Release date: 2020-10-13
v2020.10.1 is a stable version and also includes all the items noted in 2020.10.0 changelog
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
Add logs for pricing rules actions. Log edited fields, filters, modifiers values.
Add configurable password strength
Add setting to configure default items display mode (cards or list) in new Angular frontend
Add support for icon next to details card title in new angular frontend
Add hidden field option to Magnum cluster templates and take it into account
Add feature toggle for end user client profile country change
Use operations for creating instance from image, from existing volume or from volume snapshot
Make Magnum clusters work with Openstack notifications
Allow filtering invoices by client
Show if a DNS recordset is in status ERROR. Make the row’s text and input fields red and display status.
Check “Auto delete volume when instance is terminated” by default
Log all suspend/resume client operations
Allow using quotes in search. A quoted string will be treated as a word
Allow searching operations by id in django admin
Ensure auto payment is not triggered for zero credit invoices
Reorganize General settings Authentication and TOS tabs
Implement auto setup on order for all types of products
Prevent creation of two pricing plans with the same name
Add specific deletion success or failure messages for every object delete action (instances, volumes, images, etc).
Set create instance activity log entries as failed if create instance fails
Change description for billing cycle as calendar month configuration option
Change label for when order is placed box
Show access ip and actions on smaller screens on instances list page in angular new staff panel
Remove the need to hover for action buttons to appear on smaller screens
Use regions from Fleio db when processing clients metrics and remove some unnecessary requests. Add can_process_metrics field for regions.
Use html editor on terms of service’s content input in new staff panel
Remove ‘Instance’ text prefix from instance card details title in new staff panel
Allow filtering networks by region when creating floating IPs. Remove required constraint from description field
Display only images matching instance’s flavor requirements on boot from iso and rescue pages
Show actual error message when trying to associate IP to instance and no free ports/floating ips are available
Add client details to images in angular frontend
*Notify user using a toast when an operation is failed
*Make sure to not process backup schedules for instances that are not related to an active service
Fix #3494: Delete queued image on http error when uploading image from url
Fix #3505: Fix client status not being refreshed on client details properly
Fix #3506: Create flavor form does not close after create
Fix #3507: Fix no error displayed when attempting to delete a flavor group with assigned flavor
Fix #3518: Fix infinite scroll not working when missing scrollbar (on large screen resolutions) by adding a button to load more entries
Fix #3523: Fix fedora-coreos icon on reseller
Fix #3528: Entering a zone details with a lot of DNS recordsets takes a lot of time
Fix #3533: Fix errors from browser console on new staff panel dashboard when no Openstack settings are saved and feature is used.
Fix #3538: Fix tab content not being refreshed periodically in certain situations
Fix #3540: Fix hideVolumeSelectionForFlavorsWithDisk setting not working at first selection in new angular panels. Show flavor group description in flavors as cards.
Fix #3541, #3441, #3548: Fix image launch when not using flavors as cards & fix out of stock flavors not being disabled on flavors as cards in new staff panel. Filter flavors on image launch
Fix #3549: Fix price rule deletion
Fix #3551: Instance snapshots status is not being updated
*Fix #3576: Ensure delete volume on termination is set to false when a volume or volume snapshot is selected as the boot source
Fix #3565: Align instance actions (start, stop, reboot, etc.)
Fix #3567: Flavor group is not correctly displayed on flavors card view in Angular
Fix #3569: Fix create subnet when a DNS is specified
Fix #3591: Remove CPU MB unit on flavor details
*Fix #3604: Fix kubernetes icon for end user
*Fix #3608: Fix some in progress statuses for clusters not appearing in fleio after using event notifications
*Fix #3609: Fix clusters being duplicated at create when keypair was already generated in openstack before
Docker installation
*Removed help text from edit port screen