Releases from 2022¶
Below is the history of Fleio releases from year 2022.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
v2022.01.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-01-06
v2022.01.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5027 “Sending email to X clients” on mass mail form
[add] [staff] #5045 Mass email filter for clients after instance image name
[add] #5074 Dashboard version frontend setting to clear enduser’s dashboard cache
[change] #5007 Networks and availability zones sorting on instance create form
[change] #5023 On invoice Show VAT with decimals and percentage value
[change] #5026 Mass mail field label to “Send interval between batches (seconds)”
[fix] #5022 Up to date credit is null after adding client
[fix] #5043 Not all compatible flavors available on launch image
[fix] #5050 Utils container is not edition dependent
[fix] [staff] #5060 Journal tab on client details is not updated after add credit
[fix] [staff] #5066 Browser console error when closing edit service cycle form
[fix] #5072 Duplicated entries for instances and volume billing data when running sync
[fix] #5073 Service with zero price can be ordered even if Allow zero price order is disabled
[fix] #5078 Crash when removing list filter from multiple similar filtering values
[fix] #5081 Nova availability zones are not synced correctly
[fix] #5083 Test OpenStack settings dialog does not show errors
[fix] #5084 Volume type billing identifier after sync
[fix] #5086 Service paid until date is wrong after DST changes
[fix] [enduser] #5091 Sometimes the number of remaining days is wrongly displayed
[fix] [staff] #5092 Service cycle end date is not correct
Kubernetes deployment
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-01-12
v2022.01.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.01.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.01.1 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5027 “Sending email to X clients” on mass mail form
[add] [staff] #5045 Mass email filter for clients after instance image name
[add] #5074 Dashboard version frontend setting to clear enduser’s dashboard cache
[change] #5007 Networks and availability zones sorting on instance create form
[change] #5023 On invoice Show VAT with decimals and percentage value
[change] #5026 Mass mail field label to “Send interval between batches (seconds)”
[fix] #5022 Up to date credit is null after adding client
[fix] #5043 Not all compatible flavors available on launch image
[fix] #5050 Utils container is not edition dependent
[fix] [staff] #5060 Journal tab on client details is not updated after add credit
[fix] [staff] #5066 Browser console error when closing edit service cycle form
[fix] #5072 Duplicated entries for instances and volume billing data when running sync
[fix] #5073 Service with zero price can be ordered even if Allow zero price order is disabled
[fix] #5078 Crash when removing list filter from multiple similar filtering values
[fix] #5081 Nova availability zones are not synced correctly
[fix] #5083 Test OpenStack settings dialog does not show errors
[fix] #5084 Volume type billing identifier after sync
[fix] #5086 Service paid until date is wrong after DST changes
[fix] [enduser] #5091 Sometimes the number of remaining days is wrongly displayed
[fix] [staff] #5092 Service cycle end date is not correct
[fix] #5094 Undefined unit when network traffic is in TB
[fix] #5098 Option value choices do not appear when editing service conf. options
[fix] #5100 Check mark display issue on selected flavor in the instance deploy form
[fix] #5103 rDNS option is misaligned when IP address is longer
[fix] [staff] #5106 Cloud resources are not displayed if client is suspended
[fix] [staff] #5110 Load more button is displayed when no results are found
Kubernetes deployment
v2022.02.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-02-10
v2022.02.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] Alpha - Kubernetes deployment
[add] Alpha - Juju deployment
[add] [staff] #1891 Hypervisor list and details
[add] #5024 Show notification line at the top of all Fleio screens
[add] #5064 Conf. options on refunded product on upgrade service invoice
[add] [staff] #5104 Search instance by client’s email address
[add] #5127 Retry button for operations
[add] #5169 AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux in image OS distro dropdown
[add] #5186 Invoiced and refunded period on upgrade invoices
[change] #4907 Display emails sent for periodic tasks
[change] #5079 Don’t change prices on mouse wheel scroll on pricing rule form’s inputs
[change] #5132 Allow superuser to disable 2fa for staff and super users
[change] #5160 Autocomplete from email address on mass email form
[change] #5189 Temporary disallow changing billing period on upgrade service
[fix] #3001 Port statuses are not being updated
[fix] #4799 Clients not processed for metrics due to resource list check
[fix] #5019 Flavor group - flavor search box is not filtering flavors properly
[fix] [reseller] #5057 Can specify client groups when creating client
[fix] [staff] #5065 Service cycles tab content flickers continuously
[fix] #5101 Domain service remains in pending status
[fix] #5102 Domains recurring payment amount is not correct
[fix] [staff] #5111 Lock instance button is displayed even when the instance is locked
[fix] [staff] #5112 Cannot save compute quotas if volumes are not available on that region
[fix] [staff] #5113 500 internal error when trying to resize an instance if the client is suspended
[fix] #5129 Hypervisors sync through celery task
[fix] #5142 Collect traffic data is skipped for whole region when one resource gives error
[fix] #5143 Collect traffic data when port ID is reused
[fix] #5148 Scroll does not show on boot source selection in the instance create form
[fix] #5149 Journal entry is added even if credit was not successfully added
[fix] #5154 IPs on networking tab are misaligned
[fix] [staff] #5161 Issue date and order date are not shown on the order
[fix] #5128 Port does not appear after creating subnet with DHCP enabled
[fix] [staff] #5150 Edit client on domain register form
[fix] #5159 Some celery tasks are unregistered
[fix] #5166 Traffic data sometimes cannot be retrieved
[fix] #5172 Invoice payment reminder notification is sent earlier
[fix] #5174 Unpaid invoices are using the wrong colors
[fix] #5180 Random log out when impersonating or when logging in from WHMCS
[fix] #5182 Text overflow outside of the upgrade service form
[fix] #5183 Unusual redirect after enabling billing on a service
[fix] [enduser] #5187 Resource UUID in title instead of resource name
[fix] #5213 Invoice payment reminder logs
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-02-16
v2022.02.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.02.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.02.1 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] Alpha - Kubernetes deployment
[add] Alpha - Juju deployment
[add] [staff] #1891 Hypervisor list and details
[add] #5024 Show notification line at the top of all Fleio screens
[add] #5064 Conf. options on refunded product on upgrade service invoice
[add] [staff] #5104 Search instance by client’s email address
[add] #5127 Retry button for operations
[add] #5169 AlmaLinux and Rocky Linux in image OS distro dropdown
[add] #5186 Invoiced and refunded period on upgrade invoices
[change] #4907 Display emails sent for periodic tasks
[change] #5079 Don’t change prices on mouse wheel scroll on pricing rule form’s inputs
[change] #5132 Allow superuser to disable 2fa for staff and super users
[change] #5160 Autocomplete from email address on mass email form
[change] #5189 Temporary disallow changing billing period on upgrade service
[fix] #3001 Port statuses are not being updated
[fix] #4799 Clients not processed for metrics due to resource list check
[fix] #5019 Flavor group - flavor search box is not filtering flavors properly
[fix] [reseller] #5057 Can specify client groups when creating client
[fix] [staff] #5065 Service cycles tab content flickers continuously
[fix] #5101 Domain service remains in pending status
[fix] #5102 Domains recurring payment amount is not correct
[fix] [staff] #5111 Lock instance button is displayed even when the instance is locked
[fix] [staff] #5112 Cannot save compute quotas if volumes are not available on that region
[fix] [staff] #5113 500 internal error when trying to resize an instance if the client is suspended
[fix] #5128 Port does not appear after creating subnet with DHCP enabled
[fix] #5129 Hypervisors sync through celery task
[fix] #5142 Collect traffic data is skipped for whole region when one resource gives error
[fix] #5143 Collect traffic data when port ID is reused
[fix] #5148 Scroll does not show on boot source selection in the instance create form
[fix] #5149 Journal entry is added even if credit was not successfully added
[fix] [staff] #5150 Edit client on domain register form
[fix] #5154 IPs on networking tab are misaligned
[fix] #5159 Some celery tasks are unregistered
[fix] [staff] #5161 Issue date and order date are not shown on the order
[fix] #5166 Traffic data sometimes cannot be retrieved
[fix] #5172 Invoice payment reminder notification is sent earlier
[fix] #5174 Unpaid invoices are using the wrong colors
[fix] #5180 Random log out when impersonating or when logging in from WHMCS
[fix] #5182 Text overflow outside of the upgrade service form
[fix] #5183 Unusual redirect after enabling billing on a service
[fix] [enduser] #5187 Resource UUID in title instead of resource name
[fix] #5199 Os type in billing may be wrong on sync
[fix] #5213 Invoice payment reminder logs
[fix] #5209 Cards vertical alignment across various screens when top bar is missing
[fix] #5211 Invoice overdue notification hours placeholders
[fix] #5210 Overdue notification is sent earlier than it should
[fix] #5228 Not completed check port status operation when port was deleted
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.03.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-03-11
v2022.03.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #2860 Enable password input field on instance creation dialog based on image
[add] #3963 Flags on sync
[add] [k8s] #5117 Mariadb HA installation on Kubernetes
[add] [k8s] #5118 Celery HA installation on Kubernetes
[add] [k8s] #5120 SSL support
[add] [k8s] #5125 Fleio upgrades
[add] [staff] #5188 Client billing history tab
[add] [staff] #5194 Merge and split invoices
[add] #5202 Activity log for instance suspend/resume
[add] #5229 Subnet quota for networks
[add] [k8s] #5248 juju updates/upgrade actions
[add] [enduser] #5254 AZ on OpenStack resource card
[add] #5263 More information for Check port status operations
[add] #5245 Volume availability zone on boot selection form
[change] #3972 Disable nameservers tab for enduser when registration is in progress
[change] #4968 Upgrade to python 3.8/bullseye
[change] #5067 Make the Service cycles table narrower
[change] #5204 Center field and add instructions on domain registration
[change] #5205 Center field, add EPP code and instructions on domain transfer
[change] #5218 Invalidate empty subject on mass message
[change] #5237 Provider segmentation ID on network form should not be mandatory
[change] #5241 Send ticket notifications only as emails
[change] #5242 Highlight rows on mouseover on list views
[change] #5243 Use POST method for OTP Token generation
[change] #5256 Expand the width for ticket details
[change] [k8s] #5272 Improve Fleio k8s/juju packages documentation
[change] [k8s] #5271 Deploy cert-manager when enabling let’s encrypt
[change] #5277 AZ features should be disabled by default
[fix] #5181 Configurable options don’t update when changing cycle period on order page
[fix] [k8s] #5206 Fleio version in Juju is not properly set
[fix] #5215 Mass message is not sent if subject is too long
[fix] #5216 Redirect after sending mass message is wrong
[fix] #5217 Notification’s mark as unread button does not redirect properly
[fix] #5221 Third invoice overdue notification may not be sent if not processed in time
[fix] #5236 Gateway IP is set when using “no gateway IP” on subnet create form
[fix] #5239 Images in ticket overflowing
[fix] #5244 Invoices cannot be downloaded on openstack edition
[fix] #5255 Images display in ticket email notifications
[fix] #5257 Bottom border between “upload new image” and image’s radio button on select boot source form
[fix] [enduser] #5259 User invitation still works when clients&users.invitations feature is disabled
[fix] #5282 Django warning when running sync
[fix] [staff] #5287 Invoice notification templates help text
