Staff / Billing / Orders¶
Here you can see a list of available orders and a summary about each one. Clicking on any order will redirect you to the orders details page where you can see other details.

Order actions¶
When hovering an order, the order action buttons are shown.

Order actions:
Accept order marks order as COMPLETED. If an ordered product has Auto setup field set to When pending order is accepted, Accept order will trigger the auto setup.
Cancel order marks the order as Canceled
Set as verified sets the Verified status
Set back to pending sets the order status to Pending
Set as fraud sets the Fraud status to the order
Run fraud check runs the MaxMind fraud check and sets the order status to Fraud or Pending.
Delete deletes the order. The related invoice and services are not deleted.
Order details page¶
On the order details page you can see other details like the order’s Total, Order date and Due date, the associated Client and the User who placed the order, the order ID and ordered Items.