We and our partners have further tested the 2023.01.0 (beta) version and we are now releasing 2023.01.1 – stable release.

Select country, auto complete field

This release cycle was a shorter one due to the holidays, but we still have over 50 issues in our changelog. Most of the issues focus on improved user experience, e.g.:

  • The improved auto complete field now acts in a more predictable and user-friendly fashion.
  • When opening a form, including dialogs, the focus is automatically set to the first edit field.
  • Improvements and bug fixes on OpenStack products that are using price options “fixed plus dynamic” and “dynamic but at least fixed”
  • More improvements in circular and linear loaders to offer the user some feedback regarding what’s going on in the app.

Several other bug fixes are shown in the 2023.01.1 change log.