API endpoints from STAFF openstack/billing/history and openstack/billing were removed and replaced with openstack/billing/usage-history and openstack/billing/usage
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-03-17
v2022.03.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.03.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.03.1 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #2860 Enable password input field on instance creation dialog based on image
[add] #3963 Flags on sync
[add] [k8s] #5117 Mariadb HA installation on Kubernetes
[add] [k8s] #5118 Celery HA installation on Kubernetes
[add] [k8s] #5120 SSL support
[add] [k8s] #5125 Fleio upgrades
[add] [k8s] #5131 License validation for fleiok8s command
[add] [staff] #5188 Client billing history tab
[add] [staff] #5194 Merge and split invoices
[add] #5202 Activity log for instance suspend/resume
[add] #5229 Subnet quota for networks
[add] [k8s] #5248 juju updates/upgrade actions
[add] [enduser] #5254 AZ on OpenStack resource card
[add] #5263 More information for Check port status operations
[add] #5245 Volume availability zone on boot selection form
[add] [k8s] #5289 Additional juju config values
[add] [staff] #5302 “Has volumes” filter for clients on mass message page
[change] #3972 Disable nameservers tab for enduser when registration is in progress
[change] #4968 Upgrade to python 3.8/bullseye
[change] #5067 Make the Service cycles table narrower
[change] #5192 Upgrade/downgrade service and change billing cycle in one step
[change] #5204 Center field and add instructions on domain registration
[change] #5205 Center field, add EPP code and instructions on domain transfer
[change] #5218 Invalidate empty subject on mass message
[change] #5237 Provider segmentation ID on network form should not be mandatory
[change] #5241 Send ticket notifications only as emails
[change] #5242 Highlight rows on mouseover on list views
[change] #5243 Use POST method for OTP Token generation
[change] #5256 Expand the width for ticket details
[change] [k8s] #5272 Improve Fleio k8s/juju packages documentation
[change] [k8s] #5271 Deploy cert-manager when enabling let’s encrypt
[change] #5277 AZ features should be disabled by default
[change] [k8s] #5285 Use configured storage class for mariadb galera
[change] [k8s] #5290 Use default kubernetes storage class in Fleio
[change] [k8s] #5300 Check for Fleio status and validate license before setting in juju
[change] [k8s] #5301 Do not remove nfs provisioner from juju if already installed
[fix] [k8s] #5303 Status display in juju
[fix] #5181 Configurable options don’t update when changing cycle period on order page
[fix] [k8s] #5206 Fleio version in Juju is not properly set
[fix] #5215 Mass message is not sent if subject is too long
[fix] #5216 Redirect after sending mass message is wrong
[fix] #5217 Notification’s mark as unread button does not redirect properly
[fix] #5221 Third invoice overdue notification may not be sent if not processed in time
[fix] #5236 Gateway IP is set when using “no gateway IP” on subnet create form
[fix] #5239 Images in ticket overflowing
[fix] #5244 Invoices cannot be downloaded on openstack edition
[fix] #5255 Images display in ticket email notifications
[fix] #5257 Bottom border between “upload new image” and image’s radio button on select boot source form
[fix] [enduser] #5259 User invitation still works when clients&users.invitations feature is disabled
[fix] #5282 Django warning when running sync
[fix] [staff] #5287 Invoice notification templates help text
[fix] [k8s] #5295 Updated containers are not removed when switching from full edition to web edition
[fix] [staff] [reseller] #5309 404 error on client details when OpenStack feature is disabled
API endpoints from STAFF openstack/billing/history and openstack/billing were removed and replaced with openstack/billing/usage-history and openstack/billing/usage
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.04.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-04-14
v2022.04.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4746 DirectAdmin license module
[add] [enduser] #5193 Pay all invoices at once
[add] #5265 Billing for instance IP addresses
[add] #5278 Configurable options details on upgrade service order
[add] #5304 Price rule setting for free resources dependent on another one (instance IPs billing)
[add] #5306 IPs costs in instances price estimation
[add] #5311 Instance traffic tiered pricing info text
[add] #5312 Activity logs for instance resize
[add] #5323 Django SecurityMiddleware
[add] [k8s] #5329 Add agree to let’s encrypt TOS flag
[add] #5334 Search by email address on the tickets page
[add] #5363 Upgrade/downgrade configuration section on products
[change] #1487 Avoid double domain renew
[change] #5130 Sync hypervisors with data from Placement
[change] #5203 Remove “/plugins” from URLs
[change] #5305 Instance IP billing history to be seen on related instance
[change] [k8s] #5308 Use yes/no instead of true/false for deployGaleraCluster
[change] #5310 Autocomplete with similar cycle/options on upgrade service
[change] [k8s] #5338 Propagate all juju config changes to kubernetes
[change] #5348 Networking tab order on instance details
[change] #5354 Show appropriate reason if OpenStack credentials save fail
[change] [enduser] #5357 Make health monitor type field readonly on loadbalancer edit
[change] #5362 Product upgrade/downgrade to unidirectional
[change] [staff] #5369 Service product upgrade/downgrade regardless of assignments
[change] #5374 Remove AngularJS panel references
[fix] #5061 Public endpoints cannot be found in multi region environment
[fix] [staff] #5267 Domain transfer action redirects to enduser panel
[fix] #5280 Invoice items and refunded credit on service downgrade
[fix] #5284 Staff may remain logged in as enduser after impersonation
[fix] [staff] #5291 User invitation notification template edit page
[fix] #5296 Editing a port with multiple IPs will remove all IPs except one
[fix] #5314 Issues on network traffic tab on instance details
[fix] [enduser] #5317 Double load on list pages
[fix] [k8s] #5320 Sometimes the resources created trough operations gets duplicated
[fix] #5324 Traffic data collect is skipped for all other resources if one throws error
[fix] #5326 Default user password and ssh key injection when instance is booted from volume
[fix] [k8s] #5331 Fleio installation fails if you attempt to install with enableLetsEncrypt
[fix] [staff] #5333 Create image error not properly shown
[fix] [enduser] #5336 Enable automatic payments checkbox shown for configured gateway though feature is disabled
[fix] #5340 Remaining hours estimation can be wrong
[fix] [enduser] #5342 Hide automatic payments option on invoice if already activated for selected gateway
[fix] #5343 Storage policy is not passed to Openstack when creating a swift container
[fix] #5347 Detailed invoice containing modifiers does not load
[fix] #5349 Ticket reply message from email is not shown if ticket was closed
[fix] [enduser] #5351 Incomplete tab title on dashboard
[fix] [enduser] #5353 User stuck on dashboard if “Require credit card” setting active
[fix] #5355 Padding on “/billing/order” page while logged off
[fix] [staff] #5358 Client url on new payment received notifications is wrong
[fix] #5359 Backend error is not displayed when service upgrade fails
[fix] [enduser] #5360 Broken panel when save payment details is required and client has active panel notifications
[fix] #5366 Search trough activity log is slow
[fix] #5367 Upgrade fails if summary is too long
[fix] #5368 Empty error toast sometimes when domain action fails
[fix] [k8s] #5370 Service account cluster role binding
[fix] [staff] #5375 Unintuitive error message on notification edit
[fix] #5387 Plugin service order component
[fix] #5388 One time product upgrade fails
[fix] #5389 Hide new product/cycle category on service upgrade form if there’s no product/cycle
[fix] [k8s] #5390 Ingress is not configured on magnum cluster
[fix] [enduser] #5398 Subnet dropdown in LoadBalancer is incomplete
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Before upgrading to 2022.04.0, please see the upgrade notes Upgrading to 2022.04.
Release date: 2022-04-20
v2022.04.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.04.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.04.1 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4746 DirectAdmin license module
[add] [enduser] #5193 Pay all invoices at once
[add] #5265 Billing for instance IP addresses
[add] #5278 Configurable options details on upgrade service order
[add] #5304 Price rule setting for free resources dependent on another one (instance IPs billing)
[add] #5306 IPs costs in instances price estimation
[add] #5311 Instance traffic tiered pricing info text
[add] #5312 Activity logs for instance resize
[add] #5323 Django SecurityMiddleware
[add] [k8s] #5329 Add agree to let’s encrypt TOS flag
[add] #5334 Search by email address on the tickets page
[add] #5363 Upgrade/downgrade configuration section on products
[change] #1487 Avoid double domain renew
[change] #5130 Sync hypervisors with data from Placement
[change] #5203 Remove “/plugins” from URLs
[change] #5305 Instance IP billing history to be seen on related instance
[change] [k8s] #5308 Use yes/no instead of true/false for deployGaleraCluster
[change] #5310 Autocomplete with similar cycle/options on upgrade service
[change] [k8s] #5338 Propagate all juju config changes to kubernetes
[change] #5348 Networking tab order on instance details
[change] #5354 Show appropriate reason if OpenStack credentials save fail
[change] [enduser] #5357 Make health monitor type field readonly on loadbalancer edit
[change] #5362 Product upgrade/downgrade to unidirectional
[change] [staff] #5369 Service product upgrade/downgrade regardless of assignments
[change] #5374 Remove AngularJS panel references
[change] #5400 Direct admin license display/edit improvements
[change] [k8s] #5401 Increase cert-manager version
[fix] #5061 Public endpoints cannot be found in multi region environment
[fix] [staff] #5267 Domain transfer action redirects to enduser panel
[fix] #5280 Invoice items and refunded credit on service downgrade
[fix] #5284 Staff may remain logged in as enduser after impersonation
[fix] [staff] #5291 User invitation notification template edit page
[fix] #5296 Editing a port with multiple IPs will remove all IPs except one
[fix] #5314 Issues on network traffic tab on instance details
[fix] [enduser] #5317 Double load on list pages
[fix] [k8s] #5320 Sometimes the resources created trough operations gets duplicated
[fix] #5324 Traffic data collect is skipped for all other resources if one throws error
[fix] #5326 Default user password and ssh key injection when instance is booted from volume
[fix] [k8s] #5331 Fleio installation fails if you attempt to install with enableLetsEncrypt
[fix] [staff] #5333 Create image error not properly shown
[fix] [enduser] #5336 Enable automatic payments checkbox shown for configured gateway though feature is disabled
[fix] #5340 Remaining hours estimation can be wrong
[fix] [enduser] #5342 Hide automatic payments option on invoice if already activated for selected gateway
[fix] #5343 Storage policy is not passed to Openstack when creating a swift container
[fix] #5347 Detailed invoice containing modifiers does not load
[fix] #5349 Ticket reply message from email is not shown if ticket was closed
[fix] [enduser] #5351 Incomplete tab title on dashboard
[fix] [enduser] #5353 User stuck on dashboard if “Require credit card” setting active
[fix] #5355 Padding on “/billing/order” page while logged off
[fix] [staff] #5358 Client url on new payment received notifications is wrong
[fix] #5359 Backend error is not displayed when service upgrade fails
[fix] [enduser] #5360 Broken panel when save payment details is required and client has active panel notifications
[fix] #5366 Search trough activity log is slow
[fix] #5367 Upgrade fails if summary is too long
[fix] #5368 Empty error toast sometimes when domain action fails
[fix] [k8s] #5370 Service account cluster role binding
[fix] [staff] #5375 Unintuitive error message on notification edit
[fix] #5387 Plugin service order component
[fix] #5388 One time product upgrade fails
[fix] #5389 Hide new product/cycle category on service upgrade form if there’s no product/cycle
[fix] [k8s] #5390 Ingress is not configured on magnum cluster
[fix] [enduser] #5398 Subnet dropdown in LoadBalancer is incomplete
[fix] #5411 Preformatted text is overflowing on notifications details
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Before upgrading to 2022.04, please see the upgrade notes Upgrading to 2022.04.
