Release date: 2025-02-17
2025.02.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2025.02.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2025.02.1, are marked with bold.
[add] [staff] #8792 Disabled reason field when disabling nova-compute on hypervisor
[add] #8808 Time on Notifications
[change] #8598 Ensure service is updated on any domain update
[change] #8751 When user replies to ticket related to his client make sure he/she is added to CC
[change] #8797 Optimize remaining hours estimation
[change] #8821 Upgrade Stripe
[fix] [staff] #8661 Misaligned delete icon button and right click on it triggers action on OpenStack pricing plans
[fix] [enduser] #8770 Empty page on “Order services” when no product available
[fix] #8771 Misaligned estimated cost on mobile view on instance create backup dialog
[fix] #8772 Cut-off text on mobile view on create instance backup schedule
[fix] [enduser] #8773 Action button icon exceeding borders on instance list mobile view
[fix] #8774 Misaligned text in pop-up message after creating instance on mobile view
[fix] #8776 Cut-off error message on create cluster template on mobile view
[fix] #8777 Tooltip overlaps with material menu
[fix] [enduser] #8779 Container table details not visible on mobile size
[fix] [enduser] #8780 Domain registration “edit contact” and “add contact” buttons are misplaced on mobile screen
[fix] #8781 Cart page details are shown cut-off on mobile view
[fix] [staff] #8782 Input field placeholder overflows border on mobile view on create product
[fix] #8783 Overlapped text on Transfer domain page on mobile view
[fix] #8784 “Is public” info tooltip is cut-off on database instance create form on mobile
[fix] [enduser] #8785 Create Load Balancer form is displayed wrongly on mobile size
[fix] [staff] #8786 Project ID sometimes overlapping on mobile size
[fix] [staff] #8787 Image flavor assignment displayed wrongly on mobile size
[fix] #8788 URL “Source” field displayed wrongly on mobile size on image create
[fix] #8789 Label and placeholder overflowing borders on create image on mobile size
[fix] #8794 Broken table on Activity log on mobile size
[fix] #8795 Typos Floating ‘ip’ instead of “IP”
[fix] [staff] #8798 Activity log for database instance scheduled backup not formatted when failed
[fix] #8811 Sometimes fragment is lost after post error refresh
[fix] [enduser] #8814 Ticket create or details page loads slowly when having many services
[fix] [staff] #8815 Hypervisor details page is not refreshed after action
[fix] [staff] #8817 Various issues on hypervisors details page
[fix] #8819 Two celerybeat containers are started on Fleio OpenStack edition
[fix] [staff] #8822 Typo “Clients count” on user card
[fix] #8824 Images pasted in TinyMCE from ticket details page are not submitted
[fix] [staff] #8825 Internal server error when cloning a pricing rule that has filters or price modifiers
[fix] [enduser] #8829 “Current credit will last for about..” is wrong when client has no instances
[fix] [enduser] #8830 Typo “1 days” on initial credit expiry message
[fix] #8842 Replacing English strings not working
[fix] #8834 New user not added to the default user group when signing up with SSO
[fix] #8838 Material Symbols Font taking too long to load
[fix] #8844 Instance list page broken after instance create when `operations` feature is disabled
[fix] [staff] #8848 Wrong redirect after editing client when page is loaded from domain details tab
[fix] [staff] #8858 Error “runGuardsAndResolvers is not configured properly” after editing user profile
[fix] #8860 “No products” content box not formatted in dark mode
[fix] [enduser] #8866 Error “items: [object Object]” when adding credit
Manual steps may be required for the upgrade to 2025.02. See: Upgrading to 2025.02.