Release date: 2024-01-16
2024.01.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2024.01.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2024.01.1, are marked with bold.
If you have a custom frontend theme or you are using Stripe payments, see Upgrading to 2024.01.
If you are using fleio-whmcs, you must update it to v.3.0.0 to work with Fleio version 2023.12 or greater. See Upgrading to 2023.12.
[add] [staff] #1174 RBAC policies management
[add] #4644 Clusters quota management
[add] [staff] #6331 Related operations under activity log
[add] #6689 Pricing rules for database instances
[add] #7043 Support for database instance replicas (Trove)
[add] [enduser] #7047 Database instance logs (Trove)
[add] [enduser] #7295 Save multiple credit cards in Fleio on the same payment gateway
[add] #7707 Install “less” in fleio utils container
[add] [enduser] #7737 SSH key details page
[add] #7787 Create multiple compute instances
[add] #7795 Support for HEAT parameter_groups
[add] #7803 “designate” to default exchange list field value
[add] #7808 “force” and “no-restart” parameters to “fleio backup restore” command
[change] #7504 Improve containers restart performance by using dumb-init in Docker containers
[change] #7566 Optimize ticket search
[change] #7613 Wait for suspend/unsuspend tasks to finish before marking service suspended/active
[change] #7614 On unsuspend OpenStack service wait for instances to be unshelved before attempting to start them
[change] #7667 Avoid orphan resources when terminating OpenStack services
[change] #7747 Add search for action field in filter dialog when filtering activity log
[change] #7772 Return same error codes if docker & docker compose packages are not found
[change] #7777 Add missing database instance backups permissions
[change] #7780 Update Fleio dependencies for 2024.01.0 release (including Python 3.11.7, Django 5, and Angular 17)
[change] #7799 Update Stripe gateway implementation to work with API version 2023-10-16
[change] #7814 Activate all DBaaS related features by default
[fix] #7763 Volume delete button is not the last one
[fix] #7765 End date is rounded on edit service cycle
[fix] [enduser] #7770 Private flavors not shown on create instance form
[fix] #7776 Testing RabbitMQ connection to invalid URL gives 500 error
[fix] [enduser] #7779 400 bad request error on register domain
[fix] [enduser] #7782 Generic error “Unable to create floating ip” on UI
[fix] #7783 Cannot create network - dns_domain error
[fix] #7784 Resize database instance flavor not working
[fix] #7788 Ticket status and last reply not updated after reply from email that adds CC recipients
[fix] #7789 “fleio restart” command takes too long
[fix] [enduser] #7794 Remote security groups dropdown items are not visible
[fix] [staff] #7800 Cannot save floating IP pricing rule
[fix] #7804 Revenue report tooltips are cut on mobile
[fix] #7806 Periodic task log details in Django admin does not load when there are many tasks in Fleio
[fix] [staff] #7809 Generic error when saving a new template with no changes made beforehand
[fix] #7811 Web container error when running fleio backup restore
[fix] [staff] #7813 Activity log shows {object_id} on create fail
[fix] [staff] #7815 Confusing failed activity log when adding credit to a manually suspended client
[fix] #7817 Missing flavor details after resizing database instance
[fix] [staff] #7819 Wrong order link in new order email
[fix] #7822 Security groups page browser title
[fix] #7825 “NameError: name ‘_’ is not defined” after adding ENDUSER_PASSWORD_LENGTH_ERROR to settings.py
[fix] [enduser] #7827 Generic error “Unable to create volume snapshot”
[fix] [staff] #7828 “Unknown activity” in activity log after terminating a service
[fix] #7830 Invoices are automatically paid with Stripe even if payment method is deactivated
[fix] [enduser] #7835 Health monitor cannot be edited/created with any type except HTTP or HTTPS
[fix] [enduser] #7837 Invalid protocol options on load balancer create new pool or listener
[fix] [enduser] #7840 Client cannot be edited if credit card validation is not completed
[fix] #7842 Migrations warning on 2024.01.0 fresh install
[fix] #7843 Unhealthy operations container after switching from web to full edition
[fix] [enduser] #7847 Load balancers not working correctly with regions
[fix] [staff] #7848 Activity log shows {instance_id} on create instance from ISO
[fix] #7850 Database instance quota error missing on create database instance form
[fix] #7851 Error “Unable to serialize: ‘instance_id” received when exceeding quota for database instances
[fix] #7853 Browser password autocomplete shown on create instance `root_password` field
[fix] #7857 Resize flavor submit button is still active even if no flavors are available
[fix] #7858 “ERROR TypeError: a is undefined” when clicking on Show All button from Cloud resources tab
[remove] #7701 “ConfigurationErrorMiddleware”
[remove] #7831 Unused closed client status
If you have a custom frontend theme or you are using Stripe payments, see Upgrading to 2024.01.
If you are using fleio-whmcs, you must update it to v.3.0.0 to work with Fleio version 2023.12 or greater. See Upgrading to 2023.12.