v2022.05.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-05-17
v2022.05.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4818 Multi region support for swift objects
[add] [k8s] #5274 Require mysql relation in Fleio juju charm
[add] #5288 Setting for displaying currency & amounts in an uniform way
[add] [staff] #5371 User Log tab
[add] [staff] #5372 Client Log tab
[add] [staff] #5376 Color bar for dis/enabled notifications
[add] [staff] #5377 Setting for UI/email target for notification
[add] [staff] #5378 User defined notifications
[add] #5380 Service welcome email
[add] [staff] #5383 Filter notifications templates by category and type
[add] #5385 Service renew support
[add] #5422 Renew support for DirectAdmin
[add] #5426 User notification categories checkboxes and remove granular /user/notifications/settings
[add] #5437 gettext package to utils container
[add] #5483 Feature toggle for multi region in object store
[add] #5490 Send new order notification for upgrade/downgrade orders
[change] #5379 Rename notif. billing.service.suspended/resumed to service.suspended/resumed
[change] [staff] #5382 Double notification Name column width in table
[change] [enduser] #5384 Do not send exception details from registrar connectors to frontend
[change] #5396 Bundle all fonts into Fleio
[change] #5397 Use currency display setting for amounts sent by backend
[change] #5413 Use localized_amount in notification templates
[change] [enduser] #5425 Unpaid widget to full width when billing.addcredit feature is disabled
[change] [enduser] #5433 Show current user in list of users assigned to client
[change] #5435 Remove “n/a” from PDF invoice items with no service linked
[change] #5441 Use lower case tab name in url
[change] #5442 Enable user roles by default
[change] #5450 Set currency & amounts default display mode to symbol
[change] [enduser] #5487 Remove toast errors for end-user with no permissions on dashboard
[change] [enduser] #5488 Refresh enduser notifications settings
[change] [staff] #5491 Enable by default the “notifications.send” feature
[change] [k8s] #5497 Rename Fleio charm to fleio-k8s
[change] #5498 Client avatar
[fix] #5381 Add tooltip to truncated breadcrumbs
[fix] #5391 The sync script inside utils container does not accept arguments
[fix] #5415 License issue after resetting instance state
[fix] #5416 ToDo module does not work properly
[fix] #5424 Escaped html entity in ticket subject
[fix] #5428 Hide email related fields when sending panel notification
[fix] #5430 Inconsistent roles list in invite vs edit role form
[fix] #5431 Inviting user with no role gives owner role
[fix] #5432 Invitation link gives “Invalid invitation or token” if another user signed in
[fix] #5436 Invoices card not showing on dashboard when just one invoice is unpaid
[fix] #5434 Allow free email sign up does not always work
[fix] [enduser] #5451 Typo in OpenProvider connector
[fix] [enduser] #5452 Cannot filter services and invoices by status
[fix] #5457 Failed email sending task is green in activity log
[fix] #5460 All dialogs are smaller after license warning dialog is opened
[fix] [staff] #5465 User name is truncated on client’s Users tab
[fix] [staff] #5470 Activity log entry is green even if sub-task failed
[fix] #5476 Temporary volume created on volume backup may be billed forever
[fix] #5489 Orders are not marked as fraud even when risk score is high
[fix] #5492 Billing history crashes if the service dynamic usage price is high enough
[fix] [enduser] #5502 Notifications settings order is not consistent
[fix] [enduser] #5509 Fixed issue related to the user invitation feature
Client email address
Client gravatar
frontend setting
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-05-25
v2022.05.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.05.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.05.1 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4818 Multi region support for swift objects
[add] [k8s] #5274 Require mysql relation in Fleio juju charm
[add] #5288 Setting for displaying currency & amounts in an uniform way
[add] [staff] #5371 User Log tab
[add] [staff] #5372 Client Log tab
[add] [staff] #5376 Color bar for dis/enabled notifications
[add] [staff] #5377 Setting for UI/email target for notification
[add] [staff] #5378 User defined notifications
[add] #5380 Service welcome email
[add] [staff] #5383 Filter notifications templates by category and type
[add] #5385 Service renew support
[add] #5422 Renew support for DirectAdmin
[add] #5426 User notification categories checkboxes and remove granular /user/notifications/settings
[add] #5437 gettext package to utils container
[add] #5483 Feature toggle for multi region in object store
[add] #5490 Send new order notification for upgrade/downgrade orders
[change] #5379 Rename notif. billing.service.suspended/resumed to service.suspended/resumed
[change] [staff] #5382 Double notification Name column width in table
[change] [enduser] #5384 Do not send exception details from registrar connectors to frontend
[change] #5396 Bundle all fonts into Fleio
[change] #5397 Use currency display setting for amounts sent by backend
[change] #5413 Use localized_amount in notification templates
[change] [enduser] #5425 Unpaid widget to full width when billing.addcredit feature is disabled
[change] [enduser] #5433 Show current user in list of users assigned to client
[change] #5435 Remove “n/a” from PDF invoice items with no service linked
[change] #5441 Use lower case tab name in url
[change] #5442 Enable user roles by default
[change] #5450 Set currency & amounts default display mode to symbol
[change] [enduser] #5487 Remove toast errors for end-user with no permissions on dashboard
[change] [enduser] #5488 Refresh enduser notifications settings
[change] [staff] #5491 Enable by default the “notifications.send” feature
[change] [k8s] #5497 Rename Fleio charm to fleio-k8s
[change] #5498 Client avatar
[change] #5499 Enduser billing summary loads all services data without reason
[fix] #5381 Add tooltip to truncated breadcrumbs
[fix] #5391 The sync script inside utils container does not accept arguments
[fix] #5415 License issue after resetting instance state
[fix] #5416 ToDo module does not work properly
[fix] #5424 Escaped html entity in ticket subject
[fix] #5428 Hide email related fields when sending panel notification
[fix] #5430 Inconsistent roles list in invite vs edit role form
[fix] #5431 Inviting user with no role gives owner role
[fix] #5432 Invitation link gives “Invalid invitation or token” if another user signed in
[fix] #5436 Invoices card not showing on dashboard when just one invoice is unpaid
[fix] #5434 Allow free email sign up does not always work
[fix] [enduser] #5451 Typo in OpenProvider connector
[fix] [enduser] #5452 Cannot filter services and invoices by status
[fix] #5457 Failed email sending task is green in activity log
[fix] #5460 All dialogs are smaller after license warning dialog is opened
[fix] [staff] #5465 User name is truncated on client’s Users tab
[fix] [staff] #5470 Activity log entry is green even if sub-task failed
[fix] #5476 Temporary volume created on volume backup may be billed forever
[fix] #5489 Orders are not marked as fraud even when risk score is high
[fix] #5492 Billing history crashes if the service dynamic usage price is high enough
[fix] [enduser] #5502 Notifications settings order is not consistent
[fix] [enduser] #5509 Fixed issue related to the user invitation feature
[fix] #5505 Disconnected page doesn’t work when backend is down
[fix] #5506 Celerybeat crash for production K8S cluster
[fix] #5507 License issues when K8S cluster has multiple nodes
[fix] [enduser] #5512 Client email still shown as undefined on cards list view
[fix] #5515 Client avatar background not unique when client ID length is different than 6
[fix] [reseller] #5518 Create user form on reseller panel
[fix] [reseller] #5519 Cannot create instances
[fix] [reseller] #5522 Clients remain inactive after creating OpenStack service
[fix] #5525 Wrong cycle end date on service upgrade invoice item
[fix] #5529 No reply notification for ticket owner without account
[fix] [k8s] #5531 License version miss-match after upgrading to a different version
Client email address
Client gravatar
frontend setting
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-05-30
v2022.05.2 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2022.05.1 Changelog. New fixes, added in 2022.05.2 release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4818 Multi region support for swift objects
[add] [k8s] #5274 Require mysql relation in Fleio juju charm
[add] #5288 Setting for displaying currency & amounts in an uniform way
[add] [staff] #5371 User Log tab
[add] [staff] #5372 Client Log tab
[add] [staff] #5376 Color bar for dis/enabled notifications
[add] [staff] #5377 Setting for UI/email target for notification
[add] [staff] #5378 User defined notifications
[add] #5380 Service welcome email
[add] [staff] #5383 Filter notifications templates by category and type
[add] #5385 Service renew support
[add] #5422 Renew support for DirectAdmin
[add] #5426 User notification categories checkboxes and remove granular /user/notifications/settings
[add] #5437 gettext package to utils container
[add] #5483 Feature toggle for multi region in object store
[add] #5490 Send new order notification for upgrade/downgrade orders
[change] #5379 Rename notif. billing.service.suspended/resumed to service.suspended/resumed
[change] [staff] #5382 Double notification Name column width in table
[change] [enduser] #5384 Do not send exception details from registrar connectors to frontend
[change] #5396 Bundle all fonts into Fleio
[change] #5397 Use currency display setting for amounts sent by backend
[change] #5413 Use localized_amount in notification templates
[change] [enduser] #5425 Unpaid widget to full width when billing.addcredit feature is disabled
[change] [enduser] #5433 Show current user in list of users assigned to client
[change] #5435 Remove “n/a” from PDF invoice items with no service linked
[change] #5441 Use lower case tab name in url
[change] #5442 Enable user roles by default
[change] #5450 Set currency & amounts default display mode to symbol
[change] [enduser] #5487 Remove toast errors for end-user with no permissions on dashboard
[change] [enduser] #5488 Refresh enduser notifications settings
[change] [staff] #5491 Enable by default the “notifications.send” feature
[change] [k8s] #5497 Rename Fleio charm to fleio-k8s
[change] #5498 Client avatar
[change] #5499 Enduser billing summary loads all services data without reason
[fix] #5381 Add tooltip to truncated breadcrumbs
[fix] #5391 The sync script inside utils container does not accept arguments
[fix] #5415 License issue after resetting instance state
[fix] #5416 ToDo module does not work properly
[fix] #5424 Escaped html entity in ticket subject
[fix] #5428 Hide email related fields when sending panel notification
[fix] #5430 Inconsistent roles list in invite vs edit role form
[fix] #5431 Inviting user with no role gives owner role
[fix] #5432 Invitation link gives “Invalid invitation or token” if another user signed in
[fix] #5436 Invoices card not showing on dashboard when just one invoice is unpaid
[fix] #5434 Allow free email sign up does not always work
[fix] [enduser] #5451 Typo in OpenProvider connector
[fix] [enduser] #5452 Cannot filter services and invoices by status
[fix] #5457 Failed email sending task is green in activity log
[fix] #5460 All dialogs are smaller after license warning dialog is opened
[fix] [staff] #5465 User name is truncated on client’s Users tab
[fix] [staff] #5470 Activity log entry is green even if sub-task failed
[fix] #5476 Temporary volume created on volume backup may be billed forever
[fix] #5489 Orders are not marked as fraud even when risk score is high
[fix] #5492 Billing history crashes if the service dynamic usage price is high enough
[fix] [enduser] #5502 Notifications settings order is not consistent
[fix] [enduser] #5509 Fixed issue related to the user invitation feature
[fix] #5505 Disconnected page doesn’t work when backend is down
[fix] #5506 Celerybeat crash for production K8S cluster
[fix] #5507 License issues when K8S cluster has multiple nodes
[fix] [enduser] #5512 Client email still shown as undefined on cards list view
[fix] #5515 Client avatar background not unique when client ID length is different than 6
[fix] [reseller] #5518 Create user form on reseller panel
[fix] [reseller] #5519 Cannot create instances
[fix] [reseller] #5522 Clients remain inactive after creating OpenStack service
[fix] #5525 Wrong cycle end date on service upgrade invoice item
[fix] #5529 No reply notification for ticket owner without account
[fix] [k8s] #5531 License version miss-match after upgrading to a different version
[fix] #5534 NotificationsOnly users with random username
[fix] #5535 NotificationsOnly users may not be able to login
[fix] #5543 Error in password reset
Client email address
Client gravatar
frontend setting
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-06-06
v2022.05.3 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[fix] #5570 Cannot create volume because of enforced min version
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.06.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-06-08
v2022.06.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #1423 Auto detect bad prices for domains
[add] #1485 Support for premium domains
[add] #3949 Flavors group and cluster template association
[add] #5335 Manually pay invoice using saved credit card
[add] #5419 Allow defining templates for mass message feature
[add] #5478 CC to all ticket emails notifications setting
[add] [staff] #5523 Order clients by outofcredit_datetime on clients & users / clients view
[add] #5524 CC list to email message log
[change] #5501 Display user everywhere with email and ID
[change] #5526 Refunded item description on upgrade invoice
[change] #5532 Disable submit button while Stripe payment is being processed
[change] #5544 Disallow using email/username as password
[change] #5475 NotificationsOnly role user should be able to create and manage own clients
[change] #5479 Delete exclusive users on client delete
