Fleio 2022.09.1 stable was released today, 13th of September, 2022.
The latest version is marked as stable and can be used in production environment. You can read more about our release model here.

Billing for load balancers
With the latest release we have added billing for load balancers. After upgrading to 2022.09 release, you will be able to create pricing rules based on load balancer existence or based on the number of amphorae instances.
Choosing existence
will define the price per load balancer, but note that only load balancers with at least one amphorae instance are considered.

Choosing amphora_instance_count
means billing is based on how many amphora instances exist for the related load balancer at a time.

As for filters/modifiers, you will be able to use the Region
or the Amphorae instance count
Fleio reconfigure command
In the 2022.09 release we also implemented a new fleio command, which will allow you to easily reconfigure Fleio: fleio reconfigure
This command comes in handy when you want to change the URL on which Fleio is accessible, or when you want to switch from NON-SSL (http://) to SSL (https://).
Note that these changes usually requires a license reset and you will be informed if this is required when you run the fleio reconfigure
Pricing rules filters for custom metrics
Prior to 2022.09 release, you would be able to create a custom metric, but there was no way to add any filters or modifiers for these metrics.
With the latest release you will also worked on improving the pricing rules, by adding the possibility to add filters for metrics and for custom metrics. In a future release we will also implement modifiers to these type of pricing rules.

Yearly revenue report
In the 2022.09 release we also implemented a new report: Yearly revenue report
This new report can be generated only by staff users, by accessing Utilities -> Reports menu.
In this iteration, the report is not saved in the Fleio database, and it’s generated when accessing the yearly revenue report option. The report can also be exported to a .csv file.

Fleio is now available on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9
With the latest release, we also added RHEL 9 to the supported operating systems list. As a reminder, Fleio can be installed on Ubuntu 18.04/20.04/22.04, Debian 11, CentOS 8, and, with 2022.09.0, you can also install Fleio on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9.
Keep in mind that in order to upgrade Fleio to the latest version, you need to follow this guide.
Fleio 2022.09.1 includes many more improvements and bug fixes. For a full list, see the full 2022.09.1 changelog.
See the latest version of Fleio in the online demo and contact us to discuss how we can implement Fleio in your OpenStack cloud.
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