Staff / Cloud / API Users¶
This is the list of all OpenStack users present in Keystone.

This list includes service users too, unless API users are hidden by using the Hide projects and API users option in the OpenStack settings / Default tab.
Create a new API user¶
In order to create a new API user, you need to click on the “+” sign in the bottom right corner of the API users page

The api user can be created either in the admin project, or it can be associated to an existing client (which must have an OpenStack project).
Once the API user is added, anyone having its username, password and project ID will be able to access OpenStack directly.
Edit API user¶
In order to edit an API user you need to click on the edit button (pen icon). When editing an API user, you will be able to change its name, password and description:

Get RC file¶
In order to download the RC file, you need to click on the Get RC file button (download icon). A new dialog will open where you will have to choose for which region do you want to download the RC file.
The RC file does not contain the API user’s password. The password will be requested when you will source the RC file.
Delete API user¶
In order to delete the API user you need to click on the Delete button (trash bin icon).