[change] #5500 Display client everywhere with ID and company
[change] #5549 Show CC on emails related task logs
[change] #5558 Upload clipboard image as attachment on copy & paste
[change] [enduser] #5559 Sign-up error message when email is used as username
[change] #5567 Retry sending email for client on error when sending mass email
[fix] #5364 Domain renew action will not extend expiry date when OpenProvider is used
[fix] #5461 Lots of unknown activity entries in activity log
[fix] [staff] #5464 Invitation email is missing in client email log
[fix] #5466 Some tasks are not being retried on failure
[fix] #5468 Messages disappear from email message log on client/user delete
[fix] #5469 Console error Failed to decode downloaded font
[fix] #5472 Wrong message when adding to cart: Domain registered successfully
[fix] #5482 Create new item button on list views not shown as disabled when appropriate
[fix] #5540 Password complexity error display on reset password
[fix] [enduser] #5542 Menu does not change based on user roles when switching between active clients
[fix] [staff] #5545 Email message details format
[fix] #5548 ISO image property is not displayed on images table view
[fix] [reseller] #5550 Reset password URL
[fix] #5551 Create ticket from email always uses first client
[fix] #5552
Grant all permissions implicitly
setting overrides role permissions[fix] #5533 Disabled router link actions are not greyed out
[fix] [staff] #5553 User edit form field errors
[fix] [enduser] #5560 Payment option on invoice is unselected on invoice refresh
[fix] #5568 Attachments border on dark theme
[fix] #5569 Multiple email addresses can be added to CC without being separated by comma
[fix] [staff] #5582 Warnings about get_active_client method
[fix] #5594 Search after IP on instance list is broken
[removed] #5495 Manual review fraud score
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
We are currently testing the Fleio compatibility with OpenStack Yoga
Release date: 2022-06-15
v2022.06.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #1423 Auto detect bad prices for domains
[add] #1485 Support for premium domains
[add] #3949 Flavors group and cluster template association
[add] #5335 Manually pay invoice using saved credit card
[add] #5419 Allow defining templates for mass message feature
[add] #5478 CC to all ticket emails notifications setting
[add] [staff] #5523 Order clients by outofcredit_datetime on clients & users / clients view
[add] #5524 CC list to email message log
[change] #5501 Display user everywhere with email and ID
[change] #5526 Refunded item description on upgrade invoice
[change] #5532 Disable submit button while Stripe payment is being processed
[change] #5544 Disallow using email/username as password
[change] #5475 NotificationsOnly role user should be able to create and manage own clients
[change] #5479 Delete exclusive users on client delete
[change] #5500 Display client everywhere with ID and company
[change] #5549 Show CC on emails related task logs
[change] #5558 Upload clipboard image as attachment on copy & paste
[change] [enduser] #5559 Sign-up error message when email is used as username
[change] #5567 Retry sending email for client on error when sending mass email
[fix] #5364 Domain renew action will not extend expiry date when OpenProvider is used
[fix] #5461 Lots of unknown activity entries in activity log
[fix] [staff] #5464 Invitation email is missing in client email log
[fix] #5466 Some tasks are not being retried on failure
[fix] #5468 Messages disappear from email message log on client/user delete
[fix] #5469 Console error Failed to decode downloaded font
[fix] #5472 Wrong message when adding to cart: Domain registered successfully
[fix] #5482 Create new item button on list views not shown as disabled when appropriate
[fix] #5540 Password complexity error display on reset password
[fix] [enduser] #5542 Menu does not change based on user roles when switching between active clients
[fix] [staff] #5545 Email message details format
[fix] #5548 ISO image property is not displayed on images table view
[fix] [reseller] #5550 Reset password URL
[fix] #5551 Create ticket from email always uses first client
[fix] #5552
Grant all permissions implicitly
setting overrides role permissions[fix] #5533 Disabled router link actions are not greyed out
[fix] [staff] #5553 User edit form field errors
[fix] [enduser] #5560 Payment option on invoice is unselected on invoice refresh
[fix] #5568 Attachments border on dark theme
[fix] #5569 Multiple email addresses can be added to CC without being separated by comma
[fix] [staff] #5582 Warnings about get_active_client method
[fix] #5594 Search after IP on instance list is broken
[fix] #5587 Image copy crash when image property is empty
[fix] [staff] #5593 Searched clients won’t receive mass message
[fix] #5604 Port is not updated when IPv6 address is also assigned
[fix] [reseller] #5610 Associate user dropdown on client details does not show user information
[fix] #5613 Mass message variables are not displayed on panel notifications
[removed] #5495 Manual review fraud score
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.07.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-07-12
v2022.07.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5035 API version per region
[add] [enduser] #5345 Possibility to change saved CC details
[add] #5423 Renew support for cPanel Manage2
[add] #5671 Support for OpenStack Yoga
[add] [staff] [reseller] #5572 Warning on user edit that username will be removed
[add] #5565 Limit the number of attachments per user
[add] #5599 Exact match search by IP address on ports view
[add] #5596 Next url param when not authenticated
[change] #2846 Reorganize order of operations in process clients
[change] #5341 Remove all CSRF references
[change] #5462 Wider ticket page content on mobile
[change] #5566 Separate from name and email in mass mail form
[change] [staff] #5571 Force check “Allow authentication using either username or email”
[change] #5573 Rename Username field to Email address on login page
[change] [staff] #5580 Min/max “supported” to “recommended” OS API versions
[change] #5583 Do not update usage if not needed
[change] #5589 Submit form on CTRL+Enter on forms with tinymce area
[change] #5598 Do not allow negative prices for domain TLDs
[change] #5615 Send notifications to all ticket participants on staff reply (ticket opened by enduser)
[change] #5620 Make top panel notifications expandable if more than one
[change] #5627 Prevent double send on mass message form
[change] #5633 Upgrade python to 3.10.5-slim-bullseye
[change] #5638 Upgrade docker/docker-compose before Fleio upgrade
[change] #5639 Replace datetime picker
[change] #5651 Use identity api version per region
[change] #5662 Do not merge ticket bodies when merging tickets
[change] #5669 Use auth cache for load balancers openstack API calls
[change] #5677 Improve hypervisors check in process clients
[fix] #5530 Fleio re-used salt
[fix] #5590 Process clients crash after editing domain register and expiry date
[fix] [enduser] #5592 Invited user details
[fix] #5597 404 not found error when clicking Message filtered clients with no clients selected
[fix] #5606 OpenStack pricing plan is automatically changed when changing the client’s currency
[fix] #5607 Instance select boot source dialog / volumes tab “created on” text
[fix] #5608 Port & IP related dialogs on instance networking tab are opened even when they shouldn’t
[fix] [enduser] #5609 Add interface to router shows empty form when there are no subnets available
[fix] [staff] [reseller] #5611 Unnecessary exception logged for client with terminated OpenStack service
[fix] #5616 Activity log search / filter actions
[fix] #5618 Crash in process clients when collecting usage for a reseller client
[fix] #5621 Status bar color for ports with unavailable statuses
[fix] #5622 Reseller client display on edit client
[fix] #5624 Attachment file deletion in MassMessageSerializer
[fix] #5625 Uptodate credit display after changing currency
[fix] #5630 Potential crash when using OpenStack services
[fix] #5642 Instance IP billing not shown when using custom AZ
[fix] [staff] #5643 Saving service cycle sets invalid url in browser
[fix] #5644 Invalid configuration option is not highlighted
[fix] #5641 Browser tab title issues
[fix] [staff] #5661 Images are not loaded after editing ticket body or ticket reply/note
[fix] #5663 Images not being loaded on ticket if duplicated because of email quoted reply
[fix] [staff] #5665 Attachments are lost during tickets merge
[fix] [staff] #5667 Naive datetime when editing ticket reply/note
[fix] [enduser] #5670 Warning when accessing pages after backend restart
[fix] #5672 Ticket notifications are being sent to inactive users
[fix] #5674 Mark process clients periodic task as failed on error
[fix] #5680 License warning tool tip has an empty row
[fix] #5681 Ram/Core exceeded pop-up text is not being shown
[fix] [enduser] #5683 Plugins related menu items not highlighted when url contains active client ID
[fix] #5688 “Mark as read/unread” ticket action button text on mobile
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
In the 2022.07 release we started working on removing the username field from Fleio UI. The Username field was replaced with Email address on the following forms:
enduser login
staff login
reseller login
Login API will now accept an email parameter instead of the old username parameter. However providing user’s username value as email will still work until 2022.09 release.
The Allow authentication using either username or email setting was enforced and now it should be enabled by default.
Release date: 2022-07-19
v2022.07.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5035 API version per region
[add] [enduser] #5345 Possibility to change saved CC details
[add] #5423 Renew support for cPanel Manage2
[add] #5671 Support for OpenStack Yoga
[add] [staff] [reseller] #5572 Warning on user edit that username will be removed
[add] #5565 Limit the number of attachments per user
[add] #5599 Exact match search by IP address on ports view
[add] #5596 Next url param when not authenticated
[change] #2846 Reorganize order of operations in process clients
[change] #5341 Remove all CSRF references
[change] #5462 Wider ticket page content on mobile
[change] #5566 Separate from name and email in mass mail form
[change] [staff] #5571 Force check “Allow authentication using either username or email”
[change] #5573 Rename Username field to Email address on login page
[change] [staff] #5580 Min/max “supported” to “recommended” OS API versions
[change] #5583 Do not update usage if not needed
[change] #5589 Submit form on CTRL+Enter on forms with tinymce area
[change] #5598 Do not allow negative prices for domain TLDs
[change] #5615 Send notifications to all ticket participants on staff reply (ticket opened by enduser)
[change] #5620 Make top panel notifications expandable if more than one
[change] #5627 Prevent double send on mass message form
[change] #5633 Upgrade python to 3.10.5-slim-bullseye
[change] #5638 Upgrade docker/docker-compose before Fleio upgrade
[change] #5639 Replace datetime picker
[change] #5651 Use identity api version per region
[change] #5662 Do not merge ticket bodies when merging tickets
[change] #5669 Use auth cache for load balancers openstack API calls
[change] #5677 Improve hypervisors check in process clients
[change] #5693 Billing history performance
[fix] #5530 Fleio re-used salt
[fix] #5590 Process clients crash after editing domain register and expiry date
[fix] [enduser] #5592 Invited user details
[fix] #5597 404 not found error when clicking Message filtered clients with no clients selected
[fix] #5606 OpenStack pricing plan is automatically changed when changing the client’s currency
[fix] #5607 Instance select boot source dialog / volumes tab “created on” text
[fix] #5608 Port & IP related dialogs on instance networking tab are opened even when they shouldn’t
[fix] [enduser] #5609 Add interface to router shows empty form when there are no subnets available
[fix] [staff] [reseller] #5611 Unnecessary exception logged for client with terminated OpenStack service
[fix] #5616 Activity log search / filter actions
[fix] #5618 Crash in process clients when collecting usage for a reseller client
[fix] #5621 Status bar color for ports with unavailable statuses
[fix] #5622 Reseller client display on edit client
[fix] #5624 Attachment file deletion in MassMessageSerializer
[fix] #5625 Uptodate credit display after changing currency
[fix] #5630 Potential crash when using OpenStack services
[fix] #5642 Instance IP billing not shown when using custom AZ
[fix] [staff] #5643 Saving service cycle sets invalid url in browser
[fix] #5644 Invalid configuration option is not highlighted
[fix] #5641 Browser tab title issues
[fix] [staff] #5661 Images are not loaded after editing ticket body or ticket reply/note
[fix] #5663 Images not being loaded on ticket if duplicated because of email quoted reply
[fix] [staff] #5665 Attachments are lost during tickets merge
[fix] [staff] #5667 Naive datetime when editing ticket reply/note
[fix] [enduser] #5670 Warning when accessing pages after backend restart
[fix] #5672 Ticket notifications are being sent to inactive users
[fix] #5674 Mark process clients periodic task as failed on error
[fix] #5680 License warning tool tip has an empty row
[fix] #5681 Ram/Core exceeded pop-up text is not being shown
[fix] [enduser] #5683 Plugins related menu items not highlighted when url contains active client ID
[fix] #5688 “Mark as read/unread” ticket action button text on mobile
[fix] #5694 Enduser dashboard loads slow
[fix] [enduser] #5695 Tooltip for up to date credit
[fix] #5701 Failed operations tooltip does not show
[fix] #5706 Ticket is not opened due to email not being parsed
In the 2022.07 release we started working on removing the username field from Fleio UI. The Username field was replaced with Email address on the following forms:
enduser login
staff login
reseller login
Login API will now accept an email parameter instead of the old username parameter. However providing user’s username value as email will still work until 2022.09 release.
