accounting does not depend on OpenStack Ceilometer project; instead, it uses the internal OpenStack message queue.

  • Pre-paid or post-paid billing model

    On pre-paid billing model, customers must first add credit and then they will be allowed to create cloud resources. Cloud resources consumption is limited to a configurable balance and cloud resources are (optionally) suspended automatically when defined balance is reached.

  • OpenStack volumes

    End-users can create volumes and can choose region, size and volume type. Volume size increments are configurable. Volumes can be resized, attached to instances and deleted.

    End-users can boot instances from volumes.

    We also support snapshots, reverting and backup for volumes. Users can create, edit and even revert the snapshot to a previous version

  • OpenStack flavors and projects

    Staff users can create and edit flavors and projects. Flavors can be preserved (to have the same UUID even after being updated and can be assigned into groups.

  • SSH keys

    End-users and staff users can add SSH keys and assign them to compute instances on deployment.

    SSH keys are injected into compute instances at deployment trough cloud-init.

  • OpenStack API users

    End-users can add OpenStack API users authorized to manage cloud resources in their own OpenStack project.

  • OpenStack multi-region

    Fleio supports multiple OpenStack regions, end-users being able to choose region when creating cloud resources.

  • Pricing and automatic actions based on client groups

    The OpenStack resource pricing and the automatic actions (egg. auto-suspend on out of credit) is configurable per client groups.

  • Cloud Invoicing and charging

    Invoices are issued when customer adds credit (pre-paid model) or at the end of billing cycle based on cloud resources consumption. Automatic notifications are sent on low credit, invoice issued and other events.

  • Instance traffic billing support

    You can create pricing rules based on incoming/outgoing private and public traffic made by an instance.

    Traffic pricing and calculation depends on OpenStack Ceilometer project. You can read more about ceilometer configuration here

  • WHMCS module

    An open source (BSD license) fleio-whmcs module is available. Customers can place the order in WHMCS and add credit from WHMCS. The Fleio and OpenStack project are deployed automatically, and credit is added to Fleio.


The Fleio OpenStack Edition includes the common features listed below.

Fleio Hosting Billing Edition

The Hosting Billing Edition empowers web hosting companies to manage and charge for web hosting services and internet domain names and manage customer support tickets.

The Fleio Hosting Billing Edition includes the common features listed below.

  • Domain name registration and management

    End-users can order new domain name registration and transfer. Unique feature: domain names registration/transfer/renewal cost prices are retrieved from registrars API and staff users can compare costs and choose the lowest. Registrar modules available: OpenProvider and ResellerClub (Logicboxes).

  • cPanel shared web hosting automation

    Sell cPanel web hosting accounts: automatic setup, suspend, terminate.

  • Ticketing system

    The Fleio tickets plugin adds a ticketing system, support departments and configurable signatures for staff users. Tickets can be created from the Fleio interface or automatically generated when a department receives a message on its related email. Staff can configure email notifications for ticket actions (open/close/reply) based on the associated department.

The Fleio Hosting Billing Edition includes the common features listed below.

Fleio common features included in both editions

The common features are included both in the OpenStack Edition and the Hosting Billing Edition.

  • Customer on boarding

    New users can sign up and add invoicing information. VAT ID is validated online and client is marked as tax exempt if a valid VAT ID is provided.

  • Orders fraud check

    Customers' orders fraud check by using the MaxMind API.

  • True multi-currency

    Each client has a default currency and when you change the client's currency, it will not change the currency on the already issued invoice. Clients may have invoices issued in any currency. Services may have fixed pricing or dynamic pricing updated automatically based on exchange rate.

  • Product configurable option

    Define setup options and pricing options for products. Widgets available for configurable options: drop down, radio button, quantity input or text field. Configurable options support billing cycles, multi-currency and price per option.

  • Mass emails

    You can send mass emails to filtered clients. You can filter your clients based on their status or type of service. You can also filter your clients by their details regarding OpenStack region, OpenStack node, instance type, operating system, flavor / flavor group and so on.

  • Staff users authorization system

    Define authorized operations per staff user or group of users.

  • Modern architecture

    Fleio is a Single Page web Application (SPA) and everything is based on an API available to developers and third-party tools.

    Our modern architecture allows serving the frontend files from a CDN network, run the staff panel in a VPN and use our REST API to integrate with other systems.

  • Custom defined themes

    Customizable color scheme with a simple JavaScript function.

  • cPanel licensing for NOC partners

    Sell cPanel licenses to your customers. Fleio leverages the cPanel manage2 API to create and manage cPanel licenses.

  • Feature toggle

    Fleio features may be disabled individually. You can enable or disable compute instances, backup, instance snapshots, volumes, OpenStack end-user API, DNS PTR, network, security groups and many more.

  • Two factor authentication

    You can let your users choose if they enable it or you can enforce users to enable it. Time-based One-time Password is available through the Google Authenticator mobile app or other compatible applications, like Authy. SMS authentication is also available with a module for Amazon SNS SMS. You can easily add other SMS providers by writing one simple Python function that sends SMS.

  • Billing for any service or product

    You can define pricing for other kind of services, like system administration monthly charge. Define one time price or recurring on: calendar month, X days, X months, X years.

  • Payment gateways

    Fleio supports the following payment gateways: PayPal, Stripe, PayU, PayU Romania and Romcard. Contact us if you need a module for another payment gateway.

  • Tax rules

    Define tax rules per country and county/state. You can also define a start and end date for a rule to apply - useful when VAT rates are changing, for example.

  • Recurring payments

    Fleio offers support for recurring payments with multiple gateways (Romcard, PayU and PayU Romania).

  • Email notification templates

    Staff users can edit email notification templates including translations in other languages. The notifications are sent based on the client's language.

See Fleio editions comparison.

Find the latest changelog here.