Fleio 2019.01 release: boot from volume, client and OpenStack flavor groups

We have just released Fleio 2019.01.


Starting with this release we are changing the versioning scheme to YEAR.MONTH. This reflects better our rolling release model and the month the version was released. We continue to release Fleio versions every month, each version includes new features and bug fixes. We will release more than one version per month, if urgent bugs require a fix.

Here are some the features included in Fleio 2019.01:

  • Image upload. End users and can now upload images into OpenStack Glance storage and use them to deploy compute instances.
  • Add volume boot option when creating a new OpenStack instance. Like most of the Fleio features, this can be enabled or disabled. See feature toggle documentation.
  • We’ve added many more user authorizations items for end users and staff users.
  • Client groups and OpenStack instance flavor groups
  • New filters on list views: filter instances by OpenStack compute node and by image/operating system, filter floating IPs by client, filter flavors by group, filter images by client, virtualization type, public/private visibility, filter DNS zones by client.
  • allow users to rebuild instances from insance snapshots
  • optimize plugin loading

As usual, full feature list and bug fix list are in the change log.

Leave us a comment and let us know how your cloud venture is going and how can Fleio help.



  1. Are LXD/LXC containers supported by Fleio?

  2. Yes, containers are supported by OpenStack Nova and they run smooth in Fleio.

    We’re actually working to include in Fleio a console that works with containers.

  3. I see you have a WHMCS integration module. How is this working with WHMCS?

  4. Integration with WHMCS works on pre-paid model.

    Customers order the cloud product from WHMCS, prepaying a fee you choose on the WHMCS product, then the Fleio user account is created and the pre-paid amount is recorded in Fleio.

    Customer can then cosume the credit from Fleio by creating compute instances, volumes etc.

    Email notifications are sent when credit balance is near zero and when is zero and customer can add credit from WHMCS.

    Optionally, you can set suspend and terminate rules from Fleio on low balance or negative balance.

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