The Allow authentication using either username or email setting was enforced and now it should be enabled by default.
Release date: 2022-07-26
v2022.07.2 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[fix] Performance issues in Fleio when calling the clients list API
In the 2022.07 release we started working on removing the username field from Fleio UI. The Username field was replaced with Email address on the following forms:
enduser login
staff login
reseller login
Login API will now accept an email parameter instead of the old username parameter. However providing user’s username value as email will still work until 2022.09 release.
The Allow authentication using either username or email setting was enforced and now it should be enabled by default.
Release date: 2022-08-03
v2022.07.3 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[fix] #5765 Sync crash if API endpoint exists but the service is down
[fix] #5779 IPs in billing history are still being displayed on the initial instance after being moved
[fix] #5783 Volumes not billed because not matched by volume type pricing rule condition
In the 2022.07 release we started working on removing the username field from Fleio UI. The Username field was replaced with Email address on the following forms:
enduser login
staff login
reseller login
Login API will now accept an email parameter instead of the old username parameter. However providing user’s username value as email will still work until 2022.09 release.
The Allow authentication using either username or email setting was enforced and now it should be enabled by default.
v2022.08.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-08-04
v2022.08.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5682 All actions should be registered in activity log
[add] [staff] #5687 Multi-choice predefined options for filters and modifiers
[add] #5705 Estimated instance monthly revenue report
[add] [staff] #5713 Instance/volume/etc. list button on Cloud resources tab on client
[add] #5722 Option to automatically register/transfer domain through selected registrar
[add] #5740 Activity logs for gateway actions
[add] [staff] #5759 Send notification button on invoice
[add] [staff] #5761 Make fiscal invoice button
[add] #5591 Option to renew domains automatically on payment
[change] #5659 Send only one mail when notifying user of ticket changes
[change] [staff] #5689 Expand cloud resources in page on client details when using “Show all” button
[change] #5690 Prevent multiple syncs from running at the same time
[change] #5703 Show who opened a ticket in notification message
[change] #5715 To lower case on domain or TLD input
[change] #5716 Show full page loader while placing order
[change] #5723 Add details for activity log entries
[change] #5724 Save incoming mail errors in activity log details
[change] #5726 Add reply body in ticket reopened notification if exists
[change] [reseller] #5731 Add top warning message announcing reseller deprecation
[change] #5733 Do not show staff email address in the ticket reply notification
[fix] #5676 Reseller impersonation does not work
[fix] #5699 Delete pricing rule activity log category is wrong
[fix] #5700 500 internal error when deleting pricing rule
[fix] #5709 Sync errors on hypervisor sync
[fix] #5711 get_active_client called for staff users
[fix] [staff] #5714 More specific error instead “Failed to delete TLD, check logs for details”
[fix] [staff] #5717 TLD pricing is not deleted on TLD delete
[fix] #5720 No left padding to Not found error message when display is scaled
[fix] #5721 Missing breadcrumbs on 404 not found pages
[fix] #5725 Last reply is not updated when ticket is reopened because of email
[fix] [staff] #5727 Notification template status on notification details
[fix] [staff] #5728 get_active_client called when registering domain
[fix] [staff] #5729 Cancel does not work on edit TLD
[fix] #5734 New version available popup icon
[fix] #5745 Currency conversion
[fix] #5746 Service cycle remains in a payment canceled state when setting fraud order back to pending
[fix] #5757 Resource cost estimation on OpenStack resource create does not start from today
[fix] #5760 User may get logged out soon after login
[fix] #5764 Sometimes panel is not accessible only after reload
[fix] #5766 Duplicated service cycles may get created
[fix] #5774 Canceling PayPal payment redirects to an unauthenticated page
[fix] #5778 Cannot filter notifications by target email_and_ui and email
[fix] #5788 Estimated price on volume create may not consider the correct volume type in price calculation
[fix] #5804 Sync fails if no public endpoints for service
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-08-09
v2022.08.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5682 All actions should be registered in activity log
[add] [staff] #5687 Multi-choice predefined options for filters and modifiers
[add] #5705 Estimated instance monthly revenue report
[add] [staff] #5713 Instance/volume/etc. list button on Cloud resources tab on client
[add] #5722 Option to automatically register/transfer domain through selected registrar
[add] #5740 Activity logs for gateway actions
[add] [staff] #5759 Send notification button on invoice
[add] [staff] #5761 Make fiscal invoice button
[add] #5591 Option to renew domains automatically on payment
[change] #5659 Send only one mail when notifying user of ticket changes
[change] [staff] #5689 Expand cloud resources in page on client details when using “Show all” button
[change] #5690 Prevent multiple syncs from running at the same time
[change] #5703 Show who opened a ticket in notification message
[change] #5715 To lower case on domain or TLD input
[change] #5716 Show full page loader while placing order
[change] #5723 Add details for activity log entries
[change] #5724 Save incoming mail errors in activity log details
[change] #5726 Add reply body in ticket reopened notification if exists
[change] [reseller] #5731 Add top warning message announcing reseller deprecation
[change] #5733 Do not show staff email address in the ticket reply notification
[fix] #5676 Reseller impersonation does not work
[fix] #5699 Delete pricing rule activity log category is wrong
[fix] #5700 500 internal error when deleting pricing rule
[fix] #5709 Sync errors on hypervisor sync
[fix] #5711 get_active_client called for staff users
[fix] [staff] #5714 More specific error instead “Failed to delete TLD, check logs for details”
[fix] [staff] #5717 TLD pricing is not deleted on TLD delete
[fix] #5720 No left padding to Not found error message when display is scaled
[fix] #5721 Missing breadcrumbs on 404 not found pages
[fix] #5725 Last reply is not updated when ticket is reopened because of email
[fix] [staff] #5727 Notification template status on notification details
[fix] [staff] #5728 get_active_client called when registering domain
[fix] [staff] #5729 Cancel does not work on edit TLD
[fix] #5734 New version available popup icon
[fix] #5745 Currency conversion
[fix] #5746 Service cycle remains in a payment canceled state when setting fraud order back to pending
[fix] #5757 Resource cost estimation on OpenStack resource create does not start from today
[fix] #5760 User may get logged out soon after login
[fix] #5764 Sometimes panel is not accessible only after reload
[fix] #5766 Duplicated service cycles may get created
[fix] #5774 Canceling PayPal payment redirects to an unauthenticated page
[fix] #5778 Cannot filter notifications by target email_and_ui and email
[fix] #5788 Estimated price on volume create may not consider the correct volume type in price calculation
[fix] #5804 Sync fails if no public endpoints for service
[fix] #5782 Wildcard filter causes “500 Internal server error” if filter string contains ‘+’
[fix] #5795 Mass email not tied to client
[fix] [staff] #5808 Tooltip on networks list actions button
[fix] #5810 No error when trying to add invalid IP on the instance details / networking tab
[fix] #5811 Multiple docker versions are shown on fleio upgrade
[fix] #5816 Community and shared images tabs on boot source select are not hidden when features are off
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.09.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-09-06
v2022.09.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5246 Billing for loadbalancers
[add] #5648 Pricing rules filters for custom metrics
[add] [staff] #5762 fiscal_date and fiscal_due_date field to edit invoice
[add] #5763 Allow user to extend token validity
[add] [staff] #5790 Prepaid credit balance to client journal entries
[add] [staff] #5791 Yearly revenue report
[add] #5793 Loader on next/prev billing cycle history period
[add] #5815 Link to floating IP create form on “No floating IPs available” toast
[add] #5828 Support for RHEL9
[add] #5830 Fleio reconfigure command
[add] #5868 Tasks for send staff notifications
[add] #5897 Gracefully end running tasks before upgrade or restart
[add] #5910 Periodic task to clear expired Django sessions and Fleio Tokens
[change] #5800 Merge openstack/billing and openstack/billing/history API’s
[change] #5801 Remove legacy network links from docker-compose.yml
[change] #5803 Optimize configuration access
[change] #5812 Update dependencies for 2022.09.0
[change] #5842 Update python to 3.10.6
[change] #5843 Add ‘/backend’ in settings sample gateway callback URL
[change] [staff] #5857 Better feedback on add payment
[change] [staff] #5858 Instant feedback on refund
[change] #5906 Use different token on each session
[change] #5911 Save fleio token as cookie
[change] #5913 Delete related fleio token on impersonation close
[fix] #5768 Show process clients task as failed if an exception occurred
[fix] #5771 Text on install to “docker version X”
[fix] #5787 Mark invoice as unpaid on delete transaction
[fix] #5806 Link to configure get me a network on OpenStack product edit
[fix] #5814 Filters and modifiers of os_type
[fix] #5822 Ticket notifications are not sent due to parsing error
[fix] #5824 Fleio activity logs do not show correct function
[fix] #5829 Collect usage fails when using rule on metric with min, max,…
[fix] #5831 Left and right padding on report views
[fix] #5832 Activity log for
Staff user updated billing configuration
is wrongly added[fix] #5833 Crash when processing incoming email with certian characters
[fix] #5836 Gnocchi metrics collection crashes if you add the groupby field in metric definition
[fix] #5838 Crash when collecting metrics for a new resource
[fix] #5839 Price estimate crashes if you have two billing resources with the same name
[fix] #5841 HTML is being rendered on ticket reply email notifications
[fix] #5844 Incomplete text on refund: “€10.00 will be deducted from”
[fix] [staff] #5845 Refunding a PayPal transaction gives 404
[fix] #5846 Empty gray screen on first page load
[fix] #5849 Error on set license: changing ownership of .fleio_license: Operation not permitted
[fix] [staff] #5851 JS error on TODOs page: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘replace’)
[fix] #5856 Failed send email task is green when parent activity log is red
[fix] #5869 Notifications are being sent to inactive staff users
[fix] #5870 Instance with building status may be missing status bar
[fix] #5874 Right side tooltip display on add filter on pricing rules page
[fix] #5876 Activity log display text for load balancer create
[fix] #5895 Crashed periodic tasks stuck in running state for a long time
[fix] #5898 Avoid duplicated refund on concurrent manual actions
[fix] #5900 Cannot save client with VAT ID
[fix] #5901 Task details does not load in django admin
[fix] #5917 Periodic task log summary may overflow table
[fix] [staff] #5922 Client OpenStack services tab may be broken sometimes
[fix] [staff] #5928 JS error on journal details page
[fix] #5933 Menu does not work on browsers on iOS
[remove] #5603 “usernameInputLabel” frontend setting
[remove] #5574 Users’ username field
[remove] [staff] #5576 Field “Allow authentication using either username or email”
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Before upgrading to 2022.09, please see the upgrade notes Upgrading to 2022.09
Release date: 2022-09-13
v2022.09.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #5246 Billing for loadbalancers
[add] #5648 Pricing rules filters for custom metrics
[add] [staff] #5762 fiscal_date and fiscal_due_date field to edit invoice
[add] #5763 Allow user to extend token validity
[add] [staff] #5790 Prepaid credit balance to client journal entries
[add] [staff] #5791 Yearly revenue report
[add] #5793 Loader on next/prev billing cycle history period
[add] #5815 Link to floating IP create form on “No floating IPs available” toast
[add] #5828 Support for RHEL9
[add] #5830 Fleio reconfigure command
[add] #5868 Tasks for send staff notifications
[add] #5897 Gracefully end running tasks before upgrade or restart
[add] #5910 Periodic task to clear expired Django sessions and Fleio Tokens
