Fleio v2020.12.1 was released today, 16th of December.

The latest version is marked as stable and can be used in production environment (read more about our release model here).

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Swift object store

In the last blog post, we have announced that we have added Swift object store to our support Openstack projects.

With the latest release you will be able to:

  • create and delete containers
  • update containers
  • create and delete folders inside containers
  • upload and delete files inside containers
  • configure the access policy to your container

Note that in order to use swift object store you will have to enable the angular end user in settings.py, by following this guide. If you’re upgrading from an older Fleio version, please follow the upgrade steps too.

Swift object store can also be tested on our public demo, which is available here.

Automated Let’s Encrypt SSL in docker install

With the latest release you will be able to automatically add SSL certificate to your Fleio installation. For this you need to install Fleio using the docker deployment guide.

We would like to remind you that the packages installation method will become obsolete in a few months and it would be the best if you start using docker installation method in your testing environment.

Docker install script will take about 3 minutes from start to end.

If you don’t want to use a Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate you will have the option to chose a self signed certificate, or no certificate.

Show periodic task duration

With the latest release we have changed the way that the periodic task duration was display. This was a necessary change since the old format was pretty user unfriendly.

With the new format the task duration is much more easier to read and it will allow you to have a better perspective on the tasks.

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Easier debugging

In the 2020.12 release we have also added very needed changes to the docker installations.

Besides the SSL certififcate that we have talked earlier about we also added a –debug flag to the installation script, and to all fleio commands.

This will help you to understand more on what’s happening behind the scenes. For example, if you use the –debug flag on fleio status command, you will have a more detailed output.

Besides that, we have also added a new setting for logging the openstack event notifications, which defaults to false:


This new setting will enable a more detailed logging for the payloads received from openstack.

Improved profile notifications

In 2020.12 we have added a few improvements and much needed changes to the profile notifications page, such as:

  • read all button
  • filters for seen/not seen and status
  • changed the sorting (now the notifications are sorted by newest)
  • highlight the notifications that were not seen (they are bold now)
  • action button to mark a notification as seen/not seen

New features toggles in settings.py

In 2020.12.1 we have added the following new settings in the base_settings.py file:

'billing.credit_estimate': True

This will allow you to enable or disable the credit estimate feature.

'openstack.object-store': True

The Angular enduser frontend is disabled by default due to being still in an early development phase. However, if you want to use the Swift object store, you will have to enable it by following the guides mentioned earlier.

Fleio 2020.12.1 includes many more improvements and bug fixes. For a full list see the full 2020.12 changelog.

See the latest version of Fleio in the online demo and contact us to discuss how we can implement Fleio in your OpenStack cloud.

UPDATE: We have released 2020.12.2 in the meanwhile with a single bug fix. See the changelog here.

Swift integration is sponsored by Binero, a Swedish cloud provider and an important OpenStack contributor.

Sponsored development is a good way to have your desired feature quicker in Fleio for a one-time payment. We accept sponsored features that make sense for a broad audience. We take over the sponsored feature providing future updates and support.