Upgrading OpenStack to 2023.1 Antelope


The steps described in this guide are required:

  • if you were already using Fleio with an OpenStack release before the OpenStack 2023.1 Antelope release and you upgraded OpenStack to Antelope,

  • or you are connecting a non-empty OpenStack 2023.1 Antelope to Fleio. By non-empty we mean that the OpenStack cloud already has projects that you want to assign to Fleio services/clients.

If you are connecting an empty OpenStack 2023.1 Antelope to Fleio, you do not need to apply the steps in this guide.

OpenStack 2023.1 (Antelope) has made some changes to OpenStack roles and Fleio requires the admin user to have both member and _member_ roles in each OpenStack project that is associated and used with a Fleio service (assuming admin is the OpenStack administrator user configured in Fleio settings).

For an OpenStack project created by the client sign-up automation feature, Fleio automatically adds two roles. The following steps are needed in the following scenarios:

  • You initially installed an OpenStack release before the OpenStack 2023.1 Antelope release and you used Fleio with this installation. You later upgraded OpenStack to 2023.1 (Antelope). You probably have OpenStack projects assigned to Fleio services. These services may no longer work correctly since the OpenStack projects are missing one of the two OpenStack roles.

  • You have a non-empty OpenStack 2023.1 (Antelope) installation and you connect it to Fleio for the first time. A pre-existing OpenStack project may not work correctly in Fleio after you assign the project to a Fleio service.

To list projects for which the admin user is missing member role respectively _member_ role, load the OpenStack environment variables (so that you can successfully run the openstack command) and run the following script.


Running the following two scripts may take quite a lot of time. Depending on how many OpenStack projects you have, it may take hours or even days.

Add the following code to a new script file, e.g. nano list_missing_roles.sh:


# The script shows OpenStack projects that are missing "member" role, and "_member_" role respectively

projects="$(openstack project list -f value -c ID -c Name)"

while IFS="" read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
    project_name="$(echo $line |  cut -d' ' -f2-)"

    if [ "$project_name" = "admin" ]; then

    project_id="$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1)"

    roles="$(openstack role assignment list --user admin --project $project_id --names -c Role -f value)"
    # replace new lines with spaces
    roles="${roles//$'\n'/ }"
    if [[ ! " $roles " =~ .*\ member\ .* ]]; then
        missing_member="$missing_member $project_id"
    if [[ ! " $roles " =~ .*\ _member_\ .* ]]; then
        missing__member_="$missing__member_ $project_id"
done <<<$(echo "$projects")

if [ "$missing_member" = "" ]; then
    echo 'admin user has "member" role in all projects'
    echo 'The following projects are missing the "member" role'
    echo "$missing_member"

if [ "$missing__member_" = "" ]; then
    echo 'admin user has "_member_" role in all projects'
    echo 'The following projects are missing the "_member_" role'
    echo "$missing__member_"

Run bash list_missing_roles.sh. If this shows any OpenStack project missing member or _member_ role for the admin user, create the following script to add these roles.

Add the following code to a new script file, e.g. nano add_missing_roles.sh:


# The script adds "member" add "_member_" role for the "admin" user to all OpenStack projects

projects="$(openstack project list -f value -c ID -c Name)"

while IFS="" read -r line || [ -n "$line" ]; do
    project_name="$(echo $line |  cut -d' ' -f2-)"

    if [ "$project_name" = "admin" ]; then

    project_id="$(echo $line | cut -d' ' -f1)"

    roles="$(openstack role assignment list --user admin --project $project_id --names -c Role -f value)"
    # replace new lines with spaces
    roles="${roles//$'\n'/ }"
    if [[ ! " $roles " =~ .*\ member\ .* ]]; then
        missing_member="$missing_member $project_id"
        openstack role add --user admin --project $project_id member
    if [[ ! " $roles " =~ .*\ _member_\ .* ]]; then
        missing__member_="$missing_member $project_id"
        openstack role add --user admin --project $project_id _member_
done <<<$(echo "$projects")

if [ "$missing_member" = "" ]; then
    echo 'admin user has "member" role in all projects'
    echo 'The "member" role has been added for "admin" user in the following projects:'
    echo "$missing_member"

if [ "$missing__member_" = "" ]; then
    echo 'admin user has "_member_" role in all projects'
    echo 'The "_member_" role has been added for "admin" user in the following projects:'
    echo "$missing__member_"

To add member and _member_ role to all OpenStack projects, run bash add_missing_roles.sh.

To confirm that admin has the two roles in all projects, run bash list_missing_roles.sh again.