Release date: 2022-12-19
2022.12.1 is a stable version.
Fleio uses the continuous delivery model, read more at Fleio release model.
For a full index of Fleio releases see changelog.
We recommend you to follow the safe upgrade procedure:
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2012.22. See Upgrading to 2022.12.
The following list includes the issues that were part of the 2022.12.0 BETA release. New issues, that are first released in 2022.12.1, are marked with bold.
[add] #6081 Currency conversion formula on add currency dialog
[add] #6095 More format buttons to ticket form
[add] [staff] #6097 Green bar on enabled payment gateways
[add] #6208 Details to task logs when deleting OpenStack project
[add] #6217 Region and project ID on OpenStack image details
[add] #6239 To field on ticket
[add] #6273 Fleio support for AlmaLinux 9 and Rocky Linux 9
[add] #6290 fleio openstack command
[add] #6291 Shelve feature toggle
[add] [staff] #6293 Missing fields on service detail: is free, override price, do not suspend until
[add] #6320 fleio django command
[add] #6364 Support for piped input fleio mysql, bash and shell commands
[change] #4665 Sort command in fleio help alphabetically
[change] [enduser] #5931 Show credit too low message on create forms before submit
[change] #6093 Show loader on dialog submit
[change] #6094 Always Show 2/configured decimal count on billing history
[change] #6124 Automatically re-create service cycle when all were deleted
[change] #6146 Check all notifications by default on add support department
[change] #6165 Load billing history data on Billing history tab click and selecting another service
[change] #6187 Messages when connecting to OpenStack during Fleio upgrade
[change] #6204 Allow style/width/height HTML attributes on images in tickets from emails
[change] [staff] #6214 Improve task log in activity
[change] #6221 Update third party software
[change] [staff] #6224 Show project ID as lowercase on project edit page
[change] #6259 Free services should emit invoice based on “Do not invoice services with zero price”
[change] [staff] #6267 Client details label “Current credit” to “Credit”
[change] #6277 Update python to 3.10.8
[change] #6287 source new utils script before upgrade
[change] [staff] #6295 Hide override price when service is free
[change] [staff] #6299 “Client signup automation” text to “New client automation”
[change] #6375 Send mail to admins only for exception and critical logs
[change] #6380 Improve unmatched flavor for instance log in sync
[fix] #5780 Payment date in the add payment tab on invoice details is not saved
[fix] #6084 Crash on syntax error in price estimate template
[fix] #6104 Error when adding product with long description to cart: Data too long for column ‘description’
[fix] #6107 Containers crash if secrets in DB cannot be decrypted (e.g. invalid SECRET_KET)
[fix] #6136 AssertionError: Invalid billing dates requested
[fix] #6143 Some autocomplete fields do not open on focus from keyboard TAB
[fix] #6151 fleio manage, start, stop commands missing autocomplete
[fix] [enduser] #6168 Billing history of second client shows empty screen and JS error
[fix] #6169 OpenStack project is not created when second client is added
[fix] #6188 Crash when changing billing plan
[fix] #6194 Endless toast “Your client has no active OpenStack project”
[fix] [enduser] #6197 Can request cancellation on terminated services
[fix] #6198 Billing history shows rising usage even if service is free
[fix] #6199 When changing service’s OpenStack project estimated cycle cost is not updated
[fix] #6223 fleio commands like upgrade continue when backup fails due to bc or gzip missing
[fix] #6225 Buttons are not disabled on dialogs after action button click
[fix] #6229 Exception when retrieving metrics
[fix] #6243 Form buttons are not disabled after action button click
[fix] #6253 Total price shown in client currency instead of service currency on billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6254 Estimated cycle cost on billing history always shown in client currency
[fix] #6271 Replace left references of docker-compose from fleio command texts
[fix] #6272 Cannot install on unsupported distro even when docker is installed
[fix] #6278 Circular progress is not visible on long forms submit
[fix] #6279 If db container is down errors are not handled
[fix] [enduser] #6280 Cannot cycle back to current billing history
[fix] [enduser] #6282 OpenStack HEAT stack shows Outputs [object Object]
[fix] #6286 Error processing client - ‘NoneType’ object has no attribute ‘cycle’
[fix] #6289 Create client w/ auto order (no client currency cycles) is missing error details
[fix] [staff] #6298 Correct capitalization in “OpenStack plans” breadcrumb
[fix] #6301 Estimated cycle cost on billing history is rounded in a wrong way
[fix] #6327 Info icon on edit TXT record on DNS zone shows no text
[fix] #6346 Clicking recreate task button under activity toggles task details
[fix] #6348 Error on simple password is not shown on instance rescue
[fix] #6352 Expanded task under activity does not load ending log lines when in progress
[fix] #6354 docker-compose-plugin is not installed on upgrade or install if Docker latest is already installed
[fix] #6363 fleio command does not start utils container if stopped with docker command
[fix] [enduser] #6376 Broken page when non-owner accesses client details
[fix] [enduser] #6378 Missing avatars on ticket details
[fix] #6379 Frontend dependency vulnerabilities
[fix] [staff] #6386 Settings -> OpenStack -> Defaults tab may make browser tab unresponsive
[fix] [enduser] #6387 Load balancer create form shows resource options from another region than default LBaaS region
[fix] #6393 Download volume snapshot image returns invalid token
[fix] #6405 Task name: No display text found for log class “cron sync hypervisors”
[fix] #6407 Product price models “Fixed plus dynamic” and “Dynamic but at least fixed” not working when estimating cycle cost
[fix] #6424 Billing history total price is wrong for services with fixed price
[fix] [staff] #6430 Users added without Last & First name
[fix] #6431 Profile not saved when first and last name are empty
[fix] [staff] #6435 Lock wait timeout exceeded error when adding credit
[fix] #6437 Removed chip option does not show again in autocomplete selection options
[fix] #6444 `ENDUSER_PASSWORD_MIN_LEN` & all other password min chars settings are ignored when showing error message
[fix] #6441 Sync crashes if one OpenStack endpoint is not available
[fix] [staff] #6452 Password on edit user shown as required
[fix] #6456 While deleting client with load balancers, celery container may get broken and activity fails
[fix] #6457 Expanded activity may not show all tasks even if tasks count is correct
[fix] [staff] #6460 Activity log shows “{object_id}” for staff creating client instead of actual id
[remove] [staff] #6240 Ticket internal status (pinned is used now)
[remove] [staff] #6294 Unused “Next expiration date” field
A manual step may be required after you upgrade to 2012.22. See Upgrading to 2022.12.