Traffic monitoring

Fleio supports OpenStack instance traffic monitoring. Fleio is able to monitor incoming and outgoing traffic for an instance on each port.

In order to be able enable traffic monitoring you need to configure Ceilometer and Gnocchi to collect traffic data for instances. For more information see Ceilometer configuration

After Ceilometer and Gnocchi are properly configured the openstack.instances.traffic feature should be enabled in For more information see advanced settings file.

Once everything is configured you can run the collect_traffic_data script:

fleio bash

The script will launch a celery task that will collect traffic data for all ports for active instances and will update Total traffic this billing cycle and Total traffic this months fields for instance.

For best results the script should be configured as a periodic task (please see Collect OpenStack traffic data task schedule). If the script is not executed for long periods of time traffic data collecting may not be accurate.

Once traffic data is available Fleio can be configured to bill instance traffic. See traffic billing.