Staff / Clients & Users / User groups

User groups items can be listed as cards or in a table.


On the list page, some basic data is displayed about each group while on the user group details page (accessed by clicking on an item) full details are shown.


Hovering over a user group will reveal some quick actions buttons for editing or deleting the item. Those are also available on the group’s details page.


Editing or adding a new user group

After pressing the edit button a dialog will be shown that allows renaming the group, changing its description or making the selected group the default one.


To add a new group, click the floating button from the bottom right side of the page that will trigger a dialog with the same fields as the edit user group dialog.


User group details page

  • Overview:


On the details page, relevant information about the group is shown:

  • Permissions: being ‘default’ or ‘custom’, it shows if the group has the default permissions from the ‘implicitly granted’ setting, or has custom permissions that were changed by a superuser. More about permissions here.

  • Description: the user group description

  • Number of users in this group: user group members count

After these details, a table with the group members is shown, allowing to remove or add users to the group.

  • Permissions:


Here you can edit group permissions by checking/unchecking permissions you want. A newly created user does not have any permissions saved, so all permissions are checked/unchecked based on “Grant all permissions implicitly” setting.

Adding or removing users to the group

This can be done from two places:

  • The user group details page users table


Search for a user and press Add user to group button to add him to the group. To remove one, click the Remove user from group button under.

  • The users details page, user groups tab


Here, the Add user to group button will trigger a modal with an autocomplete search input field, where you can choose a group to include the user in it. The X button next to each group in the user groups’ table allows removal of the user from the group.
