The big news that comes with Fleio 2022.11.1 stable release is support for the latest OpenStack release – Zed.

OpenStack Zed highlights include enhanced security features and expanded hardware enablement. Zed was released one month ago and it is now officially supported by Fleio. Our internal development pipeline also tests each GIT commit with a live Zed installation.

You can read about Fleio 2022.11 features and improvements in the 2022.11.0 BETA announcement blog post.

2022.11.1 includes several bug fixes, including [fix] #6256 MariaDB generates lots of errors Incorrect definition of table mysql.column_stats. The bug was introduced in 2022.10.1 and it was causing the MariaDB container to create lots of log entries. On busy Fleio installations, this could fill up the storage space. We recommend that you upgrade to 2022.11.1 as soon as possible.

For a full list of changes, see 2022.11.1 change log.