Staff / Cloud / Cluster Templates

Cluster templates area


Create new cluster template

To create a cluster template go to the Clusters templates section from the Main Menu, Cloud and then click on the Create cluster template button (bottom right).


Cluster templates can be created in the admin’s project or the client’s project. Select the desired project and edit the following fileds:

../_images/cluster-template-form1.png ../_images/cluster-template-form2.png

After creating a cluster template, it will be displayed as above:


Cluster templates can be displayed either as card view or in list view:

../_images/cluster-template-card-view.png ../_images/cluster-template-list-view.png

Edit a cluster template

Hover over a cluster template and notice that the following icons will appear:

  • Edit

  • Delete


Filter and sorting

Cluster templates can be filtered by:

  • Created at

  • Client

  • Is public

  • Floating IP enabled

  • Region

Cluster templates can be sorted by:

  • Name

  • Created at

  • Region

../_images/cluster-template-filter.png ../_images/cluster-template-sort.png