[change] #5800 Merge openstack/billing and openstack/billing/history API’s
[change] #5801 Remove legacy network links from docker-compose.yml
[change] #5803 Optimize configuration access
[change] #5812 Update dependencies for 2022.09.0
[change] #5842 Update python to 3.10.6
[change] #5843 Add ‘/backend’ in settings sample gateway callback URL
[change] [staff] #5857 Better feedback on add payment
[change] [staff] #5858 Instant feedback on refund
[change] #5906 Use different token on each session
[change] #5911 Save fleio token as cookie
[change] #5913 Delete related fleio token on impersonation close
[fix] #5768 Show process clients task as failed if an exception occurred
[fix] #5771 Text on install to “docker version X”
[fix] #5787 Mark invoice as unpaid on delete transaction
[fix] #5806 Link to configure get me a network on OpenStack product edit
[fix] #5814 Filters and modifiers of os_type
[fix] #5822 Ticket notifications are not sent due to parsing error
[fix] #5824 Fleio activity logs do not show correct function
[fix] #5829 Collect usage fails when using rule on metric with min, max,…
[fix] #5831 Left and right padding on report views
[fix] #5832 Activity log for
Staff user updated billing configuration
is wrongly added[fix] #5833 Crash when processing incoming email with certian characters
[fix] #5836 Gnocchi metrics collection crashes if you add the groupby field in metric definition
[fix] #5838 Crash when collecting metrics for a new resource
[fix] #5839 Price estimate crashes if you have two billing resources with the same name
[fix] #5841 HTML is being rendered on ticket reply email notifications
[fix] #5844 Incomplete text on refund: “€10.00 will be deducted from”
[fix] [staff] #5845 Refunding a PayPal transaction gives 404
[fix] #5846 Empty gray screen on first page load
[fix] #5849 Error on set license: changing ownership of .fleio_license: Operation not permitted
[fix] [staff] #5851 JS error on TODOs page: Cannot read properties of null (reading ‘replace’)
[fix] #5856 Failed send email task is green when parent activity log is red
[fix] #5869 Notifications are being sent to inactive staff users
[fix] #5870 Instance with building status may be missing status bar
[fix] #5874 Right side tooltip display on add filter on pricing rules page
[fix] #5876 Activity log display text for load balancer create
[fix] #5895 Crashed periodic tasks stuck in running state for a long time
[fix] #5898 Avoid duplicated refund on concurrent manual actions
[fix] #5900 Cannot save client with VAT ID
[fix] #5901 Task details does not load in django admin
[fix] #5917 Periodic task log summary may overflow table
[fix] [staff] #5922 Client OpenStack services tab may be broken sometimes
[fix] [staff] #5928 JS error on journal details page
[fix] #5933 Menu does not work on browsers on iOS
[fix] #5946 Cannot create pricing rule if default region doesn’t have metric service
[remove] #5603 “usernameInputLabel” frontend setting
[remove] #5574 Users’ username field
[remove] [staff] #5576 Field “Allow authentication using either username or email”
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Before upgrading to 2022.09, please see the upgrade notes Upgrading to 2022.09
v2022.10.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-10-05
v2022.10.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
[add] #4200 Database backup before docker upgrade
[add] #4494 Cleanup old logs
[add] #5864 Configuration for monthly/hourly/etc. price estimate
[add] #5873 fleio backup and restore commands
[add] #5883 Activity log tooltip with status and run time
[add] [staff] #5884 Dynamic loading of running task log in activity log
[add] [staff] #5886 Configure ticket notifications per user and department
[add] [staff] #5891 Pinned support tickets
[add] #5894 Email Django admins on crash
[add] #5896 fleio stop command
[add] #5925 Automatic replies (e.g. NDR) to the activity log details
[add] #5926 Floating IP description on card and table item
[add] #5947 Default region for gnocchi metrics setting
[add] #5949 Permanently running container for faster fleio commands
[add] #5972 shelving/unshelving for instances enduser/staff
[add] #5973 shelving/unshelving for OpenStack services in enduser/staff
[add] #5974 shelve on suspend
[add] #5983 Option to delete a service cycle
[add] #6002 “Generate invoices for service billing cycles ended after” setting
[change] #5777 Use dotted progress when showing estimated price on resource creation
[change] #5854 Remove extra restart on Fleio upgrade before recreate
[change] [staff] #5879 Increase Subject width column in email log
[change] #5882 Vertical animation on running activity log entry bar
[change] #5887 Timestamp at the top of reply and clickable anchor
[change] #5888 Replace ticket priority column with symbols and simplify table view
[change] [staff] #5889 Remove ticket Assigned column, show next to ticket Department
[change] [staff] #5890 Add note from a dialog window
[change] #5899 Mention “fleio issue letsencrypt” when LES install fails
[change] #5907 Add marker in tasklog before a retry
[change] #5914 Confirm new password on edit user profile page
[change] #5915 Reset “Incorrect email or password” error when login form values change
[change] [staff] #5934 Inconsistent button label to “Create pricing rule”
[change] #5942 Set CONN_HEALTH_CHECKS django setting to True
[change] #5952 Set SameSite “Lax” to Fleio token cookie
[change] [staff] #5968 Move dissociate buttons at the end on client’s users tab and user’s clients tab
[change] #5982 Currency field to Default currency on client create/edit view
[change] #5980 Hide disable periodic tasks error trace-backs when db container is down
[change] #5986 Update python version to 3.10.7
[change] #6028 Disallow Fleio upgrade/install if minimum Docker CE version is not met
[fix] #5865 Controls not aligned on create instance form
[fix] [staff] #5866 Ticket email log entry may not be associated with fleio user
[fix] #5878 Client is n/a in email log for tickets associated with a client
[fix] [staff] #5859 Can add zero amount as invoice payment
[fix] #5892 Text ticket email message loses new lines
[fix] #5905 Two factor authentication code is sometimes incorrectly invalidated
[fix] #5912 Page loader disappears too soon
[fix] #5937 Failed operations icon missing after log in (without refresh)
[fix] #5945 Clicking left menu entry may refresh page several times instead of just once
[fix] #5948 Plugins notifications count do not immediately change when you re-login as another user
[fix] #5954 Ticket attachment non-ASCII filename problems in email & when downloading
[fix] #5955 Estimated instance cost on instance resize form does not work
[fix] #5956 Email log related user may not be shown
[fix] [staff] #5957 Email message log & periodic task log breadcrumbs
[fix] [staff] #5962 500 error and no details when saving configuration with long description
[fix] #5963 Setting license on a Fleio app restored from a different Fleio app DB
[fix] [staff] #5964 The first user assigned to a client can have a non-owner role
[fix] #5989 OpenStack service invoice is issued with wrong currency
[fix] [staff] #5992 Errored “Notify ticket participants on changes” activity when end-user replies to ticket & is the only email recipient
[fix] #5994 Nova availability zones missing region support
[fix] [enduser] #5997 Staff user info disclosed in ticket APIs
[fix] #6003 First OpenStack service cycle does not have any currency when initialized
[fix] [enduser] #6015 Ticket new CC addresses status update format
[fix] #6018 Service permissions
[fix] #6017 Estimated instance monthly revenue report may throw timeout error
[fix] [staff] #6027 Ticket is not refreshed after deleting a reply
[fix] #6043 Duplicated strings in translation file
[remove] [staff] #5935 Configurations tab on client, add to Overview tab
Cards view for tickets
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
Release date: 2022-10-12
2022.10.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
Below we list again the issues that were part of the 2022.10.0 BETA release and new issues that are part of this stable release, which are marked in bold.
[add] #4200 Database backup before docker upgrade
[add] #4494 Cleanup old logs
[add] #5864 Configuration for monthly/hourly/etc. price estimate
[add] #5873 fleio backup and restore commands
[add] #5883 Activity log tooltip with status and run time
[add] [staff] #5884 Dynamic loading of running task log in activity log
[add] [staff] #5886 Configure ticket notifications per user and department
[add] [staff] #5891 Pinned support tickets
[add] #5894 Email Django admins on crash
[add] #5896 fleio stop command
[add] #5925 Automatic replies (e.g. NDR) to the activity log details
[add] #5926 Floating IP description on card and table item
[add] #5947 Default region for gnocchi metrics setting
[add] #5949 Permanently running container for faster fleio commands
[add] #5972 shelving/unshelving for instances enduser/staff
[add] #5973 shelving/unshelving for OpenStack services in enduser/staff
[add] #5974 shelve on suspend
[add] #5983 Option to delete a service cycle
[add] #6002 “Generate invoices for service billing cycles ended after” setting
[change] #5777 Use dotted progress when showing estimated price on resource creation
[change] #5854 Remove extra restart on Fleio upgrade before recreate
[change] [staff] #5879 Increase Subject width column in email log
[change] #5882 Vertical animation on running activity log entry bar
[change] #5887 Timestamp at the top of reply and clickable anchor
[change] #5888 Replace ticket priority column with symbols and simplify table view
[change] [staff] #5889 Remove ticket Assigned column, show next to ticket Department
[change] [staff] #5890 Add note from a dialog window
[change] #5899 Mention “fleio issue letsencrypt” when LES install fails
[change] #5907 Add marker in tasklog before a retry
[change] #5914 Confirm new password on edit user profile page
[change] #5915 Reset “Incorrect email or password” error when login form values change
[change] [staff] #5934 Inconsistent button label to “Create pricing rule”
[change] #5942 Set CONN_HEALTH_CHECKS django setting to True
[change] #5952 Set SameSite “Lax” to Fleio token cookie
[change] [staff] #5968 Move dissociate buttons at the end on client’s users tab and user’s clients tab
[change] #5982 Currency field to Default currency on client create/edit view
[change] #5980 Hide disable periodic tasks error trace-backs when db container is down
[change] #5986 Update python version to 3.10.7
[change] #6028 Disallow Fleio upgrade/install if minimum Docker CE version is not met
[fix] #5865 Controls not aligned on create instance form
[fix] [staff] #5866 Ticket email log entry may not be associated with fleio user
[fix] #5878 Client is n/a in email log for tickets associated with a client
[fix] [staff] #5859 Can add zero amount as invoice payment
[fix] #5892 Text ticket email message loses new lines
[fix] #5905 Two factor authentication code is sometimes incorrectly invalidated
[fix] #5912 Page loader disappears too soon
[fix] #5937 Failed operations icon missing after log in (without refresh)
[fix] #5945 Clicking left menu entry may refresh page several times instead of just once
[fix] #5948 Plugins notifications count do not immediately change when you re-login as another user
[fix] #5954 Ticket attachment non-ASCII filename problems in email & when downloading
[fix] #5955 Estimated instance cost on instance resize form does not work
[fix] #5956 Email log related user may not be shown
[fix] [staff] #5957 Email message log & periodic task log breadcrumbs
[fix] [staff] #5962 500 error and no details when saving configuration with long description
[fix] #5963 Setting license on a Fleio app restored from a different Fleio app DB
[fix] [staff] #5964 The first user assigned to a client can have a non-owner role
[fix] #5989 OpenStack service invoice is issued with wrong currency
[fix] [staff] #5992 Errored “Notify ticket participants on changes” activity when end-user replies to ticket & is the only email recipient
[fix] #5994 Nova availability zones missing region support
[fix] [enduser] #5997 Staff user info disclosed in ticket APIs
[fix] #6003 First OpenStack service cycle does not have any currency when initialized
[fix] [enduser] #6015 Ticket new CC addresses status update format
[fix] #6018 Service permissions
[fix] #6017 Estimated instance monthly revenue report may throw timeout error
[fix] [staff] #6027 Ticket is not refreshed after deleting a reply
[fix] #6043 Duplicated strings in translation file
[fix] #6045 Updated collector error on “port.delete.end” event
[fix] #6080 fleio reconfigure command fails with error: No container found for utils_1
[fix] #6089 Error SyntaxError: unmatched ‘)’ on
[remove] [staff] #5935 Configurations tab on client, add to Overview tab
Cards view for tickets
In order to test Beta you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in Kubernetes, you need to follow our documentation.
