Staff / Billing / Journal¶
Here you can see a list of the journal entries with various details, such as:
source info
destination info
amount - if you have multiple currencies, then the amount will be in the client’s currency

You can sort these by:
Id: the id of the journal entry
date: the date of the transaction
Invoice: the journal entry associated invoice
Transaction: the transaction id if there exists one
Transaction status: the status of the transaction
Source: the payment source (where the money came from)
Destination: the destination of the sum
Source amount: the sum that is sent
Destination amount: the sum that is received (might be converted to a different currency)
The journal entries can be filtered by:
credit related client
invoice related client
date added
destination amount
source amount
A journal entry is generated when a payment/refund is made (no matter the payment/refund method: from client credit, transaction or made by staff).
The table has the following columns: Date, Source info, Destination info, Amount, Actions (refund).
You can see additional details about a journal entry by clicking the desired row: