Release date: 2021-03-10
v2021.03.1 is a stable version. This Changelog also lists all items from 2021.03.0 Changelog. New fixes, added in this release, are marked with bold.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow one of the following safe upgrade procedure:
[add] [enduser] Heat support
[add] #2429 User confirmation using credit card
[change] #3079 Add flag to not dynamically load custom themes
[add] #3918 Create image from volume
[add] #3945 Loading progress on first page load
[add] #3976 Reseller in docker deployment
[add] #4065 Script to import domains pricing from csv
[add] #4109 reCaptcha on client signup form
[add] #4182
fleio set license
command[add] #4191
fleio mysql
command[add] #4201 Flag to disable periodic tasks
[add] #4202
fleio list periodic
command[add] #4227 fleio bash command piped input
[add] #4241 Email notifications on automatic payment success/failure
[add] #4258 Additional email addresses in ticket department
[change] #4039 process clients: List Gnocchi metrics first to reduce API calls
[change] [staff] #3707 Detailed error on create instance operation when spawned in error state
[change] #4167 Remove online VAT validation for UK clients
[change] #4223 Limit billable seconds per month to 2678399
[change] [enduser] #4276 Remove calls to clients api on instance create
[fix] #3964 Process client tasks fails to run after an error in process clients
[fix] #2107 Clusters & cluster templates are not deleted on client termination
[fix] #4177 Adding a new filter or modifier on pricing rules scrolls you to the top of the page
[fix] #4197 Create flavor is not mobile responsive
[fix] [enduser] #4198 Missing IP when ordering cpanel manage2 product
[fix] #4205 Missing table titles on clients and user details
[fix] [enduser] #4209 No select domain screen when ordering product requiring domain
[fix] #4211 Hide detach volume when volume is root volume
[change] [enduser] #4214 Filter by enable_network(regions) in floating IP for external networks
[fix] [staff] #4216 Error on networks list when network remains without project
[fix] #4217 Deleting client without resources will remove the project from fleio database
[fix] #4226 Images may overflow on ticket details
[fix] #4228 Resellers cannot be deleted
[fix] #4243 API user and password placeholders
[fix] #4256 Use email as username setting is not persistent
[fix] #4257 Deactivating then reactivating recurrent payment option may make it unusable
[fix] [enduser] #4270 Cannot create volume from image or from existing volume
[fix] #4278 Incorrect urls on volume snapshots and backups
Angular end-user panel is disabled by default. You can enable the angular frontend for enduser by adding ANGULAR_ENDUSER_FRONTEND = True in settings.py file followed up by restarting Fleio (see Restarting Fleio)
Note that the system package (deb/rpm) repos deployment of Fleio will be deprecated in a few months (last release that includes deb/rpm system packages will be in May 2021 - releases 2021.05.0 beta and 2021.05.1 stable). Deploying Fleio with docker will be the only way to run Fleio. Therefore we encourage everyone to test docker deployment in a lab environment as soon as possible.
#4109 reCaptcha on client signup form and #2429 User confirmation using credit card will work only with the new angular frontend. Activating these features will break the client signup on AngularJS frontend. Please see How to replace enduser AngularJS panel with the new enduser Angular panel.
If you have an active license and you want to test the Beta release, please contact us at support at fleio.com
In 2021.06 release we will remove the frontend customization feature. These customizations will be done entirely in Docker.
Translations in their current form will not work on the new angular frontend. We are working on implementing a new way to add translations to the new angular frontend too.