Release date: 2023-06-22
2023.06.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2023.06.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2023.06.1, are marked with bold.
[add] [staff] #6238 Filter clients by country
[change] #6714 Fleio should remain in a valid state if upgrade fails
[add] #6869 Resource UUID in billing history
[add] [staff] #6954 Discounts on service
[add] #6998 Check domain lock on transfer
[add] #7005 Conditional fields on clients and contacts
[add] [staff] #7006 Explanatory text regarding product upgrades
[add] [staff] #7033 Option to not/require email confirmation for existing users
[add] #7045 Database instance root management (Trove)
[add] [staff] #7070 Authorization for client email log
[add] #7071 IDPs warning on “fleio reconfigure”
[change] #6656 Better display for python system logs
[change] #6967 Use running utils container for bash and shell commands
[change] #6994 Help text closer to config. option in order form
[change] #7008 Billing cycles are full days in the settings.py time zone
[change] #7103 Add configuration setting “Auto unsuspend client on credit update”
[change] [staff] #7014 Show ticket opener email in tickets list, client column
[change] #7055 Set email verified on SAML login
[change] [staff] #7085 Set auto order service/cycle fields as required in Configurations “New client automation”
[change] #7089 Update dependencies for 2023.06
[change] #7099 Make ip optional on router add interface
[fix] #6671 If Dockerfile customization build fail, upgrade is partially performed
[fix] [staff] #6900 Overlapping icons with text on cards view of TODOs
[fix] #6995 “Order product failed, please contact support” on quantity step mismatch
[fix] #6999 ENTER key on edit boxes does not submit order form
[fix] #7001 Wrong message when domain is added to cart: “Domain transferred successfully”
[fix] [enduser] #7007 Default nameservers are not used on anonymoyus domain registration
[fix] [staff] #7025 Internal server error 500 after entering a too long text in Edit subnet pool
[fix] [staff] #7026 Internal server error 500 when editing volume backup with missing project relationship
[fix] [staff] #7027 Internal server error 500 after entering a too long text in Create tax rule
[fix] [staff] #7029 Error [Object object] displayed when creating Domain contact
[fix] [staff] #7030 Description text from TODOs details overflows card border
[fix] [enduser] #7034 Heat resource types not visible on dark mode
[fix] #7035 Too long company info shown on invoices will overflow the margins
[add] #7046 Support resize database instance flavor (Trove)
[fix] [staff] #7052 502 error after click on Edit service that has 24 conf. options
[fix] [staff] #7057 Edit service conf. opt. with cycles that do not match with service selected cycle
[fix] #7064 No error details on failed instance rebuild
[fix] #7083 Mysql deadlocks caused by periodic tasks
[fix] [staff] #7084 Internal server error 500 after clicking on Create client
[fix] #7093 Closing volume backup edit dialog without saving show “Backup update scheduled message”
[fix] [staff] #7095 Cannot edit service
[fix] [enduser] #7096 404 error after opening Email log on Web edition
[fix] [staff] #7101 Edit Tiered Pricing rule form not working
[fix] #7102 SAML2 login does not work if Fleio url is configured with a subpath
[fix] [staff] #7104 Add rule description is not shown on Security group details
[fix] #7105 Too long company info text shown on client card will overflow the client icon
[fix] [staff] #7106 Internal server error 500 if IdP is deleted from Jump cloud
[fix] [enduser] #7107 Internal server error 500 on Networks after deleting a project
[fix] [staff] #7108 Filter by user group not working
[fix] #7112 UpdateD errors when database instance has no related server
[fix] #7113 Private conf. option is shown on invoice
[fix] #7114 Yes/No conf. opt. missing value on invoice
[fix] [staff] #7115 Cannot delete Image with missing project relationship
[fix] #7116 2FA checkbox “Don’t ask again on this device” not working if you switch panels
[fix] #7117 Ensure all services have private conf. opts. from the product assigned
[fix] #7119 Volume Price rule Filter by instance_related_flavor not working properly after resize
[fix] #7121 Instance IP Price rule Filter by flavor_name not working properly after resize
[fix] [staff] #7128 Email verified at always updated when user is saved with “has verified email” checked
[fix] #7129 Private conf. opt. price is summed up on enduser invoice only upon generating a new service cycle
[fix] #7136 Upgrade/Downgrade service does not work
[fix] #7138 “fleio openstack” command not working if INFO logs are enabled
[fix] #7178 Stripe payments not working with latest API version
[fix] [enduser] #7180 User is not redirected to confirm email page from dashboard if he also needs to validate a credit card
[remove] [enduser] #7000 Domain registration additional options when price not defined
[remove] [enduser] #7004 Clients & users main menu options