
Release date: 2024-03-11


2024.03.0 is a BETA version and it’s not recommended for production environment.

Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.

For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.

We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:


For the new “image_id” pricing rule filter and price modifier to work for already running instances, see Upgrading to 2024.03.


  • [add] [staff] #1888 Frontend for OpenStack region management

  • [add] #7926 More details in dns zones activity logs

  • [add] [staff] #7955 Support “image_id” attribute on instance price rule filters & modifiers. * For the new “image_id” pricing rule filter and price modifier to work for already running instances, see Upgrading to 2024.03.


  • [change] #6446 All number fields should show “Numeric value required” as error

  • [change] #7960 Update Fleio dependencies for 2024.03.0

  • [change] #7962 Add Fleio OTP Token in Django Admin

  • [change] #7976 Upgrade Stripe library to v8

  • [change] [staff] #7986 Move Default PTR settings to UI and allow region param


  • [fix] #6308 Handling of relative prices when changing default currency

  • [fix] #7940 Missing space between buttons on instance networking tab

  • [fix] #7958 SSH keys browser tab title display

  • [fix] [staff] #7965 Missing empty space before parenthesis and spelling error on set role as private/public

  • [fix] #7969 Server errors when synchronizing records are not displayed OK on dns zones

  • [fix] #7971 “Save all changes” button on DNS recordsets form enabled while there are no changes/invalid form

  • [fix] [staff] #7972 Activity logs show “create user” instead of “create API user”

  • [fix] [staff] #7974 Activity log shows {object_id} after getting OpenRC file

  • [fix] #7975 “API users” text is not formatted correctly in breadcrumbs and browser title

  • [fix] [enduser] #7979 Invoice title and ID not entirely visible on mobile size

  • [fix] [staff] #7981 “Update static routes” & “Update role assignments” buttons displayed for a few seconds on details tab

  • [fix] [staff] #7807 Message templates unrelated to notification shown in configuration settings

  • [fix] #7924 Discount value is added to client credit if greater than service price

  • [fix] #7934 Lots of “Active client not found from request” logs when active client is not sent in GET request parameters

  • [fix] #7977 Error while running “Create multiple instances” operation

  • [fix] [staff] #7983 Loader does not correctly overlay dialog after dialog form submit

  • [fix] [staff] #7984 Empty option in configuration -> “Suspension” message templates

  • [fix] [staff] #7985 Missing error message on setup fee field from configurable options

  • [fix] #7989 “fleio bash –root” command not working

  • [fix] [enduser] #7991 Generic error on add pool on Load balancer

  • [fix] [enduser] #7992 Wrongly redirected after deleting listeners, pools, health monitors or a L7 policies on Load balancer

  • [fix] [enduser] #7994 Generic error when creating another health monitor on load balancer

  • [fix] [staff] #7995 Infinite loading screen on edit service cycle form after submit

  • [fix] #7997 OpenStack images are sorted by default by unindexed field

  • [fix] [enduser] #8000 rDNS hyperlink on instance is not formatted properly

  • [fix] #8001 Instance cloud-init user data “Content-Type” header

  • [fix] #8002 Cut-off edit subnet tooltip

  • [fix] #8003 dns_domain error when updating a network on a region without designate

  • [fix] #8004 Instance cannot be created from bootable volume










  • For the new “image_id” pricing rule filter and price modifier to work for already running instances, see Upgrading to 2024.03.

  • Default PTR settings were moved from settings.py to frontend in the Settings -> OpenStack page on Defaults tab. Their values are automatically migrated so no action must be done on your part. From now on, you must edit them from related section.