End-user / Cloud / Floating IPs

In this page, you can do as follow:

Add new floating IP

To add a floating IP key, click on the plus (+) button from the bottom right.


In the dialog fill out these fields:

  • Network: Select an external network.

  • Description: Type a description for the floating IP.

  • Hit “ADD FLOATING IP” and a new floating IP will be added.*


Search for a floating IP

To search a floating IP from your dashboard, type the IP in the search box from the top of the floating ip page.


Sort floating IPs

From the top-right of the page, you can sort floating ips by:

  • Name

  • Status

  • Date created


Also, you can switch from Card View to List View by clicking on the grid from top-right. Examples are shown below:

This is the card view. To switch to list view press the highlighted button.


This is the list view. To switch back to card view press the highlighted button.


Delete a floating IP

To remove a floating IP you have to identify it in the dashboard and select Delete.


View a floating IP

Click on a floating IP. Here you can see all the details from the floating IP.
