Customization options


If you are adding or changing Fleio files, other than Fleio setting files that are stored in Docker volumes, see Adding or changing files in Fleio Docker images.

You generally have these customization options:

  1. Use backend settings and frontend settings to customize your Fleio installation

  2. Write some hooks

  3. Write specific modules, for things like payment gateways or two factor authentication

  4. Write a Django app

Write some hooks

Python Backend hooks/signals

The Python backend hooks are called signals. See how to add your custom code to run on certain events, without modifying Fleio source code: Python signals.

Write a Django app

Learn how to develop web applications with Django:

To include your app in the Fleio Django project add it to INSTALLED_APPS in the file:


You will also want to include your urls module in the project’s URLs map. Edit /var/webapps/fleio/project/fleio/ and add your module to urlpatterns:

urlpatterns = [
    # API URLs
    # ...
    path('{}myurl/'.format(settings.URL_PREFIX), include(('myapp.urls', 'myapp'), namespace='myapp')),

The file is never overwritten by Fleio.