Staff / Cloud / Floating IPs¶
Create a new floating IP¶
In order to create a new floating IP, you need to click on the “+” sign in the bottom right corner of the Floating IPs page:

As you can see, the floating IP can be created in the admin project or in the client’s project.
Create a new floating IP in the admin project¶

When creating a floating IP in the admin project, you will be asked to configure:
the region (mandatory)
the network (mandatory)
description (not mandatory)
Create a new floating IP in the admin project¶

When creating a floating IP in the client’s project, you will be asked to configure:
client (mandatory)
the region (mandatory)
the network (mandatory)
description (not mandatory)
Configure PTR for a floating IP¶
In order to configure the PTR for a floating IP, you need to click on the Configure PTR button:

After clicking the Configure PTR icon, you will need to fill out the following form:

Keep in mind that the Domain name must end with a dot (.).
Delete a Floating IP¶
In order to delete a Floating IP you need to click on the “trash bin” icon: