End-user / Cloud / Load Balancers

From this page you can manage load balancers.


In order to be able to manage load balancers from Fleio the admin user needs to have load-balancer_admin and creator roles on user projects.

For new projects Fleio can add these roles automatically if they are selected in Default role names dropdown on OpenStack settings - Defaults tab.

For existing projects you will have to set these roles manually - see :ref:upgrade-to-antelope for an example of how to accomplish this.

Create new load balancer

Creating a load balancer may take some time so you will have to wait a while until the load balancer becomes active.

To create a new load balancer you will have to fill up the following forms with details:

Load balancer details

This form will allow you to configure load balancer details.


The following properties can be set for a new load balancer:

  • Name - load balancer name

  • Description - load balancer description

  • IP address - virtual IP address for load balancer

  • Availability zone - the availability zone for load balancer

  • Flavor - the load balancer flavor

  • Subnet (required) - subnet used to allocate virtual IP for load balancer

  • Admin state up - check this to enable load balancer after create

Listener details

This form will allow you to configure the listener that will be created for a new load balancer.


The following properties can be set for the listener:

  • Name - listener name

  • Description - listener description

  • Protocol (required) - listener protocol, see below for details

  • Port (required) - the port to listen on

  • Client data timeout, TCP timeout, Member connect timeout, Member data timeout - various timeout in milliseconds - use 0 for infinite

  • Connection limit - number of concurrent connections - use -1 for infinite

Listener protocols


Currently, we support the following listener protocols in Fleio: TCP, HTTP, HTTPS, TERMINATED_HTTPS and UPD.


TERMINATED_HTTPS protocol will require user to store at least one valid TLS certificate in barbican and allow admin user to access it.

Certificates should be stored in PKCS#12 format in barbican. In order to convert a certificate to PKCS#12 format you can use the following command:

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey cert.key -in cert.crt  -passout pass: -out cert.p12

Once the certificate is exported to PKCS#12 format it can be added to barbican secret store using the following command:

openstack secret store --name='tls_secret' -t 'application/octet-stream' -e 'base64' --payload="$(base64 < cert.p12)"

and then add ACL for admin user:

openstack secret list
# copy ``Secret href`` of the secret you want to allow ``admin`` user to access
openstack acl user add --user admin <secret href>  # use ``Secret href`` from above


If user cannot store secrets in barbican he will need to be granted creator role. Use the following command to grant a user creator role:

openstack role add --user <api user name> --project <user project id> creator

Pool details

This form will allow you to configure the pool that will be created for a new load balancer.


The following properties can be set for the pool:

  • Name - poll name

  • Description - pool description

  • Algorithm (required) - algorithm used by the pool to balance connection between pool members

Pool members

This form will allow you to define pool members. The load balancer will balance connection between member defined here.


There are two types of pool members:

  • external - specified by IP Address & port

  • instance - an instance from user project can be selected and used as a pool member

Monitor details

This form will allow you to configure the health monitor that will be created for a new load balancer.


The following properties can be set for the health monitor:

  • Name - poll name

  • Type - type of check to be used to determine if a pool member is down

  • Max retries down - the number of retries until a pool member if considered down if the check fails

  • Delay - number of seconds to wait between checks

  • Max retries - the number of successful checks before a pool member is considered online

  • Timeout - number of seconds after which a health check times out