In order to install Fleio in JuJu, you need to follow our documentation.
v2022.11.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-11-01
2022.11.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
Some manual steps are required BEFORE upgrading to 2022.11 and other manual steps are required AFTER the upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.
[add] #5966 Estimated cost on DNS zone create
[add] #6009 Bind user sessions to IP address by default
[add] #6106 Backup before fleio nuke command
[add] #6108 FLEIO_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY variable to unattended install script
[add] #6127 fleio resetdb command
[add] #6154 Support for OpenStack Zed
[change] #5645 Switch to docker compose plugin
[change] #5881 Improve email log entry detail page format
[change] [staff] #5981 Allow selecting service in client/billing history tab
[change] #6007 Log out user from all devices on password reset
[change] #6008 Rename Old password field on user profile form
[change] #6037 Stopped activity and tasks should be in error state when periodic task is stopped by an upgrade
[change] #6038 Improve logs display in activity log
[change] #6057 Update third party libraries for 2022.11.0
[change] [staff] #6059 Add note that pricing plan currency is converted to OS service currency
[change] #6063 Add default 1 for cycle multiplier
[change] #6072 Show service related product cycle currency on service details
[change] [staff] #6075 Show warning that changing service currency overrides current cycle with it
[change] #6077 Handle errors when containers are down
[change] [staff] #6082 Improve client’s default currency tooltip
[change] [staff] #6088 Create OpenStack service in client default currency
[change] #6100 Stop containers on upgrade before migration to ensure data consistency
[change] [staff] #6147 Show department notifications checkboxes on staff user add
[fix] #5932 Large amounts overlap on invoice
[fix] #5953 Limit billable seconds per month is wrongly applied on yearly cycles
[fix] #5999 OpenStack service cycles price set using client currency
[fix] #6001 Auto order service for client does not consider product having no cycle in client currency
[fix] #6004 Admin first and last name are not being asked at install
[fix] #6024 Process clients error NoneType object has no attribute active_service
[fix] #6040 Expanded activity log is being updated without related children
[fix] #6041 Neutron & Cinder availability zones missing DB relationship with regions
[fix] #6042 Updated collector error on “volume.attach.end” event
[fix] #6055 IPs may still be charged after port deletion due to event notifications order
[fix] #6060 Unfriendly message when requests are being throttled
[fix] [enduser] #6061 No client id in activity log when creating client
[fix] #6062 Gap between activity log details and tasks
[fix] #6064 If tasks exits with exception that exception is not logged in task log
[fix] [staff] #6070 No activity log for estimated instance revenue report
[fix] [staff] #6071 Assigned to tickets filter drop down shows end-users
[fix] #6073 Handle all database errors when disabling periodic tasks
[fix] #6074 Check for paths containing / on source and destination files for fleio backup commands
[fix] #6076 Usage is settled using client currency regardless of service currency
[fix] #6079 disable/enable-periodic_tasks in fleio –help text instead of disable/enable-periodic-tasks
[fix] #6096 User image is created even if no permission to do so
[fix] #6114 Error: Current cycle not found for service error for pending services
[fix] #6115 Error: Get suspended flags called with a service with no OpenStack project associated
[fix] #6116 Error on set license when cannot decrypt OpenStack credentials
[fix] #6120 Standardized fleio command question defaults to [Y/n]/[y/N]
[fix] [staff] #6125 Staff user edit fails with error Form cannot be validated, no <app-form-errors> component found
[fix] [staff] #6126 Terminate OpenStack service operation may take too long & fail
[fix] #6129 Error on order: Set invoiced called on cycle that is already marked as invoiced
[fix] [staff] #6131 Error logged when creating client & specifying configuration by name
[fix] [staff] #6132 Projects list refreshes & loses search value after cancelling delete project dialog
[fix] #6133 Django Admin instance search is broken
[fix] [staff] #6138 Service suspend button unusable after cancelling suspend dialog
[fix] #6139 Unhandled error on license refresh when cannot decrypt license key
[fix] [enduser] #6140 Email logs list shows messages not sent to user if related to his client
[fix] [enduser] #6141 Error: Unable to update router
[fix] #6142 Mysql DB password in operations container logs
[fix] [staff] #6149 Tooltip missing on Is active on edit user
[fix] #6152 AttributeError when enduser lists load balancers in a region without related endpoint
[fix] #6157 Unit price on invoice may not be correctly formatted
[fix] #6158 Stack trace shown in celery logs when Periodic tasks are disabled
[fix] #6171 “User None deleted project resources” activity log text
[fix] #6177 Text file attachment is rendered in ticket content
[fix] #6178 Text ticket email message with attachment loses new lines
[fix] #6179 Estimated cost on forms uses client currency instead of service currency
[fix] #6180 Rule may apply to clients regardless of filters
[remove] #5736 staffapi/openstack/clients & OpenstackClientsViewSet
[remove] #6025 Service archived status
[remove] #6101 Reseller frontend from docker images
If you use
some manual steps are required before upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.Some manual steps are required BEFORE upgrading to 2022.11 and other manual steps are required AFTER the upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.
Release date: 2022-11-08
2022.11.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
Some manual steps are required BEFORE upgrading to 2022.11 and other manual steps are required AFTER the upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2022.11.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2022.11.1, are marked with bold.
[add] #5966 Estimated cost on DNS zone create
[add] #6009 Bind user sessions to IP address by default
[add] #6106 Backup before fleio nuke command
[add] #6108 FLEIO_DJANGO_SECRET_KEY variable to unattended install script
[add] #6127 fleio resetdb command
[add] #6154 Support for OpenStack Zed
[change] #5645 Switch to docker compose plugin
[change] #5881 Improve email log entry detail page format
[change] [staff] #5981 Allow selecting service in client/billing history tab
[change] #6007 Log out user from all devices on password reset
[change] #6008 Rename Old password field on user profile form
[change] #6037 Stopped activity and tasks should be in error state when periodic task is stopped by an upgrade
[change] #6038 Improve logs display in activity log
[change] #6057 Update third party libraries for 2022.11.0
[change] [staff] #6059 Add note that pricing plan currency is converted to OS service currency
[change] #6063 Add default 1 for cycle multiplier
[change] #6072 Show service related product cycle currency on service details
[change] [staff] #6075 Show warning that changing service currency overrides current cycle with it
[change] #6077 Handle errors when containers are down
[change] [staff] #6082 Improve client’s default currency tooltip
[change] [staff] #6088 Create OpenStack service in client default currency
[change] #6100 Stop containers on upgrade before migration to ensure data consistency
[change] [staff] #6147 Show department notifications checkboxes on staff user add
[fix] #5932 Large amounts overlap on invoice
[fix] #5953 Limit billable seconds per month is wrongly applied on yearly cycles
[fix] #5999 OpenStack service cycles price set using client currency
[fix] #6001 Auto order service for client does not consider product having no cycle in client currency
[fix] #6004 Admin first and last name are not being asked at install
[fix] #6024 Process clients error NoneType object has no attribute active_service
[fix] #6040 Expanded activity log is being updated without related children
[fix] #6041 Neutron & Cinder availability zones missing DB relationship with regions
[fix] #6042 Updated collector error on “volume.attach.end” event
[fix] #6055 IPs may still be charged after port deletion due to event notifications order
[fix] #6060 Unfriendly message when requests are being throttled
[fix] [enduser] #6061 No client id in activity log when creating client
[fix] #6062 Gap between activity log details and tasks
[fix] #6064 If tasks exits with exception that exception is not logged in task log
[fix] [staff] #6070 No activity log for estimated instance revenue report
[fix] [staff] #6071 Assigned to tickets filter drop down shows end-users
[fix] #6073 Handle all database errors when disabling periodic tasks
[fix] #6074 Check for paths containing / on source and destination files for fleio backup commands
[fix] #6076 Usage is settled using client currency regardless of service currency
[fix] #6079 disable/enable-periodic_tasks in fleio –help text instead of disable/enable-periodic-tasks
[fix] #6096 User image is created even if no permission to do so
[fix] #6114 Error: Current cycle not found for service error for pending services
[fix] #6115 Error: Get suspended flags called with a service with no OpenStack project associated
[fix] #6116 Error on set license when cannot decrypt OpenStack credentials
[fix] #6120 Standardized fleio command question defaults to [Y/n]/[y/N]
[fix] [staff] #6125 Staff user edit fails with error Form cannot be validated, no <app-form-errors> component found
[fix] [staff] #6126 Terminate OpenStack service operation may take too long & fail
[fix] #6129 Error on order: Set invoiced called on cycle that is already marked as invoiced
[fix] [staff] #6131 Error logged when creating client & specifying configuration by name
[fix] [staff] #6132 Projects list refreshes & loses search value after cancelling delete project dialog
[fix] #6133 Django Admin instance search is broken
[fix] [staff] #6138 Service suspend button unusable after cancelling suspend dialog
[fix] #6139 Unhandled error on license refresh when cannot decrypt license key
[fix] [enduser] #6140 Email logs list shows messages not sent to user if related to his client
[fix] [enduser] #6141 Error: Unable to update router
[fix] #6142 Mysql DB password in operations container logs
[fix] [staff] #6149 Tooltip missing on Is active on edit user
[fix] #6152 AttributeError when enduser lists load balancers in a region without related endpoint
[fix] #6157 Unit price on invoice may not be correctly formatted
[fix] #6158 Stack trace shown in celery logs when Periodic tasks are disabled
[fix] #6171 “User None deleted project resources” activity log text
[fix] #6177 Text file attachment is rendered in ticket content
[fix] #6178 Text ticket email message with attachment loses new lines
[fix] #6179 Estimated cost on forms uses client currency instead of service currency
[fix] #6180 Rule may apply to clients regardless of filters
[fix] [staff] #6196 Manual service suspend with TODO module not working
[fix] #6213 Unshelve dialog shows AZ from default region instead of instance region
[fix] #6215 Upgrade backend & frontend libraries to fix vulnerabilities
[fix] #6219 Community images not shown in Fleio after sync
[fix] #6231 Activity log loads extremely slowly
[fix] #6232 Instance revenue report crash if one instance has no IPs or service is suspended but has active instance
[fix] #6256 MariaDB generates lots of errors Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats
[remove] #5736 staffapi/openstack/clients & OpenstackClientsViewSet
[remove] #6025 Service archived status
[remove] #6101 Reseller frontend from docker images
If you use
some manual steps are required before upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.Some manual steps are required BEFORE upgrading to 2022.11 and other manual steps are required AFTER the upgrade. See Upgrading to 2022.11.
v2022.12.0 BETA¶
Release date: 2022-12-13
2022.12.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2022.12. See Upgrading to 2022.12.
