Release date: 2024-06-19
2024.06.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2024.06.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2024.06.1, are marked with bold.
[add] [staff] #7440 Latest upstream Fleio version in App services widget
[add] #7746 Backup schedules for database instances
[add] #8095 Add region flag to prevent instance creation on region
[add] #8104 Info text that user must run “fleio django migrate” after backup restore made after upgrade from old version
[add] #8110 Action on terminated service to settle usage or issue invoices
[add] #7538 fleio show settings command
[change] #7097 Reduce wait time for processing batches of operations & make it configurable
[change] [staff] #7706 Add service cycle management restrictions
[change] #7895 “Cancelled” into “Canceled”
[change] #8089 Add billing data if missing on database instances sync
[change] #8108 Close in progres cycle when terminating a postpaid service
[change] #8109 Prevent deletion of terminated services with unsettled cycles
[fix] #8085 Internal server error 500 when accessing backup tab on database instances
[fix] [staff] #8094 New order message template help text missing some variables
[fix] [staff] #8103 500 internal server error when registering domain
[fix] #8105 Invalid license after license refresh on Alma Linux 9
[fix] [staff] #8106 Scrollbar appears on user card when hovering “Remove from group”
[fix] [enduser] #8107 Browser title formatting on billing history
[fix] #8112 “fleio upgrade” command not working without specifying version since 2024.04.0
[fix] #8113 “Unable to find image ‘hub.fleio.org/fleio_utils-2024-04:1’ locally” on any web edition upgrade
[fix] #8114 Endpoint ‘backend/api/openstack/billing/credit_and_invoicing_info’ taking too long when client has many instances
[fix] [staff] #8115 500 internal server error when accessing monthly revenue report
[fix] #8118 [staff] New user receives all permissions even if grant all permissions implicitly is false
[fix] #8119 Redirect after clicking on “Assign floating IP” button
[fix] [enduser] #8120 “Assign floating IP” not working on instance networking tab
[fix] [staff] #8122 Status line is too short when activity log text occupies more than three rows
[fix] [staff] #8123 Permissions are wrongly inherited from user group
[fix] [enduser] #8125 “ERROR TypeError: i is undefined” when opening Load Balancers section
[fix] #8126 Exception on ticket reply email notifications with attachments that have spaces in their names
[fix] #8128 Image size may wrongly show zero in billing history and cost is incorrect
[fix] [enduser] #8130 Object store, Heat stacks and Load balancer browser title formatting
[fix] #8132 Pricing rule start and end dates not working for Object storage
[fix] #8141 Error when processing clients
[fix] #8142 TypeError when uploading image from URL
[fix] [staff] #8146 Price is not displayed anymore on cycle service price after upgrade/downgrade
[fix] [staff] #8147 Last service cycle cannot be deleted
[fix] [enduser] #8206 Misaligned fields on sign up page on Firefox browser
[fix] #8207 Errors on fleio info and fleio license when an ironic hypervisor is present
[fix] #8208 Image upload is wrongly included in short operations
[fix] #8213 Backend errors on fresh install
[fix] #8214 Internal server error 500 on create API user
[fix] [enduser] #8215 Disabled regions still present in enduser panel on create Floating IP form
[fix] [staff] #8216 Overlapping widgets on dashboard
[fix] #8217 Code text exceeding the border in ticket reply
[fix] #8220 Text alignment after resetting the password
[fix] [staff] #8224 Client initial credit input is disabled in configurations after unchecking new client automation
[fix] [staff] #8229 Some region settings checkboxes remain active even if user unchecks “Enable region”
[fix] #8236 Cannot add image property if a non-ASCII property is already present
[fix] #8241 Misaligned fields in the app
[fix] #8248 Process clients error