Fleio 2022.08.1 stable was released today, 9th of August, 2022.

The latest version is marked as stable and can be used in production environment. You can read more about our release model here.

Multi-choice predefined options for filters and modifiers

In the latest release, we have added a much needed improvement on the OpenStack pricing rule feature. The new improvement consists of adding predefined options that you can choose, when configuring the filters and modifiers:

As you can see in the picture from above, instead of having to manually add the network IDs, which was prone to human error, you can now select the network, from a list that is generated directly from your OpenStack. Additionally, you can also manually configure values that might not be displayed in that list:

This should make the configuration of filters and modifiers more easy, and it should significantly reduce the change of human errors.

Estimated instance monthly revenue report

With the 2022.08 release we have also added a new revenue report which will show you the estimated instance monthly revenue report, broken down into regions and flavors:

Depending on the number of instances that you might have, generating this report could take up to a few minutes, so please do not refresh the page if the report is not instantly generated.

Note that in the 2022.08 release, the report is not saved in the Fleio database, and it’s only displayed when directly accessing the estimated instance monthly revenue report, in the Utilities -> Reports menu.

Activity log enhancement

In the latest release we also worked on improving the activity log. With 2022.08 release, you should now be able to see activity logs for almost any action which results in a change (e.g. deleting an instance, creating a snapshot of a volume, paying an invoice, generating a new report, etc).

Deprecating reseller functionality

The reseller panel and functionalities are hardly used by the Fleio customers. And for this reason we have decided to deprecate it. Removing features that are not used allows us to improve Fleio quality and to focus our effort on functionality that is used by a large number of customers.

Reseller panel will be removed in the next several months. No date is set yet, but it will not be removed sooner than 6 months. During the next period we will maintain the reseller panel code base, but new features have a lower priority.

Please contact us if you have any feedback on this.

Keep in mind that in order to upgrade Fleio to the latest version, you need to follow this guide.

Fleio 2022.08.1 includes many more improvements and bug fixes. For a full list, see the full 2022.08.1 changelog.

See the latest version of Fleio in the online demo and contact us to discuss how we can implement Fleio in your OpenStack cloud.