[add] #6081 Currency conversion formula on add currency dialog
[add] #6095 More format buttons to ticket form
[add] [staff] #6097 Green bar on enabled payment gateways
[add] #6208 Details to task logs when deleting OpenStack project
[add] #6217 Region and project ID on OpenStack image details
[add] #6239 To field on ticket
[add] #6273 Fleio support for AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9
[add] #6290 fleio openstack command
[add] #6291 Shelve feature toggle
[add] [staff] #6293 Missing fields on service detail: is free, override price, do not suspend until
[add] #6320 fleio django command
[add] #6364 Support for piped input fleio mysql, bash and shell commands
[change] #4665 Sort command in fleio help alphabetically
[change] [enduser] #5931 Show credit too low message on create forms before submit
[change] #6093 Show loader on dialog submit
[change] #6094 Always Show 2/configured decimal count on billing history
[change] #6124 Automatically re-create service cycle when all were deleted
[change] #6146 Check all notifications by default on add support department
[change] #6165 Load billing history data on Billing history tab click and selecting another service
[change] #6187 Messages when connecting to OpenStack during Fleio upgrade
[change] #6204 Allow style/width/height HTML attributes on images in tickets from emails
[change] [staff] #6214 Improve task log in activity
[change] #6221 Update third party software
[change] [staff] #6224 Show project ID as lowercase on project edit page
[change] #6259 Free services should emit invoice based on “Do not invoice services with zero price”
[change] [staff] #6267 Client details label “Current credit” to “Credit”
[change] #6277 Update python to 3.10.8
[change] #6287 source new utils script before upgrade
[change] [staff] #6295 Hide override price when service is free
[change] [staff] #6299 “Client signup automation” text to “New client automation”
[change] #6375 Send mail to admins only for exception and critical logs
[change] #6380 Improve unmatched flavor for instance log in sync
[fix] #5780 Payment date in the add payment tab on invoice details is not saved
[fix] #6084 Crash on syntax error in price estimate template
[fix] #6104 Error when adding product with long description to cart: Data too long for column ‘description’
[fix] #6107 Containers crash if secrets in DB cannot be decrypted (e.g. invalid SECRET_KET)
[fix] #6136 AssertionError: Invalid billing dates requested
[fix] #6143 Some autocomplete fields do not open on focus from keyboard TAB
[fix] #6151 fleio manage, start, stop commands missing autocomplete
[fix] [enduser] #6168 Billing history of second client shows empty screen and JS error
[fix] #6169 OpenStack project is not created when second client is added
[fix] #6188 Crash when changing billing plan
[fix] #6194 Endless toast “Your client has no active OpenStack project”
[fix] [enduser] #6197 Can request cancellation on terminated services
[fix] #6198 Billing history shows rising usage even if service is free
[fix] #6199 When changing service’s OpenStack project estimated cycle cost is not updated
[fix] #6223 fleio commands like upgrade continue when backup fails due to bc or gzip missing
[fix] #6225 Buttons are not disabled on dialogs after action button click
[fix] #6229 Exception when retrieving metrics
[fix] #6243 Form buttons are not disabled after action button click
[fix] #6253 Total price shown in client currency instead of service currency on billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6254 Estimated cycle cost on billing history always shown in client currency
[fix] #6271 Replace left references of docker-compose from fleio command texts
[fix] #6272 Cannot install on unsupported distro even when docker is installed
[fix] #6278 Circular progress is not visible on long forms submit
[fix] #6279 If db container is down errors are not handled
[fix] [enduser] #6280 Cannot cycle back to current billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6282 OpenStack HEAT stack shows Outputs [object Object]
[fix] #6286 Error processing client - ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘cycle’
[fix] #6289 Create client w/ auto order (no client currency cycles) is missing error details
[fix] [staff] #6298 Correct capitalization in “OpenStack plans” breadcrumb
[fix] #6301 Estimated cycle cost on billing history is rounded in a wrong way
[fix] #6327 Info icon on edit TXT record on DNS zone shows no text
[fix] #6346 Clicking recreate task button under activity toggles task details
[fix] #6348 Error on simple password is not shown on instance rescue
[fix] #6352 Expanded task under activity does not load ending log lines when in progress
[fix] #6354 docker-compose-plugin is not installed on upgrade or install if Docker latest is already installed
[fix] #6363 fleio command does not start utils container if stopped with docker command
[fix] [enduser] #6376 Broken page when non-owner accesses client details
[fix] [enduser] #6378 Missing avatars on ticket details
[fix] #6379 Frontend dependency vulnerabilities
[fix] [staff] #6386 Settings -> OpenStack -> Defaults tab may make browser tab unresponsive
[fix] [enduser] #6387 Load balancer create form shows resource options from another region than default LBaaS region
[fix] #6393 Download volume snapshot image returns invalid token
[fix] #6405 Task name: No display text found for log class “cron sync hypervisors”
[fix] #6407 Product price models “Fixed plus dynamic” and “Dynamic but at least fixed” not working when estimating cycle cost
[fix] #6424 Billing history total price is wrong for services with fixed price
[remove] [staff] #6240 Ticket internal status (pinned is used now)
[remove] [staff] #6294 Unused “Next expiration date” field
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2022.12. See Upgrading to 2022.12.
Release date: 2022-12-19
2022.12.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2012.22. See Upgrading to 2022.12.
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2022.12.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2022.12.1, are marked with bold.
[add] #6081 Currency conversion formula on add currency dialog
[add] #6095 More format buttons to ticket form
[add] [staff] #6097 Green bar on enabled payment gateways
[add] #6208 Details to task logs when deleting OpenStack project
[add] #6217 Region and project ID on OpenStack image details
[add] #6239 To field on ticket
[add] #6273 Fleio support for AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9
[add] #6290 fleio openstack command
[add] #6291 Shelve feature toggle
[add] [staff] #6293 Missing fields on service detail: is free, override price, do not suspend until
[add] #6320 fleio django command
[add] #6364 Support for piped input fleio mysql, bash and shell commands
[change] #4665 Sort command in fleio help alphabetically
[change] [enduser] #5931 Show credit too low message on create forms before submit
[change] #6093 Show loader on dialog submit
[change] #6094 Always Show 2/configured decimal count on billing history
[change] #6124 Automatically re-create service cycle when all were deleted
[change] #6146 Check all notifications by default on add support department
[change] #6165 Load billing history data on Billing history tab click and selecting another service
[change] #6187 Messages when connecting to OpenStack during Fleio upgrade
[change] #6204 Allow style/width/height HTML attributes on images in tickets from emails
[change] [staff] #6214 Improve task log in activity
[change] #6221 Update third party software
[change] [staff] #6224 Show project ID as lowercase on project edit page
[change] #6259 Free services should emit invoice based on “Do not invoice services with zero price”
[change] [staff] #6267 Client details label “Current credit” to “Credit”
[change] #6277 Update python to 3.10.8
[change] #6287 source new utils script before upgrade
[change] [staff] #6295 Hide override price when service is free
[change] [staff] #6299 “Client signup automation” text to “New client automation”
[change] #6375 Send mail to admins only for exception and critical logs
[change] #6380 Improve unmatched flavor for instance log in sync
[fix] #5780 Payment date in the add payment tab on invoice details is not saved
[fix] #6084 Crash on syntax error in price estimate template
[fix] #6104 Error when adding product with long description to cart: Data too long for column ‘description’
[fix] #6107 Containers crash if secrets in DB cannot be decrypted (e.g. invalid SECRET_KET)
[fix] #6136 AssertionError: Invalid billing dates requested
[fix] #6143 Some autocomplete fields do not open on focus from keyboard TAB
[fix] #6151 fleio manage, start, stop commands missing autocomplete
[fix] [enduser] #6168 Billing history of second client shows empty screen and JS error
[fix] #6169 OpenStack project is not created when second client is added
[fix] #6188 Crash when changing billing plan
[fix] #6194 Endless toast “Your client has no active OpenStack project”
[fix] [enduser] #6197 Can request cancellation on terminated services
[fix] #6198 Billing history shows rising usage even if service is free
[fix] #6199 When changing service’s OpenStack project estimated cycle cost is not updated
[fix] #6223 fleio commands like upgrade continue when backup fails due to bc or gzip missing
[fix] #6225 Buttons are not disabled on dialogs after action button click
[fix] #6229 Exception when retrieving metrics
[fix] #6243 Form buttons are not disabled after action button click
[fix] #6253 Total price shown in client currency instead of service currency on billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6254 Estimated cycle cost on billing history always shown in client currency
[fix] #6271 Replace left references of docker-compose from fleio command texts
[fix] #6272 Cannot install on unsupported distro even when docker is installed
[fix] #6278 Circular progress is not visible on long forms submit
[fix] #6279 If db container is down errors are not handled
[fix] [enduser] #6280 Cannot cycle back to current billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6282 OpenStack HEAT stack shows Outputs [object Object]
[fix] #6286 Error processing client - ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘cycle’
[fix] #6289 Create client w/ auto order (no client currency cycles) is missing error details
[fix] [staff] #6298 Correct capitalization in “OpenStack plans” breadcrumb
[fix] #6301 Estimated cycle cost on billing history is rounded in a wrong way
[fix] #6327 Info icon on edit TXT record on DNS zone shows no text
[fix] #6346 Clicking recreate task button under activity toggles task details
[fix] #6348 Error on simple password is not shown on instance rescue
[fix] #6352 Expanded task under activity does not load ending log lines when in progress
[fix] #6354 docker-compose-plugin is not installed on upgrade or install if Docker latest is already installed
[fix] #6363 fleio command does not start utils container if stopped with docker command
[fix] [enduser] #6376 Broken page when non-owner accesses client details
[fix] [enduser] #6378 Missing avatars on ticket details
[fix] #6379 Frontend dependency vulnerabilities
[fix] [staff] #6386 Settings -> OpenStack -> Defaults tab may make browser tab unresponsive
[fix] [enduser] #6387 Load balancer create form shows resource options from another region than default LBaaS region
[fix] #6393 Download volume snapshot image returns invalid token
[fix] #6405 Task name: No display text found for log class “cron sync hypervisors”
[fix] #6407 Product price models “Fixed plus dynamic” and “Dynamic but at least fixed” not working when estimating cycle cost
[fix] #6424 Billing history total price is wrong for services with fixed price
[fix] [staff] #6430 Users added without Last & First name
[fix] #6431 Profile not saved when first and last name are empty
[fix] [staff] #6435 Lock wait timeout exceeded error when adding credit
[fix] #6437 Removed chip option does not show again in autocomplete selection options
[fix] #6444 `ENDUSER_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN` & all other password min chars settings are ignored when showing error message
[fix] #6441 Sync crashes if one OpenStack endpoint is not available
[fix] [staff] #6452 Password on edit user shown as required
[fix] #6456 While deleting client with load balancers, celery container may get broken and activity fails
[fix] #6457 Expanded activity may not show all tasks even if tasks count is correct
[fix] [staff] #6460 Activity log shows “{object_id}” for staff creating client instead of actual id
[remove] [staff] #6240 Ticket internal status (pinned is used now)
[remove] [staff] #6294 Unused “Next expiration date” field
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2012.22. See Upgrading to 2022.12.