Today, 3rd of September, 2020 we have released v2020.09.0 (beta).

This beta version includes complete angular frontend for staff, changes on clusters and clusters templates, tweaks on process clients cron and more.

Angular staff journey

We are happy to announce that with the latest Fleio release we have completed the new staff Frontend. In the last few months we have gradually migrated the staff Frontend from AngularJS to Angular.

In the next developing cycle we will focus on fixing UI issues that we might have missed and also moving /newstaff into his rightfull place of /staff.

We would like to hear your feedback regarding the new Frontend staff!

Clusters and cluster templates changes

In the last release we have made some changes to clusters and clusters templates, so we can bring them up to date with the latest Openstack releases.

With this we have now a few new options in file, that will allow you to:

  • configure the default image/compatible images with COE
  • configure the default network driver
  • configure a list of COEs

Besides that, we have also implemented a way to assign specific flavors to specific cluster templates.

Tweaks of process clients cron

In the 2020.09.0 we got aware of an issue related to the process clients cron cache.

It seems that if you added a pricing rule while the process clients cron was running, it would not take into account the filters and modifiers.

This was fixed with the 2020.09.0 release, but if you are using an older version and this happens to you all you have to do is to run process clients cron again. It will take into account the filters and modifiers this time and your clients will get their credit back (if they were affected by this).

Fleio 2020.09 includes many more improvements and bug fixes which will be detailed in more depth in a few days, when we will release the stable version. At this moment the beta changelog can be found here.

See the latest version of Fleio in the online demo and contact us to discuss how we can implement Fleio in your OpenStack cloud.