Fleio 2019.06: two-factor authentication, volume backup and more

Fleio version 2019.06 is now available! The latest version enables you to secure the end-user and staff user accounts with two-factor authentication, clients can create volume backups and some new customization options are now available.

Scan the QR code with your phone to enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is now available for end-users and staff users. You can let your users choose if they enable it or you can enforce users to enable it. Time-based One-time Password is available through the Google Authenticator mobile app or other compatible applications, like Authy. SMS authentication is also available with a module for Amazon SNS SMS. You can easily add other SMS providers by writing one simple Python function that sends SMS.

Volume backup

OpenStack volume backup

Fleio users can create full backups and incremental backups. This uses the Cinder backup operation, that means it will work with any storage driver.

Easily customize color scheme

You can now easily customize the user interface color scheme with a simple JavaScript function and ensure that your changes are not overwritten on upgrades. Fleio uses the AngularJS Material themes.

Version 2019.06 includes many more improvements, like support for subnet editing, custom HTTP headers in JavaScript requests (useful for Cloudflare Access integration), setting to issue invoice X days before the due date. For a full list see the 2019.06 change log.

See the latest version of Fleio in the online demo and contact us to discuss how we can implement Fleio in your OpenStack cloud.


  1. 2fa supports Yubikey FIDO2?

  2. Yubikey FIDO2 is not supported now. We plan to add support for more Yubikey protocols.

  3. Of the two authentication methods (OTP via SMS and Google authenticator) the google authenticator method is the more secure (SMS is vulnerable to sim swaps etc).

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